You can be easily feel disconnected from nature - especially if, like more than half of the World’s population, you live in a city. In a city food may seem to appear magically in grocery stores and fresh water comes out of a tap. It is important to remember that without intact natural areas elsewhere, cities could not ...
2004-12-26 Marbella, Spain / Where were You / Wo warst Du / Onde estava Você / Dónde Estabas
The '2004 Indian Ocean' earthquake of 9.1 – 9.3 magnitude occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on 26th December with the epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The undersea earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts bordering the Indian Ocean, killing ...
2016-12-25 Goring-on-Thames, UK/ Last Christmas / Letzte Weihnachten / Último Natal / Últimas Navidades
In the early hours of Christmas morning, 25th December 2016, George Michael died at his home in Goring-on-Thames, aged 53. He was found dead, lying in bed, by his partner. 'I went round there to wake him up and he was just gone, lying peacefully in bed. Everything had been very complicated recently, but George was looking ...
2016-12-24 Natal, Brazil / They’ve taken the One I Love / Sie haben genommen die ich Liebe / Eles tomaram o que eu Amo / Han tomado la que Amo
I had lots of dreams in my life, beautiful ones but dreaming that my baby Matilda would be taken away was an ugly and unconfortable nightmare. Children are the biggest gift in life. But this dream and my inner fear of losing something important to me became reality today. They have taken the One I love. At this ...
What if you’re Wrong / Was, wenn du falsch Liegst / E se você estiver Errado / Qué pasa si estás Equivocado
It can be painful to admit when you have made a wrong decision. Maybe you hired the wrong person, or you took a job that was not a good fit, or launched a new product line that no one seems to want. It is Human nature to be optimistic and always assume that you have made the ...
Love is Wise – Hatred is Foolish / Liebe ist Weise – Hass ist Dumm / Amor é Sábio – Odio é Tolo / Amor es Sabio – Odio es Tonto
British philosopher, mathematician, and sociocultural critic Bertrand Russell’s on culture and the Human condition: The most important and admirable aspirations we could hope to live up to, both individually and as a Society. In this rare 1959 interview with BBC, he is asked to pass along advice to a later generation. In just under two minutes he articulates two things: one ...
Mind and your Reality / Verstand und Deine Realität / Mente e a sua Realidade / Mente y tu Realidad
The World is a looking glass, it gives back to every man a true reflection of his own thoughts. We live in a World created by our own thoughts. There is no reality, but a reality created within ourselves. Rule your mind or it will rule you. The mind is the place that creates all our attachments. ...
How to be a better You / Ein besseres Du Sein / Como ser um melhor Você / Cómo ser un mejor Tú
It all comes down to this basic question, that Human beings have for a long long time been concerned about transforming their minds Is there any way in which one's mind can be transformed or is it simply a process which is nothing more than a vicious circle? A World beset by a complex of problems, any ...
Ocean of Consciousness / Ozean des Bewusstseins / Oceano da Consciência / Océano de la Conciencia
If you imagine the World as an ocean, you are like the ripples on the ocean. Formations like ripples and waves occur, because of wind, tides, and other forces. The universe is in motion due to karmic forces. A ripple, a wave, or a billow may seem as an individual entity for a moment, creating the ...
Who am I / Wer bin Ich / Quem sou Eu / Quién Soy
I believe that if we are honest with ourselves, that the most fascinating problem in the World is, Who am I? What do you mean? What do you feel when you say the word I, myself? I don’t think there can be anymore fascinating preoccupation than that because it is so mysterious. It is so elusive. Because ...
Stop being an Idiot / Hör auf ein Idiot zu Sein / Pare de ser Burro / Deja de ser un Idiota
There are now firms that will scrape your Facebook profile, Twitter profiles and any use of social media to create an extensive profile on you. Long before you meet your blind date for the first time, long before a company calls you in for an interview, they are reviewing your digital footprint. Is that an invasion of ...
Decline of our Glaciers / Rückgang unserer Gletscher / Declínio de nossas Geleiras / Disminución de nuestros Glaciares
When President Taft created Glacier National Park in 1910, it was home to an estimated 150 glaciers. Since then the number has decreased to fewer than 30, and most of those remaining have shrunk in area by two-thirds. Within 30 years most if not all of the park's namesake glaciers will disappear. Everywhere on Earth ice is changing. ...
Practice is not Easy / Übung ist nicht Einfach / Prática não é Fácil / Práctica no es Fácil
Be conscious of the truth, the center of Consciousness, and perform your actions selflessly with non-attachment. No matter where you are, meditation in action can be practiced. Learn not to forget the center of Consciousness within you. Do not allow your mind to be scattered, and whatever you do, do it with full attention. Beneath all your ...
A mindless Culture / Eine geistlose Kultur / Cultura Estupido / Cultura Estupido
A generation has fallen down the rabbit hole of electronic hallucinations with images often dominated by violence and pornography. The entrapment in a World of nonstop electronic sounds and images, begun with the phonograph and radio, advanced by cinema and television and perfected by video games. The Internet and hand-held devices, is making it impossible to build ...
Let go of Attachment / Von Bindung Loslassen / Deixar do Afeto/ Dejalo de Cariño
How do Human beings respond within relationships when hurt, separated from loved ones, or perceiving a threat. People with anxious-preoccupied attachment seek high levels of intimacy, approval, and responsiveness from their attachment figure. They sometimes value intimacy to such an extent that they become overly dependent on the attachment figure. People who are anxious or preoccupied with attachment ...
Space Junk / Weltraumschrott / Lixo Espacial / Basura Espacial
The 'United States Strategic Command' tracked a total of 17,852 artificial objects in orbit above the Earth, including 1,419 operational satellites. More than 170 million debris smaller than 1 cm, about 670. 000 thousand debris between 1 and 10 cm, and around 29,000 thousand larger debris were estimated to be in orbit. Collisions with debris have become a hazard to ...
Heavenly Life / Himmlisches Leben / Vida Celestial / Vida Celestial
Many of us live with the belief that we can achieve heaven or the ultimate peace and happiness only in an after-life. Many of us believe that heaven is a place that is far removed from Earth. 'The Heavenly Life' by James Allen seeks to convince us that heaven and hell are both here on Earth ...
Before the universe Began / Bevor das Universum Begann / Antes que o universo Começou / Antes de que el universo Comenzo
How can we understand the World in which we find ourselves? How does the universe behave? What is the nature of reality? Where did all this come from? So there was this chicken, ok, and then there was this egg. No, wait. So there was this egg, ok, and then there was this chicken. Traditionally these were questions ...
Economics is Brain Damage / Wirtschaft ist Gehirnschaden / Economia é dano Cerebral / Economía es daño cerebral
In today’s World, economics is king. Everyone is talking money and economy, yet none of it is actually even real. Money now grows faster than the real World and economics is so fundamentally disconnected from the real World that it is destructive. The economists say, if you clearcut the forest, take the money and put it in the ...
Nothing stays Forever / Nichts bleibt für Immer / Nada permanece para Sempre / Nada permanece para Siempre
We came to this Earth without words. And in our thoughts we dreamt of the cosmos; looking towards the sky. It was only until we defined it, that we knew what it was. We thought it was unreachable. But we looked back and could see our own footsteps, tracing the path from long ago; where we came ...
Environmental Sustainability / Umweltverträglichkeit / Sustentabilidade Ambiental / Sostenibilidad del medio Ambiente
In 1992, more than 170 countries came together at the Rio Earth Summit and have agreed to pursue sustainable development, protect biological diversity, prevent dangerous interference with climate systems, and conserve forests. But, 25 years later, the natural systems on which humanity relies continue to be degraded. Since 1970 humanity’s ecological footprint has exceeded the Earth’s capacity and has risen ...
The secret of Life / Das Geheimnis des Lebens / O segredo da Vida / El secreto de la Vida
And what is it all about? Well, we say, one must live. It’s necessary to survive. You know, you really must go on. It’s your duty. We think, in other words, part of our Western philosophy, that we think we have a drive to survive, that we must go on living, because some Big Daddy said to ...
The Humans / Die Menschen / Os Humanos / Los Humanos
There are places, in and around our great cities, where the natural World has all but disappeared. You can make out streets and sidewalks, autos, parking garages, advertising billboards, monuments of glass and steel, but not a tree or a blade of grass or any animal, besides, of course, the Humans. There are lots of Humans. Only when ...
Life is not a Journey / Das Leben ist keine Reise / A vida não é uma Viagem / La vida no es un Viaje
The existence, the physical universe is basically playful. There is no necessity for it whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. That is to say, it doesn’t have some destination that it ought to arrive at. But that it is best understood by the analogy with music. Because music, as an art form is essentially playful. We say, you ...
Citizen’s Oath / Bürgerschwur / Juramento do Cidadão / Juramento de Ciudadano
I promise, upon my honor, that I will leave this World stronger, safer, more sustainable, and more beautiful than I found it. It is a lot of pressure for one Human to make the World a better place. Sometimes on some days you put a lot of negative energy out into the World and that is the wrong way ...