You’ll rise Up / Du wirst Dich Erheben / Você vai se Levantar / Te Levantarás

Now look around you, our financial systems have been hijacked by a generation of thieves. While your working harder and harder for less and less – the game is being rigged against you.

They’re turning all of us into virtual slaves.

Looters! At the heart of our financial system they are price fixing our most precious resources; food, water, energy, gold, even the value of money itself is being cyphened away by high level crooks in a giant conspiracy of unstoppable corruption. They are robbing millions of people, of trillions of dollars every single year.

There is no need for hosterity measures, there is no need for financial suffering, no need for poverty, no need for famine. There is no scarcity. We are simply the mere victims of robbery of unimaginable proportion. We have been vandalized so vast it depresses all of humanity.

The truth is; there is more than enough to go around.

When you’re ready to rise up, you’ll rise up. All the power you need is in your hands.

Sixty years ago, productivity was increasing so fast, they predicted by today – entire families could live comfortably with the income of just one provider working only 10 hours a week. They wondered what we would do with all of our spare time, what happened to that dream?

Turns out they were right, a full work week back then could be done in just 10 hours today, we have technologies that multiply our efforts a thousand fold, connectivity that reaches the unthinkable. We are now 100 times richer than what we used to be in the 50’s/60’s. Seven trillion in the U.S alone, more than 200,000 to go to each man, woman and child.

The only reason we don’t experience this wealth is because it’s being cyphened away by a corrupt criminal class. They loot through each giant corporations, raising prices, lowering wages, stealing the fruits of our productivity whilst families prosper with just one provider – now both parents work, delivering eight times the productivity but struggling to make ends mead.

They control the media using the hot button social issues to divide us – brother against brother. So we fight each other whilst they all loot our sacred institutions. They make us fear to stand up against the banks but if we did we would recover eight times the income that is being cyphened away every single day. Don’t give yourselves to these crooks, who abuse you and enslave you, who steal your lives, who tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel.

Let us burn these leeches of our backs, let us replace their corrupt systems with better systems that benefit everyone. Let us reclaim the fruits of our productivity. Let us share our prosperity.

We can do this now.

We are the creators and when we come together we have the power to create whatever future we want.