Addiction is Pain / Sucht ist Schmerz / Vício é Dor / Adicción es Dolor

Feeling alone, the sense that there has never been anyone with whom to share their deepest emotions, is universal among addicts.  All adicts seek in their habit the same paradise; comfort, vitality, and freedom from pain. Addiction is a search that puts health, societal position, dignity, and freedom at risk. I am not afraid of death, I am ...

Things you didn’t Do / Dinge, die Du nicht getan Hast / Coisas que você não Fez / Cosas que no Hiciste

Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and I dented it? -I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't. -And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did? -I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But you didn't. -Do you remember the ...

Change The World In 5 Minutes / Ändern die Welt in 5 Minuten / Mude o mundo em 5 Minutos / Cambia el mundo en 5 minutos

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To change the World and to make it a better place to live in, it is not always necessary to give a lot of time and energy. Giving 5 minutes of a day for environment conservation through simple but effective environmental activities like recycling mobiles, old books, toys or growing some food, you could make ...

Society Trap / Gesellschaftsfalle / Armadilha da Sociedade / Trampa de la Sociedad

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I had one year of backpacking, sleeping on the floor, begging for food and money during my project Rio 2016 before coming back to Society. We are all stuck in a trap of consumerism, our minds have been hijacked by corporations and are being used to generate profit. Society has lost its way but humanity is ...

Hold On Tight / Gut Festhalten / Manter-se Firme / Agárrate Fuerte

Welcome to the 2006 roller coaster ride. Innermost feelings and crazy, mind blowing thinking, hand-in-hand with life. Days and nights filled with desperation and recklessness, constantly chasing the most intense way of life. You’d better fasten your seat belt and hold on tight. Can not live without it, can not live with it. It is insanity. It ...

A world of Solutions / Eine Welt der Lösungen / Um Mundo de Soluções / Un Mundo de Soluciones

The Earth is not in danger; it is Humanity that may not survive. Mass extinction is currently occurring because of Human behaviour. The interesting point is that nature will eventually bounce back. And then, continue to evolve. What will be destroyed, however, is us Humans. Humanity needs to awake and transform before it’s too late. Paradise. An unspoilt ...

Time Is Nothing / Zeit ist Nichts / O Tempo não é Nada / El tiempo no es Nada

Time is a construct of mankind to organize life on Earth into a manageable process that can be utilized by all of mankind, regardless of language, location or origin. That process takes into account the daily rotation of the Earth and its yearly rotation of the sun and hat the universe began with a big bang some ...

Show your true Self / Zeig dein wahres Selbst / Mostre Seu verdadeiro Eu / Muestre Tu verdadero Yo

You feel disconnected with who you are and with what your life looks like. You show the World one person, but know there is a different one within you, waiting to come out and be seen. Are you ready to become this person, your true Self, or are you wondering how to do so, how to ...

Reality is an Illusion / Realität ist eine Illusion / Realidade é uma Ilusão / Realidad es una Ilusión

You are living an illusion. None of this is real. Yet this illusion points to what is real, and can give you an experience of it. How can you see the illusion as an illusion when it appears so real? How is it that it seems so real if it is an illusion? The illusion seems ...

Experience and Knowledge / Erfahrung und Wissen / Experiência e Conhecimento / Experiencia y Conocimiento

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It is very important to understand that the database from which you construct any present reality exists in two different places and is accessed in two different ways. The challenge in Human life is that most people do not know this or do it but have not yet learned how to shift their point of focus from one ...

Choose your Future / Wähle deine Zukunft / Escolha o seu Futuro / Elige tu Futuro

Alcohol abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis in which there is recurring harmful use of alcohol despite its negative consequences. There are two types of Alcohol abuse : those who have anti-social and pleasure-seeking tendencies, and those who are anxiety-ridden people who are unable to control themselves once they start. Individuals with an alcohol use disorder often complain ...

World In My Eyes / Welt in Meinen Augen / Mundo em Meus Olhos / Mundo en Mis Ojos

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Look into my eyes and you will find yourself. You will see everything that you have ever desired, every hope you have, everything you have ever wanted. Look deep into my eyes and focus on what you find there, let go of constraints and inhibitions so that you become totally consumed by what you are looking ...

A new story of the People / Eine neue Geschichte der Menschen / Uma nova história do Povo / Una nueva historia de la Gente

Human beings are a storytelling species. As much as we would like to believe that we are rational, scientific people who consider all the facts before acting, the truth is that our stories and the roles we play in them have a greater impact on our behavior. Your family, past experience, and even your name are all ...

Nobody eats Chicken / Niemand isst Hühnchen / Ninguém come Galinha / Nadie come Pollo

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Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat of any animal, including abstention from by-products of animal slaughter. Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for life, health-related, political, environmental cultural, aesthetic, economic, or personal preference. In many Societies, controversy and debate have arisen over ...

The Infinite / Das Unendliche / O Infinito / El Infinito

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That is infinite, and this is infinite. -The infinite proceeds from the infinite. -Taking the infinitude of the infinite. -It remains as the infinite alone. - The personality of God is perfect and complete, and because he is completely perfect, all emanations from him, such as this phenomenal World, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is ...

It is a Privilege / Es ist ein Privileg / É um Privilégio / Es un Privilegio

Think about what truly matters to you in life. Do not await illness or death to cause you to stop and question your life and look more deeply at the things and the people in your life that are important. Be grateful for the perspective and Awareness this question will open up in your mind. You get distracted ...

The power of Choice / Die Macht der Wahl / O poder da Escolha / El poder de la Elección

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We do not have control over everything that happens to us in our life. We forget what we can control. We have the power to control how we react to people and circumstances in our life. We have the power to choose what our response will be. It is important to cultivate a daily mindfulness practice ...

Lovesickness / Liebeskummer / Doente de Amor / Enfermo de Amor

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Love is a serious mental disease. Love is a madness. Literature and poetry have often described Love as a kind of madness, and the medical profession takes a similar approach. Passionate Love will almost always fade or turn into melancholy Love, a form of depression or sadness. Lovesickness can be experienced if Love is lost. Passionate Love is ...

Everyday Kindness / Tägliche Freundlichkeit / Bondade Diária / Bondad Cotidiana

Kindness is contagious. When people benefit from Kindness they ‘pay it forward’ by helping others who were not originally involved, and this creates a cascade of cooperation that influences hundreds, millions more in a social network. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted – Aesop One simple act of generosity, consideration, or thoughtfulness will ...

The Genius of the Crowd / Das Genie der Menge / O Gênio da Multidão / El Genio de la Multitud

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You create your own reality with your own effort. Average people watch television, play on the internet or on their mobile phones, wondering why nothing is changing in their lives. It must be because of my age, race, beliefs, bad luck, or just anything else, they can blame it on. It rains on everyone but you ...

Owned and Operated / Besessen und Betrieben / Possuído e Operado / Poseído y Operado

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You now live in a Society of consumerism. Media propaganda, the club of organized greed, mega corporations, and the Internet has inducted you, from a young age, into the consumer culture. Being constantly distracted by screens has become the social norm. Your life have been taken over and influence by images and footage animal-like behavior – as ...

Rule the World / Die Welt Regieren / Governar o Mundo / Gobernar el Mundo

The question if democracy or autocracy is the better form of government has been debated since the time of Aristotle. And it has returned in recent years as China and its model of authoritarian capitalism challenges the US model of free-market democracy. Democracy and capitalism had emerged as the only legitimate means of organizing domestic economies and ...

Fake World / Scheinwelt / Mundo Ilusório / Mundo Ilusório

A great many things in our World, in our Society are fake. From news and marketing to science and politics, our World is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages and propaganda. The positive thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a powerful  tool for raising your ...