Self-sacrifice is a moral Duty / Selbstopferung ist eine moralische Pflicht / Auto-sacrificio é um dever Moral / Autosacrificio es un deber Moral

The greater the motivation to move into action, the greater strength a person can access, and there is no greater incentive than saving your life or the life of someone you love.

Self-sacrifice and altruism are some of the most highly prized qualities.

The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.

Altruism is a potent force in the World.

What constitutes the Self, or what benefits the Self, might also matter to the Self, or might not. And what matters to the Self might also constitute or benefit the Self, or might not.

Even if what constitutes or benefits the Self matters to the Self, someone or something else might matter more.

When you value something more than you value your own Self, and when forced to choose between what constitutes or benefits your Self, and what matters the most to you, you may protect what matters the most to you rather than your own Self.

This seems obvious to every parent who works to exhaustion so their child can have a better life, or would readily die for their child.

A parent’s sacrifice for their child knows no limits. Parents have unconditional love for their child.

When you are faced with an emergency hormones are what make your heart pump faster, your breathing get harder, and your pupils grow larger.

But perhaps most importantly, they do amazing things to your muscles. A boost in blood flow gives muscles extra oxygen to help them perform at a higher level.