More girls than ever go to school. Despite progress, women and girls continue to face barriers based on gender and its intersections with other factors. Age, ethnicity, poverty, and disability, in the enjoyment of the right to quality education. This includes barriers, at all levels, to access quality education and within education systems, institutions, classrooms. Gender equality is ...
A World of Distraction / Eine Welt der Ablenkung / Um mundo de Distração / Un mundo de Distracción
Our World is filled with distractions – it always has been. And there is little doubt that those who achieve the greatest significance in life learn to manage them effectively. It is certainly worth the investment to recognize them in your life and make the necessary life adjustments. You only get one shot at life. Our ...
Double Life / Doppelleben / Vida Dupla / Doble Vida
You are living in two separate World's, captured in your own lies, shame and guilt. Your behavior is too different from your daily lifestyle. You have a public Self and a personal Self and have developed a scenario that is risky and dangerous. You are obsessional sometimes, excessive and unreasonable, and you perform this without ...
2011-12-15 Houston, USA / God is not Great / Gott is nicht Grossartig / Deus não é Grande / Dios no es Bueno
Religion comes from the period of Human prehistory where nobody had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the fearful infancy of our species, and is a childish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge. Today the least educated children know much more about the natural order than any of the founders of ...
A disease called Humans / Eine Krankheit namens Menschen / Uma doença chamada Humanos / Una enfermedad llamada Humanos
Earth is home to millions of species. Just one dominates it. Humans. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities have modified almost every part of our planet. We are having a profound impact on it. Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities are now the drivers of every global problem we face. The World is beautiful as ...
The system is our Enemy / Das System ist unser Feind / O sistema é nosso inimigo / El sistema es nuestro Enemigo
Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity and if we do not change the model, if we do not change the system, then our presence here on Earth, our debate about change, our exchange of ideas, and the proposals that we make for a more sustainable World will be totally in vain. Capitalism has twins, the ...
Rich people are poor people with Money / Reiche sind arme Leute mit Geld / Ricos são pobres com Dinheiro / Ricos son pobres con dinero
Some of the most miserable people are worth hundreds of millions. They perpetuate toxicity, narcissism, and a sense of lack that makes it difficult to spend any meaningful time with them or connect on a human level. They focus on maintaining or growing their wealth not on expressing gratitude for what they have, or considering ways to ...
Freedom from Greed / Freiheit vor Gier / Liberdade da Ganância / Libertad de la Codicia
Greed is one of those emotions that have the ability to creep in and control not only your life but your heart. Greed has the power to blind you. You can see that the presence of greed, hatred or ignorance leads to people taking life, committing adultery, stealing, and telling lies, as well as encouraging others ...
Change the way we Think / Die Art wie wir denken Ändern / Mude a maneira que Pensamos / Cambia la forma en que Pensamos
Become a kinder person Practicing mindfulness increases Empathy and lead people to act more altruistically. Meditation learned through live courses with a mindfulness teacher has a strong effect on altruistic behavior. People who undergo a two-week, 10 minute-a-day meditation course using the smartphone app Headspace are also more likely to behave altruistically although the effect is not quite as pronounced. Learn ...
Freedom from Consumerism / Freiheit vom Konsum / Liberdade do Consumismo / Libertad del Consumismo
The collective unconsciousness of mankind itself is sick. We exist in a World wherein a negative biofeedback loop broadcasts in constancy; we have created a culture which in itself is sick enough to infect generations which have not yet been born. So, how to begin an approach toward an illness so effective, so evasive, modern Society has ...
We live on a beautiful Planet / Wir leben auf einem schönen Planeten / Vivemos em um planeta Lindo / Vivimos en un hermoso Planeta
We live on a beautiful planet. Look around you, it is amazing. You live in a breathtaking environment that is full of magic and wonder. Although you can feel intense sadness, profound happiness can be just around the corner. One step away. One thought away. One kiss away. Sources of joy are literally everywhere; you just have to overlook ...
Sustainable Happiness / Nachhaltiges Glück / Felicidade Sustentavel / Felicidad Sostenible
We seem to have lost our way where happiness is concerned. Over the last hundred years, we have become confused about how to create happines in our lives and we are miserable for it. Long hours of work to buy stuff that we really do not need but feel compelled to purchase. This fallacy of consumerism equals ...
Cultural Insanity / Kultureller Wahnsinn / Insanidade Cultural / Locura Cultural
While cultural norms are by definition ‘normal’, they are by no means always sane and healthy. The term ‘cultural insanity’ refers to normative templates that have become so counter-productive and self-defeating, or so misaligned to our basic Human needs, that they stand to undo Society or its life supports. In fact, normality can be the deadliest of ...
Question Reality / Realität in Frage Stellen / Questionando Realidade / Cuestionando Realidad
Physics and philosophy have changed our perspective on the nature of the universe, matter, and mind over time. The further science, technology and Human evolution take us the more questions we have about the nature of reality and the role of Consciousness. Is this a hologram or an illusion? Are we dreaming or in a simulation? Do ...
We want your Soul / Wir wollen Deine Seele / Queremos sua Alma / Queremos tu Alma
The culture of consumerism wants your soul. They want all of your passion to be focused on the glitz and bling of this material World. They want you living for what is now and what is new. But what does it profit you if you have all the fun in the World but neglect your ...
How to stop the War / Wie man den Krieg Beendet / Como parar a Guerra / Cómo parar la Guerra
'War is Over' challenges you: How can you say you hate war and fighting in the World when you permit it, even embrace it, in your own life. 'War is Over' challenges you to make peace with people: living or dead, present or past. And not just wish for peace or pray for peace: make peace. It is ...
Come home to who you really Are / Komm nach Hause, wer Du wircklich Bist / Venha para casa, para quem Você realemente É / Ven a casa a quien realmente Eres
When who we are and what we do are not in alignment, we suffer and cause the suffering of others. A more beautiful and sustainable World awaits us once we align our actions with what does not cause suffering. Being who you really are is different from what you do, whom you are with or even what ...
More equal than Others / Mehr gleich als Andere / Mais igual que os Outros / Más igual que Otros
The consumption of meat increases, the animals are transported for days or weeks to death, meat remains cheap, the meat mafia goes richer. Many say that is capitalism. But in the countries of the so-called real socialism, there has also been mass animal husbandry under dire conditions. Carelessness and cruelty seem to be the basic moral ...
The last Memory / Die letzte Erinnerung / A última Memória / La última Memoria
Wherever there is fishing, there is bycatch. Globally, it is estimated that a quarter of what is caught is wasted – thrown back into the sea dead because it has no commercial value. Fishing quotas mean that fishermen targeting a particular species or size of fish will throw back any ‘non-target’ or ‘too small’ fish that ...
You live on this Rock / Du lebst auf diesem Fels / Você mora nessa Rocha / Vives en esta Roca
The Human mind is simply not capable of understanding the scale of our insignificance. It is magical thinking and delusion to believe that we can. Our minds think linearly, and the only way to come close to conceptualizing the scale of our universe is to use multiple exponential scales. We are not designed to process information ...
The last two people on Earth / Die letzten beiden Menschen auf der Erde / As últimas duas pessoas na Terra / Las últimas dos personas en la Tierra
More than 90% of all species that arose since life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago are extinct. Modern Humans arose about 200,000 years ago. We are different from all preceding species in that we are self-consciously intelligent but does that mean that our fate is different to that of the 90% already extinct. Our survival depends ...
Crisis in Consciousness / Krise im Bewusstsein / Crise na Consciência / Crisis en la Conciencia
As a Human being in the 21st century, the challenge to remain conscious, to obtain and maintain self-Awareness, is greater than at any other time in history. This challenge arises from the attraction and distraction of illusion, which has increased its intensity, breadth and effectiveness with the massive and rapid growth of technology. The ability to be ...
2015-11-13 Paris, France / Friendly Football Match / Freundschaftsspiel / Jogo Amistoso / Juego Amistoso
Three explosions occurred near the Stade de France in Paris resulting in four deaths, including the three suicide bombers. The explosions happened at 21:16, 21:19, and 21:53. The first explosion near the stadium was about 20 minutes after the start of an international friendly football match between France and Germany, which French President Hollande was attending. The first ...
You’ll rise Up / Du wirst Dich Erheben / Você vai se Levantar / Te Levantarás
Now look around you, our financial systems have been hijacked by a generation of thieves. While your working harder and harder for less and less – the game is being rigged against you. They’re turning all of us into virtual slaves. Looters! At the heart of our financial system they are price fixing our most precious resources; ...
The last Days / Die letzten Tage / Os últimos Dias / Los últimos Días
We are living in a World full of people who love themselves. People put themselves first before God and everyone else. We see that today, even in the churches. People are more concerned with how they look on the outside than how they are on the inside. This consumer age we live in is all about 'Me, ...