Ecologists around the the globe are actively working to protect a fragile World. Ecology teaches us that humanity is not the centre of life on the planet; that all forms of life enable our existence and that we must learn to respect them as we respect ourselves. The tremendous beauty of ecological thought shows us an understanding ...
Mankind has reached a Crossroads / Die Menschheit hat einen Scheideweg erreicht / Humanidade chegou a uma Encruzilhada / Humanidad ha llegado a una encrucijada
Ancient secret knowledge was destined to be unveiled at the time when mankind could no longer survive without the ancient knowledge. That time is now. The release of this ancient knowledge will trigger a transformation of Consciousness in our World which will impact almost every aspectof life. Ancient cultures tell us that this is a choice each one ...
A story of Change / Eine Geschichte der Veränderung / Uma história de Mudança / Una historia de Cambio
A Story of Change - The Venus Project proposes an alternative vision of what the future can be if we apply what we already know in order to achieve a sustainable new World civilization. It calls for a straightforward redesign of our culture in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt and unnecessary Human suffering ...
Robots will replace People / Roboter werden Menschen Ersetzen / Robôs irão substituir Pessoas / Tobots reemplazarán a las Personas
Advances in computer technology are largely behind the slow employment growth of the last years. Many types of jobs are increasingly adopted by powerful new technologies not only in manufacturing, clerical, and retail but in professions such as law, financial services, education, and medicine. Robots, automation, and software can and will replace people. Rapid technological change has been ...
We are the Universe / Wir sind das Universum / Nós somos o Universo / Somos el Universo
Ancient wisdom says that Humans were created to be the caretakers of the Earth. We were placed on this planet to take care for its plants and animals, to protect its natural beauty, to show respect and gratitude for the abundance that Earth gives. Ancient wisdom, and many indigenous cultures live to the fact that even inanimate objects ...
Conforming To Society / Der Gesellschaft Entsprechen / Conformando-se à Sociedade / Conformándose con la Sociedad
People who dropped out of college because they saw it was stupid. And they are that sort of people, some might call them beatniks. But you see the city doesn’t like it, because they aren’t owning the right sort of cars, therefore the local car salesman isn’t doing business through them. They don’t have lawns and so ...
Poverty / Armut / Pobreza / Pobreza
Nearly half of the World’s population - more than 3 billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty - less than $1.25 a day. Extreme poverty depends not only on income but also on access to services. It is a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic ...
Living an unconventional Life / Ein unkonventionelles Leben Führen / Vivendo uma vida não Convencional / Viviendo una vida poco Convencional
If you think like everyone else you are going to be like everyone else. Adults find thinking different uncomfortable, some even find it exhausting. But thinking different is a big part of being unconventional and living a lifestyle beyond the average. Unconventional can but does not have to mean crazy. Sometimes crazy can be unconventional, other times it is ...
Too much Stuff / Zu viel Zeug / Muitas Coisas / Demasiadas Cosas
Where has capitalism gone wrong? Why are capitalist economies so sick, and why do conventional policy solutions - such as reduced taxes and increased money supply - produce only wider income disparity and inequality? We are now living in a new World in which a majority of people enjoys the highest living standard in history, acquiring more ...
Think less – feel More / Denke weniger – fühle Mehr / Pense menos – sinta Mais / Piensa menos – siente Mas
We think too much and feel too little. - Charlie Chaplin The thinking mind is a very useful and powerful tool, but it is also very, very limiting when it takes over your life completely and you do not realize that it is only a small aspect of the Consciousness that you are. Do not take your ...
All things are Connected / Alle Dinge sind Verbunden / Todas as coisas estão Conectadas / Todas las cosas están Conectadas
The great chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. The Great Chief also sends us words of friendship and good will. This is kind of him, since we know he has little need of our friendship in return. But we will consider your offer, for we know if we do ...
Feed your Head / Füttere deinen Kopf / Alimente sua Cabeça / Alimentar el Cerebro
The strength of your mind depends on what you feed it. Do not fill your mind with negativity and bad news. Feed your mind the right way today. Think about the World you live in today. Think about how much negative news floods the television. Think about the trivia and frustration that you can get mixed up with ...
Prosperous Fool / Wohlhabender Narr / Tonto Próspero / Tonto próspero
Prosperity has different meanings to different people. For some, prosperity is about the accumulation of wealth in the form of money, real estate and equities. For others, prosperity is about the accumulation of power and the achievement of status that comes with the appointment to business or government positions. In either case, prosperity requires wisdom: the rational ...
Money is the root of all Evil / Geld ist die Wurzel allen Übels / Dinheiro é a raiz de todo o Mal / El dinero es la raíz del Mal
Our obsession with money, the stock market, trade negotiations, tax reforms, and all the other objects of political, economic and monetary discussion have immersed in precisely that sort of pure materialism that God warned us about. Who knows how far we may go in our Love of money before we cross over into truly dangerous spiritual ...
More but Less / Mehr aber Weniger / Mais mas Menos / Más pero Menos
In the past two centuries, fossil capitalism has made us wealthier, healthier, safer and more informed than ever. Now, however, this driver of progress has begun to cause our demise, making us feel cynical, or powerless. Our world is better off now than at any point in human history, but at the same time things have never ...
What is wrong with the World / Was ist falsch mit der Welt / O que está errado com o Mundo / Lo que está mal en el Mundo
Almost every political and religious group, every opinionated person, every publication with an opinion, has said at one time or another what they think is wrong with this World. Conservatives think that the World has become a World of welfare, while many liberals think the World has too much corporate welfare. Others think that abortion is the ...
A moral Question / Eine moralische Frage / Uma pergunta Moral / Una cuestión Moral
If you don't have a moral question governing your Society, then you don't have a Society that is going to survive. Oren Lyons - Economic theory without any moral content can and does create misery. It is similar to the theories of nuclear fusion and genetic manipulation. Were these theories left in the hands of practitioners and ...
You’ve been lied To / Du wurdest Belogen / Você foi Enganado / Te han Mentido
Veganism represents a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude as far as is possible and all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Veganism promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of Humans, other animals and the environment. When we look at the sheer ...
Sacred Economics / Sakrale Ökonomie / Economia Sagrada / Economía Sagrada
Today we associate money with the profane, and for good reason. If anything is sacred in this World, it is surely not money. Money seems to be the enemy of our better instincts. Money seems to be the enemy of beauty, of every worthy social and political reform. Money seems to be destroying the Earth, as we pillage the ...
Close your Facebook / Schließ Dein Facebook / Feche seu Facebook / Cierra tu Facebook
Facebook is the most appalling spy machine that has ever been invented. Facebook is a giant database of private names and records about people, voluntarily maintained by its users but developed for U.S. intelligence. 100% proof does still not exist to say that Facebook is actually run by U.S. intelligence agencies but the fact that they have ...
Economics of the Future / Wirtschaft der Zukunft / Economia do Futuro / Economía del Futuro
We live in this monetized Society where even like a generation ago there were a lot o functions that we did not use money for. For example childcare. Neighbors would watch each other's kids. Food preparation, most meals were prepared and eaten at home. These have been converted into services. Anytime something gets converted into goods and ...
The essence of Life / Die Essenz des Lebens / A essência da Vida / La esencia de la Vida
The Essence of Life is a beautiful look at the current state of Earth's freshwater ecosystems. A variety of authors, as well as dozens of the World's most accomplished photogoraphers, tell us a story you may feel uncomfortable hearing: Earth's freshwater supply and systems are in serious peril. We may carry on as if it was business as usual, ...
One Species/ Eine Art / Uma Espécie / Una Especie
If the population goes up to the point where we destroy the resources of the Earth, it does not matter which nation is most populous, we all get it in the neck. If we have a nuclear war that produces a nuclear winter or a fallout that kills people everywhere, it does not matter who started ...
Facebook: Turn it Off / Schalt es Ab / Apaga Isso / Apágalo
People spend time looking into the lives of their friends, reading posts and updates, looking at photos and feeling that they are ‘catching up’ with that friend, yet, people do not engage with that friend. They do not pick up the phone to connect. Before than using Facebook to deepen the friendship, they observe their friends, ...
Technology culture destroys the World / Technologiekultur zerstört die Welt / Cultura de tecnologia destrói o Mundo / La cultura tecnológica destruye el Mundo
What we collectively have spent on war since 1914 could have given every single man, women and child on Earth a comfortable income. A mantra within the sustainability movement tries to convince you that innovations in technology can save the World. But rather than liberating us technology has enslaved us and is destroying the very health of ...