Fire and Ice / Feuer und Eis / Fogo e Gelo / Fuego y Hielo

An ancient indian clan known as the Hopi tribe, which is still 18,327 strong, has described how the apocalypse will arrive. The tribe claims that we now live in the fourth World after the previous three were destroyed by fire and ice. Fire and ice are equally potent to destroy the World. Fire evidently means passion or ...

1890-07-29 Auvers-sur-Oise, France / The sadness will last Forever / Die Traurigkeit bleibt für Immer / A tristeza durará para Sempre / La tristeza durará para Siempre

Van Gogh was unsuccessful during his lifetime, and was considered a madman and a failure. He became famous after his suicide, and exists in the public imagination as the quintessential misunderstood genius, the artist where discourses on madness and creativity converge. Born into an upper-middle-class family, Van Gogh drew as a child and was serious, quiet and ...