2013-03-10 Natal, Brazil / Sound of Silence / Geräusch der Stille / Som do Silêncio / Sonido de Silencio

The sound of silence is an infinite source of Love that transcended my life. The sound of silence is a sound that reflects the ever present connection of Love across space and time. I did not seek the sound of silence, it just arose in the quiet of my mind. The sound of silence never leaves. The ...

1915-03-10 Souain, France / Paths of Glory / Wege zum Ruhm / Glória Feita de Sangue / Senderos de Gloria

The bayonet assault began at 5 am on March 10th, 1915 against a stretch of enemy trenches that was heavily defended by machine guns and barbed wire. Several unsuccessful attacks had already left this part of No Man's Land strewn with French dead. On the morning of the assault, a preceding artillery barrage dropped shells on the ...