The pain of Separation / Der Schmerz der Trennung / A dor de Separação / El dolor de la Separación

Once longing is awakened within the heart it is the most direct way home. Like the magnet it draws us deep within our own heart where we are made whole and transformed. This is why the Sufi mystics have always stressed the importance of longing. Your whole life must be one of longing. Yet our present Western Society ...

1943-02-22 Munich, Germany / White Rose / Weiße Rose / Rosa Branca / Rosa Blanca

The color white has always been synonymous with purity and virtue. And so, sincerity, purity, and chastity are some of the meanings of a white rose. White has ever been a symbol of innocence, of a World unspoiled. The meaning of a white rose is innocence and spiritual Love. The white rose glorifies a Love that is ...