Are you living for Likes or liking to live? Is your online life more vibrant than your real one? - Social media is addictive. Anyone under 25 is a narcissist, convinced that every meal must be photographed and shared. People bully one another online and send naked photos with alarming regularity. But the real threat is 'The Happiness ...
A prison for your Mind / Ein Gefängnis für Deinen Verstand / Uma prisão para sua Mente / Una prisión para tu Mente
There is so much more to life than consumerism, mainstream culture and media lies, environmental devastation, working in jobs you hate until you die, eating junk food and spending more time on social media than you do speaking to your friends and family. This is a real-life matrix. But all of us have the power to take the red pill, offer it ...
You’re human, aren’t You? / Du bist menschlich, Oder? / Você é humano, Certo? / Eres humano, Verdad?
You are human. When you are hurting, tell yourself this. You are only human. You are not made up of iron that refuses to break. You are not made up of concrete that withstands strong storms. You are not made up of bricks that refuse to fall even during the darkest of hurricanes. You are allowed to feel. You ...
Be in Revolt / Sei in Revolte / Seja em Revolta / Estar en Rebelión
The totalitarian nature of capitalism is a subtle regime penetrating more and more into areas of life previously uncolonised and uncommodified. It separates people like never before. The technological growth of the capitalist mode of production that fuels these new invasions is an increasing threat to the chances of simple survival. This threat to the vast majority ...
1991-04-08 Florence, Italy / Love Affair / Liebesaffäre / Caso de Amor / Asunto de Amor
Did I really love my affair? Did my affair truly love me? Was the affair real or fantasy? Maybe, but not likely. It certainly felt like Love. Simply caught up in the illusion of Love. Love within the context of infidelity is an encounter between a person (the object of desire) and an experience (the passion ...
Divided Souls / Geteilte Seelen / Almas Dividas / Almas Divididas
There is something about self-conscious spirituality: all kinds of religion involving preaching and moralising, and talking to oneself in a split and divided way - good 'I' against bad 'Me' - that is profoundly phoney. Nobody ever transforms himself into an enlightened pattern of life by dividing himself into two pieces: good 'I' and bad 'Me' ...
Your first Impression / Dein erster Eindruck / Sua primeira Impressão / Tu primera Impresión
Beauty and its influence on others has been debated among cultures throughout istory. Beauty has been widely regarded as a mysterious and seductive force that reveals its power through stories of politics, marriage, power, and social status. 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder' simply means that what we consider beautiful is based on the stories ...
Of Life and Love / Des Lebens und der Liebe / Da vida e do Amor / De vida y Amor
Do not let the word Love define your Love. Love is the most powerful emotion a Human can experience. Very strange though that almost nobody knows what Love is. The word Love is not the same as your feeling of Love. The word Love is used and abused for the expression of different sets of feelings. The word ...
1 % for the Planet / 1% für den Planeten / 1% para o Planeta / 1% para el Planeta
Climate change is an imminent threat, our food systems are increasingly stressed, and our lands, waters, and species are threatened like never before. If we do not act now, the viability of our planet and our quality of life face an existential threat. There may be no greater, growing threat facing the World’s children – and their ...
If I tell you to wake Up / Wenn ich dir sage Aufzuwachen / Se eu disser para você Acordar / Si te digo que Despiertes
Fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers. The planet needs people who live well in their places. The planet needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the World habitable and humane. And these needs have little to ...
It Is Always Now / Es ist immer Jetzt / Está sempre Agora / Es siempre Ahora
It is always now. I actually want to talk today about death. Now most of us do our best to not think about death. But there's always part of our minds that knows this can't go on forever. Part of us always knows that we're just a doctor's visit away or a phone call away ...
How trees Talk / Wie Bäume Reden / Como as árvores Falam / Cómo los árboles Hablan
Biologists, ecologists, foresters, and naturalists increasingly argue that trees speak, and that Humans can learn to hear this language. Trees speak constantly, even if quietly, communicating above the ground and underground using sound, scents, signals, and vibes. Trees are naturally networking, connected with everything that exists, including you. If you have ever walked in a forest on a breezy ...
1987-03-31 New York, USA / It’s up to You / Es liegt an Dir / Você decide / Tu decides
Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today. - I want to be a part of it, New York, New York. - These vagabond shoes, are longing to stray - Right through the very heart of it, New York, New York. I wanna wake up, In a city that doesn't sleep. And find I'm king of the hill, top of the ...
Illusion of Memory / Illusion der Erinnerung / Ilusão de Memória / Ilusión de la Memoria
See, memory is an illusion - it's all gone - so everything you know about, that makes an impression on you, is no longer there. That memory has got you hooked - it holds you to the past, and it holds you to death. But on the other hand, what is life, except there is a memory, ...
Capitalism exploits Us / Kapitalismus nutzt uns Aus / Capitalismo nos Explora / Capitalismo nos Explota
The ultimate source of profit, the driving force behind capitalist production, is the unpaid labor of workers. Exploitation forms the foundation of the capitalist system. All the billions in bonuses for the Wall Street bankers, every dividend paid to the shareholders of industrial corporations, every dollar collected by capitalist landlords, all of this is the result ...
We are one Planet / Wir sind ein Planet / Somos um Planeta / Somos un Planeta
We were hunters and foragers, wanderers on the savannahs and the steppes. There were no border guards then, no customs officials. The frontier was everywhere. We were bounded only by the Earth and the ocean and the sky. Since we first emerged a few million years ago in East Africa, we have meandered our way around ...
Existence as such is Weird / Existenz als solche ist Seltsam / Existência como tal é Estranha / La existencia como tal es Extraña
The reason why certain people turn to philosophy - why I became a philosopher - was that, since I was a little boy, I always felt that existence as such was weird. I mean, here we are - isn’t that odd? Of course it’s odd. What do you mean by odd? Well, it’s what’s different from even. I ...
Selfless / Selbstlos / Altruísta / Altruista
Learning to be selfless in a selfish World. When so many are selfish – and our World has never been so selfish – it is hard not to look inwardly and become selfish too. If you struggle with selfishness, you are not alone. It can be really hard to put others first and yourself second. It takes time ...
Love Now / Liebe Jetzt / Ama Agora / Ama ahora
Real Love you give without expecting anything back, and its the giving that makes you glow inside. Love means patience, Awareness, being present. And also knowing when to receive it too. But do not have any expectations, expectations will make you unhappy. It is magic, but it is not a pill. Treat it as something that is sacred ...
Earth Democracy / Demokratie der Erde / Democracia da Terra / Democracia de la Tierra
We are all members of the Earth community. We all have the duty to protect the rights and welfare of all species and all people. Defending biological and cultural diversity is a duty of all people. No Humans have the right to encroach on the ecological space of other species and other people, or treat them ...
The greatest Skill of All / Die größte Fähigkeit von Allen / A maior habilidade de Todos / La mejor habilidad de Todos
When someone practises their will against the World that is out of rhythm with the cycles of change, they disrupt that harmony and consequences may more likely result rather than the willed outcome. Taoism does not identify one's will as the root problem. Rather, Taoism asserts that one must place their will in harmony with the ...
Lone Traveler / Einsamer Reisender / Viajante Solitário / Viajero Solitario
I am truly a lone traveler and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart. In the face of all these ties, I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude … How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of ...
Return home in Peace / Heimkehr in Frieden / Voltar para casa em Paz / Regresar a casa en Paz
Your vital energy is returning to the source like a flowing stream returning to ocean. Heaven is our Father, Earth is our Mother. All people are our brothers and sisters and all things are our companions. In this gentle, peaceful journey, you are forming one body with heaven, Earth and all things. Entrust yourself in the transforming and nourishing ...
Face the Facts / Sieh den Tatsachen ins Auge / Encare os Fatos / Enfrenta los Hechos
What I think an awakening really involves, is a re-examination of our common sense. We have got all sorts of ideas built into us, which seem unquestioned, obvious. And our speech reflects them; its common phrases. 'Face the facts.' As if they were outside you. As if life were something they simply encountered as a foreigner. ...
Toxic Thoughts / Giftige Gedanken / Pensamentos Tóxicos / Pensamientos Tóxicos
When someone hurts you, they can end up occupying your thoughts for hours, days, months or even years. You can not stop thinking about their behavior, and you constantly remember how they looked and what they said. This happens a lot with couples who end their relationship abruptly and results in a cycle of toxic thoughts. Toxic thoughts ...