Śrī Tathāta is an instrument of the Divine Will. Śrī Tathāta lives in the World with the cosmic mission to break the shield of darkness covering Human Consciousness.
He has come to harmonise the now troubled energies of nature, to prompt the evolution of Human Consciousness and establish Divine life on Earth.
At his birth, Sri Tathata showed the signs of a Divine being. During his early years, he left home and settled in solitude undertaking deep asceticism for many years, as directed by the Divine Will.
His Consciousness was most of the time totally absorbed in the Cosmic Consciousness.
In a tremendous experience at the height of his asceticisms, he was shown both the full Glories of the Universe and the depth of the World’s sufferings.
He had become a perfect instrument of the divine will and was ready for his mission: to lead the World on the path of Dharma, the enlightened way of living, at both individual and collective levels.