Reflection of the Heart / Reflexion des Herzens / Reflexão do Coração / Reflejo del Corazón

Without your eyes, life is a horror. All the beautiful things, you would not be able to see it with a tender look. All of the attractive things, you can not observe it with your eyes for an exciting feeling to enjoy it. You are therefore limited by the ability to feel things at a great ...

I am Affirmations / Ich bin Affirmationen / Eu sou Afirmações / Soy Afirmaciones

If you want to make a change, start where you are. Start with who you are. Affirmations are crazy powerful. Crazy, crazy powerful. Because by saying, hearing or writing a powerful affirmation, you manifest it into your brain over and over again until you actually believe your affirmation. Affirmations are always in the present tense because your brain only responds to ...

World means You / Welt bedeutet Du / Mundo significa Você / Mundo significa Tu

Your life is a constant struggle. From the moment you are born until you die, your life is a battlefield. And you wonder whether that can end and if you can live completely at peace not only inwardly but also outwardly. Actually there is no such division as the inner and the outer. This division is regarded as ...

Follow your Inuition / Folge Deiner Intuition / Siga sua Intuição / Sigue tu Intuición

Listening to your inner thoughts is difficult when the voices are so loud. It is the feeling when negative chatter clouds your head, and you do not know what to believe. You can not get clarity on making a decision because your intuition tells you one thing and your fear shouts another. Your intuition connects your body, ...

Losing Everything / Alles Verlieren / Perder Tudo / Perder Todo

Hitting rock bottom. Crash and burn. Down and out. Dead in the water. Up in smoke. Hitting the skids. In dire straits. Find yourself in stormy seas. No matter the severity of the storm, it could bring your entire World crashing down. It can happen so fast that it is practically unavoidable.  A meltdown comes at you like ...

Moments will be lost in Time / Momente gehen in der Zeit Verloren / Momentos serão perdidos no Tempo / Momentos se perderán en el Tiempo

It will not last, this moment, me writing this, you reading. Moments gone, that will never come again, even if you waited an eternity. Moments matter. If you understand what powerful moments are made of, you wish to create them. Because the right moment can have extraordinary power. The standout memories hijack your mind. You replay them ...

We have given Everything / Wir haben alles Gegeben / Nós demos Tudo / Hemos dado Todo

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The exploitation of Africa and Africans by the Western World made an invaluable and even an indispensable contribution to the building of the economies of three continents (South America, North America and Europe). While products that embodied large quantities of cheap African slave labour, were used by Europe to seriously harm the economy of another continent ...

You have been Hacked / Du bist gehackt Worden / Você foi Hackeado / Has sido Hackeado

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Just as having a stranger stare at you for an extended period of time can be uncomfortable and hostile. It is no different from being under constant surveillance, except that surveillance is often done secretely and at the order of some authority. In our modern Society, where so many of our actions are observable, recorded, searchable, and ...

You can not Win / Du kannst nicht Gewinnen / Você não pode Vencer / Tú no puedes Ganar

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Black people are nothing more than servants. They are basically shadows. They are invisible, living in absolute poverty, nothing but shadows existing in the white - controlled environment where the old rules – written some time ago, officially gone, but still around – remain the order of the day. The historical inequalities and structural barriers, rooted in ...

There is no empathy in Heaven / Es gibt keine Empatie im Himmel / Não há empatia no Céu / No hay empatía en el Cielo

When little babies are in a nursery and one baby cries the other babies will cry in respons they just do not know why. Around two and a half years of age you begin to recognise yourself in a mirror, that is when you begin to mature empathy as a cultural phenomena. Once you can identify ...

I have lived and Loved / Ich habe gelebt und Geliebt / Eu vivi e Amei / He vivido y Amado

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Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for Love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me here and there, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have lived a thousand lives and ...

Follow your heart And Intuition / Folge Deinem Herzen und Deiner Intuition / Siga seu coração e Intuição / Sigue tu corazón e Intuición

How often do you listen to yourself. How often do you feel that something is going right or wrong. You can not explain why, you simply feel it. How often do you follow your instinct, follow your gut, follow your intuition. The concept of intuition, the idea of making successful decisions without analytical thought, has intrigued ...

Have you been in Darkness / Warst du in der Dunkelheit / Você esteve no Escuro / Has estado en la Oscuridad /

A collapse of a perceived meaning in life … an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness is very close to what is conventionally called depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, there is no purpose to anything. Sometimes it is triggered by some external event, some disaster, the death of someone close to you. Or ...

Inspired by Nature / Inspiriert von der Natur / Inspirado pela Natureza / Inspirado en la Naturaleza

Artists have always been drawn to, and inspired by, the natural World. In recent years creative minds have started looking to nature to find beautifully functional design solutions. They have even created a design philosophy, Biomimicry, based on the concept that nature knows best. Biomimicry is an approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to Human challenges by emulating ...

Men should not Marry / Männer sollten nicht Heiraten / Homens não deveriam se Casar / Hombres no deberían Casarse

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Young men should not marry because they have their talents, dreams, and future to utilize. Women will marry young men as a sort of down payment, a future retirement plan. Old men should not marry because of their assets and wealth to be taken, and older women resemble mummies. Young women marry old men for the ...

We steal the future from our Children / Wir stehlen unseren Kindern die Zukunft / Roubamos o futuro de nossos Filhos / Robamos el futuro a nuestros Hijos

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You, as an individual, just have to remember that in your life, you matter, you have a role to play and that every single day you live. You make some impact and you get a choice as to what kind of impact you are going to make. If everyone is making the right ethical choice, whatever religion ...

The mirror of Relationship / Der Spiegel der Beziehung / O espelho do Relacionamento / El espejo de la Relación

All mystics have taught you that Love is not to be sought; Love is what you are. Love is what is here in each and every moment. But today you seek Love in intimate relationships; in fact, you have made the words Love and relationship almost interchangeable. The expectations you have today towards your partner are an ...

Trust the Universe / Vertraue dem Universum / Confie no Universo / Confía en el Universo

Sometimes you experience moments when you realize you need to trust in the universe. Maybe your life feels chaotic, or you are overwhelmed with emotions. During these times you might realize that it is time to surrender to the universe and trust that things should work themselves out, no matter how stressed out you may feel. Learning ...

Find the Middle Way / Finde den Mittelweg / Encontre o Caminho do Meio / Encuentra el camino del Medio

Taking the middle way is not about removing ourselves from the World nor to get lost in it  - it is about gaining a new perspective. The middle way is the path to finding balance. You can be with all your experience in its complexity, with your own exact thoughts and feelings and drama as it ...

When the world Collapses / Wenn die Welt Zusammenbricht / Quando o mundo entra em Colapso / Cuando el mundo entra en Colapso

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There are two events that you will need to plan for. The first is survival during the global world collapse. The second is survival after the collapse. Three independent major computer models predicted that the World will collapse between 2030 and 2040. These predictions are the results of the efforts of many highly qualified scientists, the UK ...

Life is Impermanent / Das Leben ist unbeständig / A vida é Impermanente / La vida es Impermanente

Impermanence rules everything. Nothing lasts forever. Even the best stories end. At some point everything will end. Recognizing the impermanence of life teaches you not to cling to the good or run from the bad. But to make room for change. When we get stuck in a moment, life feels short. You become arrogant when ...

I doubt, hence I am / Ich zweifle, also bin Ich / Duvido, logo Existo / Dudo, por lo tanto Soy

Is your knowledge that certain, and if so, how? If not, why not? What is it that you know with certainty? That you know through and through; that is as real to you as your being. What if everything you believe is wrong? Can you even admit that possibility? Doubting leads to curiosity, leads to investigation, leads ...

Lonely Nights / Einsame Nächte / Noites Solitárias / Noches Solitarias

Hectic and frustrating days that turn into stressful and lonely nights have become normal. Sleepless nights, staring at the ceiling. Waking up at 4 in the morning with the mind racing, thinking about this and that, not being able to shut it off. You fill your day with a job that you love and pays you well. ...

Society wants you to be Ambitious / Die Gesellschaft möchte dass Du ehrgeizig bist / A sociedade quer que você seja Ambicioso / La sociedad quiere que seas Ambicioso

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We say that one must make one’s way through life; each one out for himself, whether in the name of business, religion or country. You want to become famous, and so does your neighbour, and so does his neighbour: and so it is with everyone. Thus we build a Society based on ambition, envy and acquisitiveness, in ...