The infinite yearning for Nature / Die unendliche Sehnsucht nach Natur / O desejo infinito pela Natureza / El anhelo infinito por la Naturaleza

So many people have turned away from nature. Turned a blind eye to the overflowing landfills, the oil spills, the disappearing wondrous plants and animals. Each one of a kind, each a special and critical link in the whole of life. Indigenous languages are being forgotten. The forests are disappearing. We can not be separated from the natural World. ...

Yearning for the Infinite / Sehnsucht nach dem Unendlichen / Ansiando pelo Infinito / Anhelo del Infinito

You will find great reward in looking for the fundamentals of nature, both aesthetically and in terms of your own learning. This question of your constant quest for knowledge, growth, improvement, materialist, financial and personal gain, is all indicative of the fact that you need the infinite as an endless source of meaning. If your team wins ...

Find inner Peace / Finde inneren Frieden / Encontre a paz Interior / Encuentra la paz Interior

Conflict, hatred, and violence are all around you. The World is deeply unsettling and is threaten your inner peace and happiness. You have to counteract your emotions. Promote your inner peace within yourself regardless of how uncertain the World around you may be. Finding ways to grow and nurture a sense of inner peace is absolutely vital ...

You are no longer able to Change / Du kannst dich nicht mehr Ändern / Você não é mais capaz de Mudar / Ya no eres capaz de Cambiar

The way you interpret and understand the World directly affects your beliefs and the way you live your life. It creates fear as much as it creates curiosity. It is hard for you to understand what you do not understand. Understand that it is OK to be wrong. In error there is growth. Sometimes it is too late to make things right. Sometimes you hurt others more ...

Live without Regret / Lebe ohne Reue / Vive sem Arrependimento / Vive sin Arrepentimientos

Regret makes it very difficult to keep moving forward with your life. You dwell on the past and suffer the regret daily. In order to live a life of progress and growth you must learn to forgive yourself and look towards the future rather than be consumed by regrets of the past. Live a life filled with wonder, ...

Life has no Purpose / Das Leben hat keinen Zweck / A vida não tem Propósito / La vida no tiene Proposito

Life is transcendental - neither purpose nor no purpose, neither meaning nor no meaning. It is not going anywhere. There is no goal to life, and if you have a goal then you are going against life, and you will suffer because you will be trying to go upstream. You will have to struggle, and all ...

The modern Struggle / Der moderne Kampf / A luta Moderna / La lucha Moderna

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The modern struggle is really about individuals - disconnected from their tribe, religion and cultural networks - who are trying to stand up to all these addictions that have been weaponized: Alcohol, drugs, pornography, processed foods, news media, Internet, social media and video games. Addictions let you engage in fake play and fake work. Before, you had to ...

All things will Die / Alle Dinge werden Sterben / Todas as coisas Morrerão / Todas las cosas Morirán

At some point in life, you come face-to-face with the reality of your own mortality. All things that live will eventually die. It is a fact of life, but it can be hard to face at times. Death is an essential part of the circle of life. Whether you are talking about a Human being, an animal, or a plant, every ...

Lost in a Moment / In einem Moment Verloren / Perdido em um Momento / Perdido en un Momento

The more absorbed you are able to become in whatever your current activity might be, the happier you are. When your mind and thereby your attention wanders away from whatever you are doing, you become unhappy. Mind-wandering is an excellent predictor of people’s happiness. In fact, how often your mind leaves the present and where they tend ...

The way we treat each Other / Wie wir miteinander Umgehen / A maneira como nos Tratamos / La forma en que nos Tratamos

The World is a tragedy, as well as a comedy to those who think; those who think (in addition to feel) do have a distinct advantage over those who can not think very well or do not know how to think very well.  Thinking deeply and well is one of the best ways to begin neutralizing ...

Hidden Heroes / Versteckte Helden / Heróis Ocultos / Héroes Ocultos

The coronavirus pandemic characterizes everyday life in many parts of the World. In order to overcome this exceptional situation, more and more people - despite their own risk of infection - are putting themselves at the service of their neighbours and Society. We can not express enough how incredibly grateful we are for the the dedication and ...

Living Mindfully / Bewusst Leben / Viver Atentamente / Viviendo con Atención

A mindful life is worth the effort. It is a life where you awaken from the dream state - the state of having your mind anywhere but in the present moment, locked in thoughts about what you are going to do later, about something someone else said, about something you are stressing about or angry about. The ...

Why is Prostitution Illegal / Warum ist Prostitution Illegal / Por que a prostituição é Ilegal / Por qué es ilegal la Prostitución

How can prostitution be illegal when both sex and selling are perfectly legal. It is perfectly legal to go to a nightclub for the sole purpose of meeting someone to 'hook up' with. Most Friday and Saturday nights people are having sex with other people whose names they have not even bothered to learn. Consensual sex is legal. But ...

What are you doing for the rest of your Life / Was machst du für den Rest deines Lebens / O que você faze pelo resto da sua Vida / Qué estás haces por el resto de tu Vida

As you grow up, your life begins to complicate. You finish school, you go to university, you travel, you get full time jobs, and your schedules get busier. As you go along with your busy life, you forget the importance and difference that each day can make. You spend your life working towards the goals you ...

Starving for Love / Hunger nach Liebe / Faminto por Amor / Hambriento de amor

Some people are just more difficult to love than others. Sometimes it is because they are offensive in some way - they act like jerks, they are ass-holes, they are selfish, they are narcissistic, they are aggressive and they are mean, etc., etc. They are this or they are that. Perhaps they have hurt us, wounded us, ...

Life is Short / Das Leben ist Kurz / A vida é Curta / La vida es Corta

You never realize that life is short and it is meant to be lived. Instead, you are immersed in stress, anxiety and fear. Fear. That is a word that you live and die by. Not physically. But emotionally and mentally. Even financially. Yes, sometimes even spiritually. If life is short, you should expect its shortness to take ...

People Are not good to each Other / Menschen sind nicht gut Zueinander / As pessoas não são boas um para Outro / Las personas no son buenas entre Sí

On the social media stage, looking right seems the only thing that matters. Rather than using our emotions and intellect to do whats best, we focus on proving others wrong - those who think differently become our enemies. People are not using their voices to make things better. They express their opinions simply to hurt others; to silence ...

When nothing is certain anything is possible / Wenn nichts sicher ist, ist alles Möglich / Quando nada está certo, tudo é Possível / Cuando nada es seguro, todo es Posible

It is an interesting feeling, the moment before making a decision that will change your life forever. Standing on the edge of the unknown. Where nothing is certain. And nothing is guaranteed. When you have given up all control of your situation, allowing the forces unseen to move you through the process, not attaching yourself to ...

Voluntary Poverty / Freiwillige Armut / Pobreza Voluntária / Pobreza Voluntaria

Poverty is finding families these days through unemployment, bankruptcy and home foreclosure, whether they like it or not. And mostly, they do not like it. But in order to survive peak oil, I suggest that those who have not found poverty yet might want to seek it out for their own good. Prepare your household for a future ...