On 10 February 1606 Portuguese navigator Pedro Fernandes de Queirós, serving the Spanish Crown in an expedition to Terra Australis, was perhaps the first European to set eyes on the island of Tahiti. On 18 June 1767 lieutenant Samuel Wallis, who was circumnavigating the globe, was the first European to have visited Tahiti. Captain James Cook was ...
Global Wealth Inequality / Globale Reichtum Ungleichheit / Desigualdade na Riqueza Global /
The Distribution of Wealth is a comparison of the wealth of various members or groups in a Society. Inequality is no longer simply a matter of poor people living in less developed countries and rich people living in more developed countries. Global inequality not only increases across the World as a whole, but within most countries in the World, billions of poor ...
An ordinary Life / Ein gewöhnliches Leben / Uma vida Ordinária / Una vida Ordinaria
As a child, you wanted to be a fireman, then a singer, then a movie star, then an astronaut, then an archeologist specializing in dinosaurs. In college you wanted to become a doctor, then an economist but found it too hard, so after switching twice, you ended up becoming a teacher, figuring you change the World ...
How will you Die / Wie wirst Du Sterben / Como você vai Morrer / Como vas a Morir
How you will die in the sense of how you will meet God? In nearly every instance, a person dies the same way they lived. Most people die in a hospital, and at the time of death they are under very heavy medication. And most of the time, they are not in their right mind; therefore they cannot ...