Contrite Spirit / Reumütiger Geist / Espirito Arrependido / Espirito Arrepentido

The tumult and the shouting dies; - The captains and the kings depart. - Still stands thine ancient sacrifice, - An humble and a contrite heart. - When our hearts are broken, we are completely open to the Spirit of God and recognize our dependence on Him for all that we have and all that we are. This sacrifice ...

Part of Nature / Teil der Natur / Parte da Natureza / Parte de la Naturaleza

Our bodies are made up of about 60% water and we cannot survive more than a few days without it. About every 7 weeks, that water is renewed, mostly by what you drink. Each day, an average adult naturally loses 2.5 to 3 liters of water under normal conditions. That water must be replaced. A person can ...

Don’t be no Fool / Sei kein Narr / Não seja um Tolo / No seas Tonto

You can proudly declare that your mother didn’t raise no fool; but how can you be sure if you never studied the difference between a wiseman and a fool? Not only should you be careful with your words but with whom you share your words. 'A fool’s lips walk into a fight, his mouth invites a beating,' ...

How forest Heal / Wie der Wald Heilt / Como a floresta Cura / Como a floresta Cura

For thousands of years our ancestors hunted, gathered, and survived in the wilderness. Endless grasslands, dense forests and rivers were an integral part of a place we called home. But in today’s World, the green spaces are replaced by urban structures, crowded streets and polluted environments. This rapid change puts an unwanted pressure on our body and ...

A Child’s Dream / Ein Kindertraum / Um Sonho de Criança / El Sueño de un Niño

A Child's Dream - Maybe you will not remember, - maybe you will not have the time. - Maybe you are too busy with yourself - or maybe you are just ignorant. - Maybe your eyes are blind to see - and your ears deaf to hear. - Maybe you do not have the courage, - but maybe, just maybe, you will remember ...

It’s in our Nature / Es liegt in unserer Natur / Está em nossa Natureza / Está en nuestra Naturaleza

There is no greater act of hospitality than to embrace a stranger as one’s own. Simple things like giving a hand to some in need as you walk down the road. Smiling at the person sitting across you in the public transport. Helping an old lady carry her groceries. Simple acts of caring, are all considered acts ...

The Secret to Happiness / Das Geheimnis zum Glück / O Segredo da Felicidade / El Secreto de la Felicidad

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In Buddhist teachings, mindfulness is utilized to develop self-knowledge and wisdom that gradually lead to what is described as enlightenment or the complete freedom from suffering. Mindfulness practice is being employed to reduce depression symptoms, to reduce stress, anxiety, and in the treatment of drug addiction. The practice of mindfulness also appears to provide numerous therapeutic benefits to people ...

Our Nature / Unsere Natur / Nossa Natureza / Nuestra Naturaleza

Under certain conditions you should go beyond what comes easily or naturally. Whether in thought or action, you should dig more deeply into yourself and think or act in a way that is somehow more highly evolved or enlightened. By definition this will not come easily. For some it will not come at all. Have a vision to connect your ...

Love is gonna save Us / Liebe wird uns Retten / Amor vai nos Salvar / Amor va a Salvarnos

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Stones and flowers on the ground -We are lost and found -but Love is gonna save us - Shadows walking in the crowd -We are lost and found -but Love is gonna save us - This message is imperative to the future of governance, the development of an economic model that serves all people and the environment. In ...

Blue Planet / Blauer Planet / Planeta Azul / Planeta Azul

Our planet is a blue planet: over seventy percent of it is covered by the sea. The Pacific Ocean alone covers half the globe. You can fly across it non-stop for twelve hours and still see nothing more than a speck of land. Still, the health of our oceans is under threat. They are changing at a ...

Conflict Conditioning / Konfliktkonditionierung / Condicionamento do Conflito / Condicionamiento del Conflicto

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Apparently man has lived for over five or six million years and during all this evolutionary period man has not been able, both outwardly and inwardly, to solve the great problem of conflict, conflict not only within himself but conflict and wars, slaughter outside. And that is the pattern through all these millennia, that the ...

Imagine your Life Ended / Stell Dir vor, Dein Leben ist Vorbei / Imagine Tu Vida Acabou / Imagina tu Vida Terminada

Imagine that you are dead. Superficially you had a happy life – a nice house, decent salary, good friends. Still, you felt stressed and de-motivated at work, your performance failed to meet your own standards, your self-esteem was diving. Externally, all may have looked well. Internally, you have been leading a life of quiet desperation. You look back on ...

Pure Consciousness / Reines Bewusstsein / Consciência Pura / Conciencia Pura

Pure Consciousness is the state of mind, where you are free from all the mind activities. The nature of the mind is to think thoughts, imagine things, accumulate experiences, and impressions and create a circle of thoughts out of it. Although the mind functions with its thoughts process, you have the state of pure Consciousness, which is ...

Nature makes You Happy / Natur macht Dich Glücklich / Natureza faz Você Feliz / Naturaleza te hace Feliz

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Connection with nature makes us healthier and happier people. Studies show a scientifically significant increase in people’s health and happiness by connecting to nature and active nature behaviours. People with a stronger connection to nature experienc more life satisfaction. We need nature for our health and wellbeing. Children exposed to the natural World show increase in self-esteem, ...

What’s the point of Love / Was ist die Liebe / O que é o Amor / A quoi ça sert L’Amour

Philosophy of Love is the field of social philosophy and ethics that attempts to explain the nature of Love. There are many different theories that attempt to explain what Love is, and what function it serves. It would be very difficult to explain Love to a hypothetical person who had not himself or herself experienced Love or being loved. In fact, to such a person Love would ...

Nature Is Speaking – Ocean / Die Natur spricht – Ozean / A Natureza está Falando – Oceano / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Oceano

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On our planet, water and life are synonymous, and Earth’s oceans have shaped life as we know it. The oceans also make our air: Tiny marine plants called phytoplankton provide the majority of the breathable oxygen generated by the ocean, which accounts for more than half of the air we inhale. As the atmosphere gets hotter from ...

Work – Consume – Die / Arbeite – Kauf – Stirb / Trabalhe – Consume – Morre / Trabaja – Consume – More

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The phrase 'Consume, Be silent, Die' embodies a critique of consumer culture, capturing what also has been called the poverty of abundance. Variants include 'Work, Consume, Be silent, Die' and 'Work, Buy, Consume, Die'. The phrase traces to 1970's environmental protests but regained prominence during the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011. Our cultural industry can be seen dangerous ...

Nonviolent Communication / Gewaltfreie Kommunikation / Comunicação não Violenta / Comunicación no Violenta

Nonviolent Communication is a tool that we can use to resolve conflicts at both the individual and collective levels. By focusing on identifying the needs of individuals and groups instead of the assigning blame for circumstances, Nonviolent Communication has the potential to heal the wounds most of us feel deep inside us. When we succeed in Nonviolent ...

Your created Story / Deine erstellte Geschichte / Tu história Criada / Tu historia Creada

Jon Kabat-Zinn is a professor of medicine and the creator of the Center for Mindfulness. Kabat-Zinn was a student of Buddhist teachers and Zen Master and a founding member of the Cambridge Zen Center. His practice of yoga and studies with Buddhist teachers led him to integrate their teachings with scientific findings. He teaches mindfulness, which he says can help people cope ...

Happiness comes from Within / Glück kommt von Innen / A felicidade vem de Dentro / La felicidad viene de Dentro

Happiness comes from within, declare a million advice blogs and books, Twitter messages and Facebook memes. The idea that happiness comes from within has taken a deep position in our collective psyche. Wellbeing is not anymore engaging with others but engaging with an inner journey, a self-focused personal quest. Most of the happiness trends, from self-help books to meditation, ...

Nature Is Speaking – Mother Nature / Die Natur spricht – Mutter Natur / A Natureza está Falando – Mãe Natureza / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Madre Naturaleza

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The more carbon emitted into the atmosphere as a result of Human activity, the more destabilized our climate becomes. If we do not take action now, annual global greenhouse emissions will increase by more than 26% before 2030 - dramatically worsening the impacts of climate change. Conservation can help: Protecting and restoring forests could account for a ...

Nature Is Speaking – Ice / Die Natur spricht – Eis / A Natureza está Falando – Gelo / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Hielo

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Throughout the year, Sea ice in polar regions enables the production of algae that supports the Arctic food web. The ice offers refuge for migrating seabirds, hunting grounds for seals, polar bears, and other important species, and grazing depots for krill and fish. Increased carbon emissions from Human activity is causing Earth’s atmosphere to warm, melting polar ...

Nature Is Speaking – Water / Die Natur spricht – Wasser / A Natureza está Falando – Agua / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Agua

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Water use has been growing at more than twice the rate of population increase in the past century - to the point that now about 1.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water; another 3 billion do not have adequate sanitation. Further, as climate change alters weather patterns, areas such as the Mediterranean region and ...

Nature Is Speaking – Forest / Die Natur spricht – Wald / A Natureza está Falando – Floresta / La Naturaleza está Hablando – Selva

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Forests help to provide us the very air we breathe, yet we still cut down Portugal-sized chunks of forest every year. Tropical forests cover less than just 5% of the Earth’s surface, but global deforestation threatens their long-term survival, as well as the survival of the wildlife - and Humans - that rely on them. The ...