Goodbye sweet romance - I am flying away now - Goodbye sweet romance - I am flying away now - To num aviao saindo fora embora - estou num aviao saindo fora pra cima - Estou num aviao saindo fora - Agora vou embora - Esta na hora - Bye bye bye - Je ne sais pas qu'est ce que c'est - Il faut que je ...
I want a Divorce / Ich will eine Scheidung / Eu quero um Divórcio / Quiero el Divorcio
I have been separated from my husband now for nearly 5 years and I desperately want a divorce. But I can not find him! I do not know what to do. I called him, no answer. I called his company, he has not shown up. I called the police, they can not find him. I called the ...
Deep Listening / Tiefes Zuhören / Escuta Profunda / Escuchando Profundamente
What is deep listening? Sema is a greeting from the secret ones inside the heart, a letter. The branches of your intelligence grow new leaves in the wind of this listening. The body reaches a peace. Rooster sound comes, reminding you of your Love for dawn. The reed flute and the singer's lips. The knack of how spirit breathes into us becomes as simple and ordinary ...