Become who you Are / Werde der Du Bist / Torne-se quem você È / Conviertete en quien Eres

Are you born with your character, your intelligence, your sexual identity or do you form these essential parts of who you are because of the life you lead.

Are you determined by your race, your ethnicity, your nationality, your religion or do other factors play as large a role in your life today.

Your DNA is unique to you and only you. Never in the history of the Earth, will there be someone with your exact genetic makeup.

This means you are a unique creation, blessed with specific gifts and talents, designed to fulfill an extraordinary life mission that only you can accomplish. If you listen closely, there is an inner voice that calls you to that mission.

As a child, you followed this voice and believed it. You dreamed and believed you could become an astronaut, a famous singer, or a race car driver.

You spent your time pursing activities that fulfilled the yearnings of your inner voice, and you enthusiastically followed the path of your divine life mission. You did not set limits to your greatness or what you could become.

No matter what your age or situation, there is time to listen to your inner voice and fulfill your destiny.