Lose yourself to find Yourself / Verliere dich um dich zu Finden / Perca-se para se Encontrar / Piérdete para Encontrarte

The Self that is being lost is the self image that your mind has made. Any false identification with thoughts, emotions, forms, or anything you can perceive. The Self that is being gained is the deeper Awareness that can perceive the self image. The true Self beneath the illusions of the mind. Pure Consciousness, free from false ...

Spiritual Awakening / Spirituelles Erwachen / Despertar Espiritual / Despertar Espiritual

An Awakening has begun, an Awakening to a deeper realm within yourself, a deeper experience. In a Spiritual Awakening colors are more bright, thoughts are more clear, the filter of the mind has been put aside opening true Awareness. During the experience, doubts, worries, desires, hopes and problems, all the debris normally floating in and clogging the ...

True Materialists / Wahre Materialisten / Verdadeiros Materialistas / Verdaderos Materialistas

As we are doing with absurd and uninformed and shortsighted methods of getting rid of insect pests, of forcing our fruit and tomatoes to grow, of stripping our hills of trees and so on and so on, thinking that this is some kind of progress when actually it is turning everything into a junk heap.It ...

The Stillness is You / Die Stille bist Du / A quietude é Você / La Quietud eres Tú

When you hear the word stillness you immediately think of it as the opposite of movement - but stillness is something quite different altogether.  Stillness is an energetic quality of being. It is naturally present in the heart of every Human being, equally so. Sometimes after a few cups of coffee or a fight we might not ...

Shift to Biosphere Consciousness / Verschiebung zu Biosphärenbewusstsein / Mudança para a consciência da Biosfera / Cambio a la Conciencia de la Biosfera

There is a basic change going on with the younger generation that is strange to older people. There is a change in the way you define freedom, the way your define power, and the way you define community, and these changes really suggest the real revolution. For my generation and generations before me, freedom was very simple. To ...

Desire to feel Again / Lust wieder zu fühlen / Desejo de sentir Novamente / Deseo de sentir otra Vez

There was the first time you had sex, your first kiss, your first date, your first day of school, your first day at a job, driving a car, swimming in the ocean. There was the first time you ran a race, the first time you bought a house ... Most of these things were firsts that happened so ...

Language of Nature / Sprache der Natur / Linguagem da Natureza / Lenguaje de la Naturaleza

I believe nature is a force of good. Good is not only a concept it is a spirit. So hopefully the spirit of goodness will survive. Nature represents rebirth, rejuvenation, regeneration. The task that we face today is to understand the language of nature. The fact that we lack the language skills to communicate with nature does ...

Love is an act of Surrender / Liebe ist ein Akt der Hingabe / Amor é um ato de Rendição / Amor es un acto de Rendición

To surrender to Love, you will need to pay attention to your own emotions, moods, or thoughts that might lead you to act in less than loving ways. You may need to surrender pride, a sense of self-importance, or the need to have it your way, to feel superior to, or to have power over others. ...

The clock is Ticking / Die Uhr Tickt / O relógio está Passando / El reloj está Corriendo

There is a significant difference between time and attention. Time is the ticking of the clock where minutes and hours pass by with or without you. Attention is how you are clicking while the clock is ticking. Time does not matter. What matters is the quality of your experiences. And your experiences are determined by what ...

Miss Earth / Fräulein Erde / Senhorita Terra / Señorita Tierra

Miss Earth is an annual international environmental-themed beauty pageant promoting environmental Awareness. Along with its rivals Miss World and Miss Universe, Miss Earth is one of the three largest beauty pageants in the World in terms of the number of national-level competitions to participate in the World finals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2pPE9KVgE The reigning titleholders dedicate their year to promote ...

2017-07-06 Sao Paulo, Brazil / Best day of your Life / Bester Tag deines Lebens / Melhor dia da sua Vida / Mejor dia de tu Vida

So if it is not about your guests, and it is about you, why is it not the most important day of your life? Because it is a moment. It is a 5 or 6 hour long party and usually a 12-16 hour long day. All you hear from brides that went through it is how ...

Orphan Sweet Lullaby / Süßes Schlaflied für Waise / Doce Canção de Ninar para Órfã / Dulce Canción de Cuna para Huérfana

The song 'Sweet Lullaby' is based around a traditional Baegu Lullaby from the Solomon Islands called 'Rorogwela'. The song uses a vocal sample originally recorded by ethnomusicologist Hugo Zemp in 1970 and later released by UNESCO as part of their Musical Sources collection. The lyrics refer to a young orphan being comforted by his older brother despite ...

2018-07-03 Shannon Falls, Canada / Here in the Now / Hier im Jetzt / Aqui no Agora / Aquí en el Ahora

What does it feel like to be present? To be here in the now and to fully experiencing this moment. Free from any weight of the past or any anticipation of the future. Just free. Free to realize that only you can control how you feel. About anything. Free to see things for what they are ...

2016-07-02 New York, USA / Never Again / Nie Wieder / Nunca Mais / Nunca Más

Elie Wiesel was a Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor of the humanities at Boston University (which created the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies in his honor), political activist, Nobel Laureate and Holocaust survivor. At age 15 Elie Wiesel with his family, along with the rest of the town's Jewish population, were placed in one of the two confinement ...

The Illusion of Control / Die Illusion von Kontrolle / A ilusão do Controle / La ilusión de Control

When you think you control something, you are wrong. It is amazing how often you think you are in control of something when really you are not. Control is an illusion. You constantly make plans that never actually turn out the way you envisioned. How often are you trying to control a future that you can ...

Fall in Love with Existence / Sich in Existenz Verlieben / Apaixone-se pela Existência / Enamórate de la Existencia

When you learn to fall in Love with existence, when you thrive not because you are forced to, but because thriving allows you to fall more in Love with existing then you truly live and do not to merely exist. The single most important energy on Earth, what merely itself is able to transform everything into gold. The ...

Identify with your Soul / Identifiziere dich mit deiner Seele / Identifique-se com sua Alma / Identifica con tu Alma

There is a difference between your Ego and your soul. Your Ego is the image you have of yourself and your social mask, whereas your soul is who you truly are. It is eternal, divine and inherently worthwhile. When you align with your soul, life flows more naturally and taking action is less of a struggle. ...

All in the Mind / Alles im Kopf / Tudo na Mente / Todo en la Mente

There are innumerable definitions of happiness. Everybody has their own definition depending on their outlook about life. Some get it from money, or fame, or helping others while others get it by being close to their loved ones. The word happiness produces close to 50 million Google results! Irrespective of the inputs, happiness is a state of ...