1895-02-20 Washington D.C., USA / The power of Education / Die Kraft von Bildung / O poder da Educação / El poder de la Educación

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Education is the most empowering force in the World. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunity. For children, it is their key to open the door to a better life. However, it is a sad reality of our World today that millions of children will never receive this key. They are destined ...

Could I be Wrong / Könnte Ich falsch Liegen / Poderia estar errado Eu / Podría estar Equivocado

No one enjoys being wrong. It is an unpleasant emotional experience. The question is how do you respond when it turns out you were wrong. You refuse to admit you are wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. You simply can not admit you were wrong in any circumstances. Your Ego, your very sense-of-self is weak. You have ...

It is all a Deception / Alles ist eine Täuschung / É tudo uma Decepção / Todo es un Engaño

Nobody can be completely honest. That you will try, and you'll have a great deal of success in exploring your motivations and your dark, unconscious depths, but there will be a certain point at which you will say, Well, I've had enough of that! You know? And, do you see how, in a strange way, there's a ...

1909-02-17 Fort Sill, USA / Never Surrender / Niemals Ergeben / Nunca se Render / Nunca te Rindas

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Early in his life, Geronimo became invested in the continuing and relentless cycle of revenge warfare between the Apaches and Mexicans. On March 5, 1851, a force of Mexican militia attacked and surprised an Apache camp outside of Janos, Chihuahua, slaughtering the inhabitants. Geronimo was absent at the time of the attack, but when he returned ...

We provide our own Meaning / Wir geben unsere eigene Bedeutung / Nós fornecemos nosso próprio Significado / Proporcionamos nuestro propio Significado

We are all hungry for meaning, for purpose, for the feeling that our life is worth more than the sum of its parts. Humans are resourceful and have infinite ways of finding meaning, and infinite potential sources of meaning. You can find meaning in every scenario, every event, every occurrence, every context. You can find meaning in ...

Feeling of being out of Place / Das Gefühl fehl am Platz zu Sein / Sensação de estar fora de Lugar / Sensación de estar fuera de Lugar

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Why would you carry around a pervasive feeling of being out-of-place. Of not fitting in. Of being on the outside, looking in. Especially when among people who love you. Yet, for you it is a difficult to identify, difficult to name feeling; yet it holds tremendous power over you. It makes it hard for you to ...

Keep your vibration High / Halte deine Vibration Hoch / Mantenha sua vibração Alta / Mantenga su vibración Alta

The conscious mind with its never ending stream of thoughts overrides your Consciousness. For the conscious mind, the outside World tends to occupy your attention and does not let you venture inward and experience your Consciousness. It is only when the mind becomes quiet and silent that you become aware of this Consciousness. You have to ...

2018-02-14 Parkland, USA / Lucky to be Alive / Froh am Leben zu Sein / Sorte de estar Vivo / Afortunado de estar Vivo

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On February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and injuring 17 others. This killing spree is the deadliest high school shooting in United States history. Cruz was dropped off at the school by an Uber driver at 2:19 p.m., shortly before dismissal time. Cruz was carrying a rifle ...

So far yet so Close / So weit und doch so Nah / Tão longe mas tão perto / Tan lejos pero tan Cerca

So close yet so farSo thin yet so fatSo kind yet so horribleSo pretty yet so uglyWhy are you so contradictory? So warm yet so coldSo positive yet so negativeSo alive yet so deadSo happy yet so sadWhy are you so contradictory? So tall yet so smallSo right yet so wrongSo even yet so oddSo simple yet ...

If you’re smart, why aren’t you Rich / Wenn Du schlau bist, warum bist Du nicht Reich / Se você é inteligente, por que não é Rico / Si eres listo, por qué no eres Rico

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The distribution of wealth follows a well-known pattern sometimes called an 80:20 rule: 80% of the wealth is owned by 20% of the people. Indeed, last year just eight men had a total wealth equivalent to that of the World’s poorest 3.8 billion people. This seems to occur in all societies at all scales and at ...

The quiet Believers / Die stillen Gläubigen / Os crentes Silenciosos / Los creyentes Silenciosos

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Silence is not very highly valued in modern culture. In communication, it seems that we value quantity above all. And in the digital World it only gets easier to add your voice, whether e-mailing or snapchatting or podcasting or hash-tagging. We live in an age distinguished by noise. Not silence. As a believer, you are put in ...

Guardians of Life / Wächter des Lebens / Guardiões da Vida / Guardianes de la Vida

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Reality is taking its toll on our mental health, especially among younger people who are understandably losing hope for their future on a hotter planet. We are seeing the rise of what is known as climate or ecological grief. This grief summarises feelings of loss, anger, hopelessness, despair and distress caused by climate change and ecological decline. We ...

You’re in my soul Forever / Du bist für immer in meiner Seele / Você está na minha alma para Sempre / Estas en mi alma para Siempre

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Love someone with a deep soul, a person who has sympathy for others going through rough times in their lives. The kind of person who always asks if you are okay, if you need help with something, if you want someone to listen to you. Because someone with a deep soul understands your situation, whether it is ...

Luck is no Coincidence / Glück ist kein Zufall / A sorte não é Coincidência / La suerte no es Coincidencia

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Luck is a term you use when you either do not know or do not want to acknowledge the reasons why something did or did not go your way. And if someone else defies the mathematical probability, it is because they have it and you do not. They are violating the universe’s probabilities. But the truth is, ...

Save the love of your Life / Rette die Liebe Deines Lebens / Salve o amor da sua Vida / Salva el amor de tu Vida

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Willing to die for the Love of your life is usually reserved for the movies or when you read a story on Facebook or in the papers. Scientists tell us we do this instinctively, as it is about survival of the species. Philosophers tell us it is because we are altruistic. Theologians tell us it is about ...

Hope is a good Thing / Hoffnung ist eine gute Sache / A esperança é uma coisa Boa / la esperanza es algo Bueno

Hope is one of the most important mental traits in life. Hope is incredibly important in life for health, happiness, and for success. Hope reduces your feelings of helplessness, boosts your happiness, reduces your stress, and improves your quality of life. Hope gives you motivation. It is that voice inside that says, 'Yes, you can'. And it ...

True Resignation / Wahrhaftige Resignation / Verdadeira Renúncia / Verdadera Resignación

Supposing I say, everybody is playing the game 'Me first'. Now, I’m going to play the game 'You first'. To use the phrase of Bonhoeffer, who called Jesus the man for others. Now, let’s see if we can play that game. Instead of 'Me first' 'You first'. After you, please. Will you, please. You know, what ...

1968-02-01 Saigon, Vietnam / An unlikely Weapon / Eine unwahrscheinliche Waffe / Uma arma Improvável / Un arma Improbable

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This gruesome photograph became anti-war propaganda that drastically shaped public opinion. The horrific frozen frame depicts a moment of distinction, a moment in a time that could not be undone, a wartime tension that could not be unraveled. In this sense, the photograph was successfu, shocking and characteristic in its ability to drive the anti war movement, protesting against ...

When words are Wind / Wenn Worte Wind Sind / Quando as palavras são Vento / Cuando las palabras son Viento

In grief and pain and despair, you say things you otherwise would not say. You paint your reality darker than you will paint it tomorrow when the sun comes up. You sing in minor keys and talk as though that is the only music. You see only clouds and speak as if there were no sky. 'Where ...

We are watching You / Wir beobachten Euch / Nós estamos te Observando / Te estamos Vigilando

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We are in an emergency for people and planet. Governments across the World are not acting quickly enough or not with enough intention to meet the 2030 deadline for the 'Sustainable Development Goals' plan to defeat poverty, fix inequality and combat climate crisis. Leaders need to find innovative financial solutions and show us how they will ...

When you lose Yourself / Wenn du Dich Verlierst / Quando você se Perde / Cuando te Pierdes

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You may wake up one day and do not recognize the person you see in the mirror. You may feel it happen gradually, day by day, you can feel yourself growing more distant from who you really are. You may lose interest in the things you love, or you may find yourself following other interests. You ...

The unknown of Everything / Das Unbekannte von Allem / O desconhecido de Tudo / Lo desconocido de Todo

Awareness of how little we know and how little we are. Only when you understand that depth of your own ignorance, only when you understand how little you know, are you ready to develop the lifelong habit that will best support learning. Only when you are free from conventional thinking, free to doubt what you have ...

Brain is a Mess / Gehirn ist ein Durcheinander / Cérebro é uma Bagunça / Cerebro es un Desastre

Your brain is a mess. You might be anxious, worried, stressed, or so full of ideas that you can not focus. It is a frustrating condition that can lead to even more stress. When your brain is restless, you begin to fall out of your healthy routines and habits. Struggling to shut your brain down at night ...

Don’t Thank Me – Thank Her / Danke mir Nicht – Danke Ihr / Não me Agradeça – Agradeça a Ela / No me Agradezcas – Gracias a Ella

Do not thank me. Thank her. Be grateful to the people who make you happy. With gratitude, you acknowledge the goodness in your life. Be grateful to the people simply to make you happy, because happiness does not make you grateful; but gratitude makes you happy. You do not need to find happiness before you can be ...