When you were still far Off / Als du noch weit weg Warst / Quando você ainda estava Longe / Cuando aún estabas Lejos

You imagine yourself way off in the future, or living in a different country or as a different person. The aim is to have that feeling of detachment, of stepping outside yourself, by whatever means you can. You can achieve the greatest heights only through detaching yourself from the things that matter to you to a certain ...

Show me your Friends / Zeig mir deine Freunde / Mostre-me seus Amigos / Muéstrame tus Amigos

Show me your Friends, I will show you your Future. King Solomon put it like this: The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm (Proverbs 13:20). Our future is shaped less by our dreams and ambitions of what we will do eventually, but more by the company ...

Become who you can Become / Werde wer Du werden Kannst / Torne se quem você pode se Tornar / Conviértete en quién puedes Convertirte

On your last day of your life, the person you became will meet the person you could have become. To become the person you can become, you do not need to add more things  -  you need to give some of them up. There are certain things that are universal, which will make you a better person ...

Life is what you make It / Leben ist das, was Du daraus Machst / A vida é o que você faz Dela / La vida es lo que tu haces de Ella

Your life is what you make it. Your present life is the result of all the choices you have made up until this moment. You are the only one responsible for where you are right now. For how your life looks, for how you are being treated by those around you and for the level of happiness or unhappiness ...

You are the Universe / Du bist das Universum / Você é o Universo / Tu eres el Universo

You suffer from a hallucination, from a false and distorted sensation of your own existence as a living organism. You have the sensation that 'I myself' is a separate center of feeling and action, living inside and bounded by the physical body - a center which confronts an external World of people and things. Everyday speech reflects ...

2016-08-21 Rio de Janeiro / Der Zuckerhut Komplex / The Sugar Loaf Complex / Complexo Pão de Açucar / El Complejo Pan de Azúcar

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Olympia acabou. Os jogos deixam um país-sede emocionalmente abalado para trás. O que vai acontecer com o Brasil depois das Olimpíadas? Vou me tornar muito impopular por um momento. Os brasileiros realmente me irritaram por duas semanas. Não, não 'os' brasileiros, mas esse público selecionado da classe média brasileira que conheci nas olimpíadas e que foi entrevistado ...

More beautiful World / Schönere Welt / Mundo mais Lindo / Mundo mas Hermoso

Sometimes you must get lost in order to find your way. African proverb Charles Eisenstein says 'There is a vast territory between what we're trying to leave behind, and where we want to go - and we don't have any maps for that territory.' The story of the past is crumbling away, while the new story has ...

The Loneliness Epidemic / Epidemie der Einsamkeit / A epidemia da Solidão / La epidemia de Soledad

You live in an era in which communication seems simpler than times of the past. In essence, a co-worker is one email away, a friend is one text away, and a loved one is one video chat away. Although communication is easier and faster, connection still is complicated. Despite the practical societal advancements, our technologically advanced time is being ...

Owned & Operated / Besessen & Betrieben / Possuído & Operado / Poseído & Operado

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Just look at us. Everything is backwards. Everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religion destroys spirituality. - Let's stop fighting over who we believe created the planet and work together against those that choose to destroy it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlxfqAJqRrg Owned & Operated is a ...

Imagine Nothing / Stell Dir nichts Vor / Imagine Nada / Imagina Nada

Imagine nothing. What do you see? Dark empty space empty of galaxies, stars and planets. But not only would there be no matter, there would be no space or time either. Not even darkness. And no sentient life to observe the nothingness. Just ... nothing. Why is there something rather than nothing. Nothing is nonsensical. It is impossible ...

1987-08-15 Mexico City, Mexico / The Dove / Die Taube / A Pomba / La Paloma

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'La Paloma' is a popular Spanish song that has been produced and reinterpreted in diverse cultures, settings, arrangements, and recordings over the last 140 years. The song was composed and written by the Spanish composer from the Basque region Sebastián Yradier in the 1850's. In 1859 it was registered at the copyright office in Madrid as a ...

Lose yourself to find Yourself / Verliere dich um dich zu Finden / Perca-se para se Encontrar / Piérdete para Encontrarte

The Self that is being lost is the self image that your mind has made. Any false identification with thoughts, emotions, forms, or anything you can perceive. The Self that is being gained is the deeper Awareness that can perceive the self image. The true Self beneath the illusions of the mind. Pure Consciousness, free from false ...

Spiritual Awakening / Spirituelles Erwachen / Despertar Espiritual / Despertar Espiritual

An Awakening has begun, an Awakening to a deeper realm within yourself, a deeper experience. In a Spiritual Awakening colors are more bright, thoughts are more clear, the filter of the mind has been put aside opening true Awareness. During the experience, doubts, worries, desires, hopes and problems, all the debris normally floating in and clogging the ...

To all the women of the World / An alle Frauen der Welt / Para todas as mulheres do Mundo / A todas las mujeres del Mundo

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Throughout history, in every culture around the World, extraordinary women have pushed Society to think bigger, move forward and create. Women and girls all over the World today are able to live with fewer restraints and bigger dreams. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdBuDg7mrT8 Still, millions of girls of primary school age are not in school, and one out of every four young women ...

Advertising creates cultural Violence / Werbung schafft kulturelle Gewalt / Publicidade cria violência Cultural / Publicidad crea violencia Cultural

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Our economy is based on consumption and advertising is the arm of creating artificial demand. And without that arm, we wouldn’t have people aspiring to things that are highly irrational.When advertising presents something that seems to be what some people want, it spreads like a virus and then everybody wants it, because it is an ...

Who owns You / Wer besitzt Dich / Quem é seu Dono / Quien es tu Dueño

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These three words can have a huge impact upon your life if you ask them regularly. Many people would automatically say that no one or no thing owns them but when they think about it carefully, the results can be illuminating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWUw-Z_9tj0 Designer goods own you. They have power over how you feel about yourself and you need ...

True Materialists / Wahre Materialisten / Verdadeiros Materialistas / Verdaderos Materialistas

As we are doing with absurd and uninformed and shortsighted methods of getting rid of insect pests, of forcing our fruit and tomatoes to grow, of stripping our hills of trees and so on and so on, thinking that this is some kind of progress when actually it is turning everything into a junk heap.It ...

The Stillness is You / Die Stille bist Du / A quietude é Você / La Quietud eres Tú

When you hear the word stillness you immediately think of it as the opposite of movement - but stillness is something quite different altogether.  Stillness is an energetic quality of being. It is naturally present in the heart of every Human being, equally so. Sometimes after a few cups of coffee or a fight we might not ...

2020-08-04 Beirut, Lebanon / Have a Blast / Viel Spaß / Divirta-se Muito / Diviértase Mucho

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'Have a blast' also means to have a wonderful time, and the most enjoyable experience of your life. It means, have fun, enjoy it, and have a good time, another way to describe an enjoyable experience. Some couples call it their wedding. And there was that silence in the air, the silence between a husband and wife, ...

Shift to Biosphere Consciousness / Verschiebung zu Biosphärenbewusstsein / Mudança para a consciência da Biosfera / Cambio a la Conciencia de la Biosfera

There is a basic change going on with the younger generation that is strange to older people. There is a change in the way you define freedom, the way your define power, and the way you define community, and these changes really suggest the real revolution. For my generation and generations before me, freedom was very simple. To ...