Whore of Babylon / Hure Babylon / Grande Prostituta Babilônia / Prostituta de Babilonia

The Whore of Babylon is a mythological female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the book of revelation in the bible.

Her full title is given as Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and abominations of the Earth.

The whore is associated with the Antichrsit and the beast of revelation by connection with an equally evil kingdom.

The whore’s apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the image of the beast with seven heads and ten horns.

The Whore of Babylon is a creature from hell whose name also appears in the book of revelation.

According to Castiel, it cannot leave hell until Lucifer has broken out of his cage and is walking the Earth.

This creature wanted to harvest and prepare Humans souls for hell.

Her primary goal – condemning Human souls to hell by speaking falsely of prophecy – suggests that she is the false prophet described and mentioned in the book of revelation.

Powers and Abilities

  • It can assume Human form and read Human minds.
  • It is a telekinetic being, which allows it to influence and move objects and people with its mind.
  • It can be very manipulative and she, while in Human form, almost condemned an entire town to Hell.
  • It has power over the will of demons and uses this to predict where battles will occur thus strengthening the belief in her being a prophet.


  • This creature can be destroyed by being impaled with a stake or branch of cypress from Babylon by a true servant of Heaven.