The art of Flow / Die Kunst des Flusses / A Arte do Fluxo / El arte de Flujo

The mental state of being completely present and fully immersed in a task is a strong contributor to creativity. The creator and the universe become one, outside distractions recede from Consciousness and one's mind is fully open and attuned to the act of creating. Flow is defined as the mental state of operation in which an individual performing an ...

Illusion of Insignificance / Illusion der Bedeutungslosigkeit / Ilusão de Insignificância / Ilusión de la Insignificancia

The factors that make life on Earth possible came together so beautifully, even materialists have trouble knowing why we are here. Nobody knows how a mixture of lifeless chemicals spontaneously organised themselves into the first living cell. It may have been a straightforward sequence of unexceptional chemical processes, or a bizarre accident. The first cells formed within a ...

How many people lived on Earth / Wie viele Menschen lebten auf der Erde / Quantas pessoas viviam na Terra / Cuantos personas vivieron en la Tierra

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Humaity possesses inherent value, but we are devastating the Earth and causing unimaginable animal suffering. There is no other creature in nature whose predatory behavior is remotely as deep or as widespread as the behavior we display toward our fellow creatures. The Medea hypothesis. The name is a reference to the Gaia hypothesis, named for the Greek ...

Life of a Billionaire / Das Leben eines Milliardärs / Vida de um Bilionário / Vida de un Multimillonario

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Meet your friendly neighborhood billionaire. He is a 63-year-old married guy. He has got just over $3 billion in the bank, including $600 million in cash. He made his own money on Wall Street. He loves sports. That is the basic composite the World’s 2,325 billionaires, the 0.00003% lives. And they live very, very well. Their ranks are ...

Self love Routine / Selbstliebe Routine / Rotina de amor Próprio / Rutina de amor Propio

Self-care is basically the act of taking care of yourself physically and mentally. It is a way to make sure you are getting the time you need to feel at peace. Whether it is spending the night in painting and drawing instead of going out with friends or going to bed early instead of watching one ...

Social media is ruining your Life / Social Media ruiniert dein Leben / Mídia social está arruinando sua Vida / Las redes sociales están arruinando tu Vida

We do not live in a Communist society, inequality is a fact of life. But social media makes everything seem even more unequal than it actually is. Yes, the rich kids of Instagram are probably spending your annual salary in an evening, but the majority are those who attempt to imitate a wealthy lifestyle. It did not happen unless ...

1981-08-01 New York, USA / Video killed the Radio Star/ Video tötete den Radio-Star / Vídeo matou a estrela de Rádio / Vídeo mató a la estrella de Radio

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MTV was launched at 12:01 AM Eastern Time on August 1, 1981, and originally aired music videos as guided by television personalities known as VJs. The first music video shown on MTV was The Buggles 'Video Killed the Radio Star'. In 1983 MTV took another big step when Michael Jackson debuted his iconic moonwalk during a performance on his hit number 'Billie Jean'. MTV ...

A lot of money makes you Happy / Sehr viel Geld macht doch Glücklich / Muito dinheiro te faz Feliz / Mucho dinero te hace Feliz

Does money make you happy. Countless scientific studies have tried to answer this question. The answer is difficult because causality can hardly be proven. Nevertheless, there is evidence that happier people are also more successful at work and therefore more wealthy. The connection between money and happiness is difficult to describe because happiness is influenced by many ...

The great Reset / Der große Neustart / A grande Reinicialização / El gran Reinicio

The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems – from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet. We ...

Time waits for No One / Die Zeit wartet auf Niemanden / O tempo não espera por Ninguém / El tiempo no espera a Nadie

Time is flying. Always live life to the fullest, enjoy, be happy, keep smiling and remember to always be grateful, love, and appreciate the moments you spend with your family and friends. One day the moments you spend with your loved ones will become a memory. Always say I love you,Always say Thank you,Always be who you ...

Power of Nothingness / Die Kraft des Nichts / Poder do Nada / Poder de la Nada

There is a kind of destructive and delusional conspiracy in the history of Human thinking that has undermined the fundamental importance of one of our most incredible resources: Nothing. People are down on Nothing. What you should see if you think about it more clearly, is that the World of things is really the creation in your ...

Dying from Overwork / Sterben vor Überarbeitung / Morrendo de excesso de Trabalho / Morir por exceso de Trabajo

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Stress affects everyone differently. But two types of emotional stress can impact the heart. Acute stress usually occurs suddenly after a traumatic event, like a car crash or an earthquake, while chronic stress builds up over time. Karoshi (過労死, Karōshi), which can be translated literally as 'Overwork death' in Japanese, is occupational sudden mortality. The major medical causes of Karoshi deaths ...

Reconnect with Nature / Verbinde Dich wieder mit der Natur / Reconecte-se com a Natureza / Reconecta con la Naturaleza

Modern living is tough. There is just too much to do. Too many people to please, too many tasks to complete, too many fears and disappointments to deal with. It can be exhausting, frustrating, and soul-destroying all at once, and that can be on any given day or worse, every day. Your body is made up of ...

Point of no Return / Punkt ohne Wiederkehr / Ponto sem Retorno / Punto sin Retorno

The World is running out of time to reverse the worst possible effects of man-made climate breakdown. Ocean and atmospheric circulation and the feedback between these interconnected climate shifts accelerate the warming process, triggering a cascade of tipping points or even a global tipping point. Large ecosystems worldwide, such as the Amazon rainforest, will collapse and disappear alarmingly quickly, ...

Become a witness to your Mind / Werde Zeuge Deines Geistes / Torne-se uma testemunha da sua Mente / Hazte testigo de tu Mente

Man is conditioned for goals, destinations, purposes, meanings. Hindu, Christian, Muslim, Communist, it does not matter - all ideologies are goal-oriented. It is always tomorrow that you have to look to, or the next life. It is always somewhere else: the goal, the meaning, the bliss, the paradise - it is never now here. Because of these ...

Welcome to Hell / Willkommen in der Hölle / Bem-vindo ao Inferno / Bienvenido al Infierno

Between one and two degrees warming nobody will think of Mediterranean holidays. The movement from northern Europe to the Mediterranean is likely to reverse, switching eventually into a mass movement as Saharan heatwaves sweep across the Mediterranean. People everywhere will think twice about moving to the coast. Coastal communities will suffer. As mountains lose their glaciers, ...

Appreciate the small Things / Schätze die kleinen Dinge / Aprecie as pequenas Coisas / Aprecio las cosas Pequeñas

Slow down. Let life be. You do not have to figure it all out, it will figure itself out. Find little things to appreciate, because those are the things that will be meaningful at the end of the day. You lost sensitivity to the little joys of life. And you start looking for it. You look ...

The stoned Ape / Der bekiffte Affe / O macaco Drogado / El mono Drogado

There are quiet a few theories why Humans developed the mental capacity we enjoy today. Some say it was the consumption of red meat. Some others the fact that we became bipedal and had to think on our feet. Some others support the invention of cooking since it expanded massively the nutritional value of our food. ...

We are all Connected / Wir sind alle Verbunden / Estamos todos Conectados / Todos estamos Conectados

Different cultures have different beliefs about how important social connection and interdependence are to our lives. You like to think of yourself as relatively immune to sway of those around you while you pursue your personal destiny.  This is a story you like to tell yourself rather than what really happens.  You are born wired for connection, you ...

May the truth come to Light / Möge die Wahrheit ans Licht Kommen / Que a verdade venha à Luz / Que la verdad salga a la Luz

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Are there absolute truths or is everything just about opinion and how you feel about something. For every fact there is a counterfact and all these counterfacts and facts look identical online, which is confusing to most people. Humans shape technology advances to their own, not-fully-noble purposes and bad actors with bad motives will thwart the ...

One day we turn to this World / Eines Tages wenden wir uns dieser Welt Zu / Um dia nos voltamos para este Mundo / Un día nos volvemos a este Mundo

At some point in the future one might say, 2020 looked like the year when an unknown virus got out of control, killed hundreds of thousands and altered the way you live day to day. In the future, one might look back at 2020 as the year you decided to take the last exit. Taking the threat ...

The gift of Sensitivity / Das Geschenk der Sensibilität / O presente da Sensibilidade / El presente de la Sensibilidad

You are a deep thinker, an intuitive feeler, and an extraordinary observer. You are vulnerable to existential depression and anxiety, but you also know beauty and rapture. When art or music moves you, you are flooded with waves of joy and ecstasy. As a natural empathiser, you have a gift; yet you are also overwhelmed by the constant ...

Be aware of your Breath / Sei Dir deines Atems Bewusst / Esteja ciente de sua Respiração / Sé consciente de tu Aliento

Breathing comes automatically, while you sleep, eat, drink, shower, have sex, run, walk, read, and laugh. It changes in each of these situations, adapting instinctively to ensure you get enough oxygen and do not choke, drown, or otherwise end up in danger or dead. But just because it is automatic does not mean that your breathing ...