For a long time, civilization has beem headed in a direction that no one really want's to go. It is like we have been following a road with no exit ramp. Maybe we see a crossroads up ahead. It’s just over the hill, around the bend, past the woods. Cresting the hill, you see you ...
If I had Money / Wenn Ich Geld Hätte / Se eu tivesse Dinheiro / Si tuviera Dinero
The notion of dreaming and living without regard for financial reality can open the imagination to entire Worlds that money had rendered unrealistic. Money restricts options and makes some dreams impossible. But without money, there would be very few dreams whatsoever. While pursuing a life in which money does not matter may be exciting, it is a ...
Love Never Dies / Liebe stirbt Nie / O amor nunca Morre / El amor nunca Muere
Love changes people but true Love does not change. The faith in Love acts supernatural. Impossible things are made possible. Love is magical. True Love never ends but becomes more deep and colorful with time. The best experience of life is the feeling of true Love. True Love is magical. It acts like medication for your ...
Find death before death finds You / Finde den Tod, bevor der Tod dich Findet / Encontre a morte antes que a morte o Encontre / Encuentra la muerte antes de que la muerte te Encuentre
Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to 'die before you die' and find that there is no death. The only ‘real’ death is never knowing who you really are, never understanding your true ‘being’. When you have a true sense of Self, this can never die. Death ...
Every parent’s worst Nightmare / Der schlimmste Albtraum aller Eltern / O pior pesadelo de todos os Pais / La peor pesadilla de cada Padre
No parent imagines losing sight of her kid - until it happens and you experience the terror of not being able to find your child. Whether at an amusement park, a parade, in a store, or wherever else childre can get lost - which is anywhere, sometimes even right in your own neighborhood. Millions of children a ...
Who speaks for Earth / Wer spricht für die Erde / Quem fala pela Terra / Quién habla por la Tierra
We are children equally of the Earth and the sky. In our tenure on this planet we have accumulated dangerous evolutionary baggage: propensities for aggression and submission to leaders, hostility to outsiders. All of which puts our survival in some doubt. But we have also acquired compassion for others, Love for our children, a desire to learn ...
Let them Go / Lass sie Gehen / Deixa eles Irem / Déjalos Ir
Letting go of someone you truly Love is one of the most difficult things in the World. Unfortunately, sometimes … it is necessary. You just have to look inside of yourself and admit – it is done, it is over, and it is time to move on. So as much as you love someone, you have to make the ...
Invisible I Am / Unsichtbar bin Ich / Invisível eu Sou / Invisible Soy
Nobody knows you. Nobody cares about what you do. You feel unnoticed, unwanted, not making a single ripple, all while it seems everyone else is enjoying life and having fun without you. You look at them and they seem to have an easier time putting themselves out there. You feel that you are invisible to others and to ...
After Life / Nach dem Leben / Depois da Vida / Después de la Vida /
Most religions believe in some sort of continued existence after we die, whether it is in some peaceful paradise, a hellish land of punishment, or simply a continuation of the soul or essence in a new life. This continued existence is known as the afterlife. While some religions do not specify a single clear theory about ...
Today and Tomorrow / Heute und Morgen / Hoje e Amanhã / Hoy y Mañana
An early Buddhist teaching says: What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind. Karma means intended action, and is a dynamic concept. It is not fate or predestination, but a consequence of what has gone before. In other ...
Take me as I Am / Nimm mich wie ich Bin / Tome-me como eu Sou / Tómame como Soy
To the very few people who accept me as I am, words are not enough to tell you how I feel. All the years that you have been with me are priceless. You taught me that despite all of my imperfections, I can still be accepted; I can still be loved. You have made me who ...
The point of life is simply here and Now / Der Sinn des Lebens ist einfach hier und Jetzt / O ponto da vida é simplesmente aqui e Agora / El punto de la vida es simplemente aquí y Ahora
The art of meditation is a way of getting in touch with reality. The reason for it is that most civilized people are out of touch with reality, because they confuse the World as it is with the World as they think about it and talk about it and describe it. For, on the one hand, ...
Dreams Coming True / Träume werden Wahr / Sonhos se tornando Realidade / Sueños se hacen Realidad
Dreams tell you what you really know about something, what you really feel. Dreams point you toward what you need for integration, expression, growth, and the health of your relationships to a person, place and thing. Dreams can help you to fine-tune your direction and show you your unfinished business. Dreams are meaning machines. And they never lie. There ...
Challenge your Beliefs / Fordern Deine Überzeugungen Heraus / Desafie suas Crenças / Desafía tus Creencias
In order to change your life and ultimately change your World, you must start by examining your own mental models: Your beliefs, assumptions, and expectations about the way the World is and the way things ought to be. You think and act through your mental models. You often forget that you are not victims of your mind or ...
We have a Plan / Wir haben einen Plan / Temos um Plano / Nosotros tenemos un plan
I have thoughts. Good thougts. Bad thoughts. But now I am tired of only having thoughts. Thoughts do not let me sleep. Thoughts do not change me. And thoughts do not change the World. So, now I have a five-point plan to manage the psychological toll of living with climate change and to become part of the solution. Our ...
How you waste your Life / Wie du dein Leben Verschwendest / Como você desperdiça sua Vida / Cómo desperdicias tu Vida
If you strip people of their uniforms, their feathers and their grand-sounding names, they will be like the people anybody else, nobodies. It is the same everywhere: the name, the position, the prestige are what matter. The writer, the artist, the musician, the director, the head of a big company, strip them of their outward show ...
Let go of Expectations / Löse Dich von Erwartungen / Deixe ir as Expectativas / Deja ir las Expectativas
When you are forcing situations and you are controlled by expectations, you can not be free in the present moment. You can not be in flow or be fully present in a tender moment between you and another. With expectations, every experience is bound to the constant effort of working to get, and feeling the emptiness of not ...
Ordinary Madness / Gewöhnlicher Wahnsinn / Loucura Comum / Locura Ordinaria
There are degrees of madness, and the madder you are the more obvious it will be to other people. Most of my life I have hidden my madness within myself but it is there. For instance, some person will be speaking to me of this or that and while this person is boring me with their ...
Consume with Care / Konsumiere mit Sorgfalt / Consuma com Cuidado / Consume con Cuidado
Overconsumption of food is detrimental to our health and the environment. Land degradation, declining soil fertility, unsustainable water use, overfishing and marine environment degradation are all lessening the ability of the natural resource base to supply food. - Leonardo di Caprio Our consumer culture has outgrown the ability to discuss sustainability in a manner that makes ...
Hope in the face of Change / Hoffnung angesichts des Wandels / Esperança em face da Mudança / Esperanza frente al Cambio
Climate change is the new disease of despair. - Choosing hope and stepping up may not be comfortable. Sometimes, it will hurt. You will experience the heartbreak that goes along with failure. You will feel grief at the loss of what you once knew. But the discomfort you experience from stepping up, speaking out and advocating is minimal ...
May you be Blessed / Mögest Du gesegnet Sein / Que você seja Abençoado / Que seas Bendecido
May your illusions be shattered beyond your ability to reassemble them. - May you learn quickly from your failures and successes. - May life treat you how you treat life. - May you reap that which you sow, and may it be highly educational for you. May all of the hidden parts of yourself enter the ...
Is hope Good or Bad / Ist Hoffnung Gut oder Schlecht / Esperança é Boa ou Ruim / Es esperanza Buena o Mala
Hope is a desire for something, combined with an anticipation of it to happen. It is the anticipation of something desired. To hope for something is to make a claim about something significance to you, and so to make a claim about yourself. One opposite of hope is fear, which is the desire for something not to happen, ...
How to run away from Yourself / Wie Du vor dir selbst Davonläufst / Como fugir de Si Mesmo / Cómo huir de Ti Mismo
Look after yourself, be kind to yourself, spoil yourself as though you were your own very best friend. Take some time to think if you are running away from yourself and be kind to the most important person in your life, You. Everything you can become lies on the other side. Of you. Compassion lies on the other side of anger. Love lies ...
We can be the Changers / Wir können die Veränderer Sein / Nós podemos ser os Cambiadores / Podemos ser los Cambiadores
To bring the natural system into balance, a new economy that is sustainable and respects the limits of natural resources and the functions of ecosystems is fundamental. This requires a shift in how we value, use and dispose of resources, creating a circular system, as in nature. Earth’s ecosystems have evolved for millions of years, resulting in ...
Loss of Self Control / Verlust der Selbstkontrolle / Perda de Autocontrole / Pérdida de Autocontrol
Having a little self control can save you from a lot of miseries, adversities, and errors. Self control is all about doing the right thing even when you do not like it. It involves shunning instant gratification and disallowing the demonic side of you from taking over. Self control is often referred to as willpower. It allows you to direct your attention despite the ...