STRANDMUSIK: The development of the beach as a popular leisure resort from the mid-19th century was the first manifestation of what is now the global tourist industry. The first seaside resorts were opened in the 18th century for the aristocracy, who began to frequent the seaside as well as the then fashionable spa towns, for recreation and ...
World Travel 11 / Weltreise 11 / Viagens pelo Mundo 11 / Viajes Mundiales 11
HEIMWEH: Heimweh ist die Sehnsucht in der Fremde, wieder in der Heimat zu sein. Zahlreiche Kunstwerke, Lieder und Bücher aus allen Jahrhunderten berichten vom schmerzenden Gefühl, fernab der Heimat zu sein. Das Wort Heimweh steht im wörtlichen Gegensatz zu Fernweh, der Sehnsucht in die Ferne. Heimweh is the distress or impairment caused by an actual or anticipated separation ...
World Travel 10 / Weltreise 10 / Viagens pelo Mundo 10 / Viajes Mundiales 10
DANCING WITH LONELINESS: I'm dancing with my loneliness again...I'm dancing with my loneliness againSlowly to the music from withinI'm dancing with my loneliness againFeeling it can be my only friend And I won't let myself go it's too near -Too near to hear, near to hear... to hear... I'm dancing with my loneliness insideKnowing there's no place where ...