It’s already too Late / Es ist schon zu Spät / Já é tarde Demais / Ya es demasiado Tarde

Humanity is quickly moving toward a man-machine hybridization. Humans are becoming cyborgs as they grow ever more dependent on technology. Humans actually are already part cyborgs. That phone is an extension of yourself. It is just that the data rate, the communication between you and the cybernetic extension of yourself that is your phone is slow. It ...

2018-09-24 Natal, Brazil / New view of the Moon / Neue Sicht des Mondes / Nova visão da Lua / Nueva vista de la Luna

This September 2018 full moon is glowing in the night sky on Monday, September 24th. It is not one of this year's supermoons, nor is it a blue moon or a lunar eclipse blood moon. It is simply an ordinary full moon. Only this year and only tonight it is our full moon, my baby Matilda's and mine. And ...