2020-01-26 Los Angeles, USA / Pay Tribute / Würdigung / Prestar Homenagem / Pagar Tributo

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A tribute is wealth, often in kind, that a party gives to another as a sign of submission, allegiance or respect. Paying tribute is a passionate expression of grief, often in music, poetry, or song form.

Paying tribute is a show or demonstration of respect or dedication to someone or something, sometimes by simple declaration but usually often by some more oblique reference, artistic or poetic.

Paying tribute is most often born of regret, or mourning.

Paying tribute can be expressed in a verbal manner in which participants pay tribute about something that they regret or someone that they have lost, and they are usually accompanied by moaning and/or crying.

Paying tribute constitute some of the oldest forms of writing, and examples exist across human cultures.

Thank you for showing me what real love is. Thank you for everything. I know my Gigi in celebrating you like she always has on our special days. I miss my thoughtful princess so much!

Natalia, Gianna, Bianka, Capri and I wish you a happy birthday my love. I love you now, forever and always.