The play of the Seeker / Das Spiel des Suchenden / A peça do Buscador / La obra del Buscador

But since any change can be perceived only by virtue of a changeless background, who or what notices the coming and going of the sense of Being. This presence is the bottomless ground of everything, the unknown source of Awareness itself, so perfectly whole, full and non-dual. It has no need whatsoever to divide itself in two ...

2017-12-06 Paris, France / Alone / Allein / Sozinho / Seul

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Hallyday was married five times - including twice to the same woman - with the first four marriages ending in divorce. His last marriage was his longest, lasting twenty-one years. His first marriage was to French singer Sylvie Vartan, lasting fifteen years from 1965 to 1980. Son David was born in 1966. His second marriage to Babeth Étienne ...

Is everything in life worth Sharing / Ist alles im Leben wert geteilt zu Werden / Vale a pena compartilhar tudo na Vida / Vale la pena compartir todo en la Vida

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You have not been on holiday if you did not post a picture every 30 seconds online. You have not been to a concert if you do not start a Facebook live event. You have not been to a restaurant if you have not checked into it. Peace. Peace is beautiful. Chilling under the sun in Ibiza. ...

2012-12-06 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Curves make up the Universe / Kurven bilden das Universum / Curvas compõem o Universo / Curvas forman el Universo

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In 2006, shortly before his 99th birthday, Niemeyer married for the second time, to his longtime secretary, Vera Lucia Cabreira at his apartment, a month after he had fractured his hip in a fall. His first wife Annita died in 2004, at 93, after 76 years of marriage. Oscar Niemeyer, was a Brazilian architect considered to be ...

1993-12-04 Los Angeles, USA / I am a handsome son of a Bitch / Ich bin ein hübscher Hurensohn / Sou um belo filho da Puta / Soy un guapo hijo de Puta

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Frank Vincent Zappa was an American multi-instrumentalist musician, composer, and bandleader. As a self-taught composer and performer, his diverse musical influences led him to create music that was sometimes difficult to categorize. During Zappa's lifetime, he was a highly productive and prolific artist with a controversial critical standing. He was a strident critic of mainstream education and organized religion, ...

We don’t talk anymore / Wir reden nicht Mehr / Não falamos Mais / No hablamos Mas

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Why do we not talk to each other anymore, really talk to each other. What ever happened to the art of conversation. You know, When you talked and someone really listened. In todays age of technological advancement, this might all sound like a glorious inconvenience but the build up required to take a phone call whether in ...

Believe in Love / Glaube an Liebe / Acredite no Amor / Cree en el Amor

You are a firm believer in Love. You believe the Love of a single person has the ability to change the course of your life forever. You believe falling in Love changes you. You believe Love can transform you into the best version of yourself. You believe Love can last forever. You believe in Love the ...

Truth is Elusive / Wahrheit ist schwer zu Fassen / A verdade é Esquiva / La verdad es Esquiva

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We automatically lie, we lie without being able to tell that we are lying. We both lie and become the lie, all in the one go. Whenever you say what something is, then straightaway you lie. Truth is elusive, it can not be pointed at or nailed down in any kind. It can only be alluded to, indirectly referred to, ...

Moments in Time / Momente in der Zeit / Momentos no Tempo / Momentos en el Tiempo

Life is a series of moments in time means that your entire life will be filled with moments. Some filled with joy and others filled with sadness. As with all moments they all have a beginning and all have an ending. None will last forever, and all will affect you according to your expectations. If you experience ...

Thanksgiving Day / Erntedankfest / Dia de ação de Graças / Día de acción de Gracias

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Preventing the exploitation of animals is not the only reason for becoming vegan, but for many it remains the key factor in their decision to go vegan and stay vegan. Having emotional attachments with animals may form part of that reason, while many believe that all sentient creatures have a right to life and freedom. ...

Falling into a bottomless Pit / In eine bodenlose Grube Fallen / Cair em um poço sem Fundo / Caer en un pozo sin Fondo

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Nothing in the outside World is certain, that is a fact, and that is what makes it challenging. Uncertainty means things are changing. If you are walking fast, every step is new terrain. This new terrain is what you are calling uncertainty. For those seeking opportunity, uncertainty is the best time. Those who have a vision will ...

2016-11-25 Havanna, Cuba / Enough of the Illusion / Genug der Illusion / Chega de Ilusão / Basta ya de la Ilusión

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His activism in pursuit of a fairer and just World made Castro a symbol of resistance and inspiration to people across the World, in Latin America, Africa and beyond. Castro left a major imprint on his country and global politics and was deeply concerned about the future of humanity and the challenges of our times until ...

Sharing economy is not about Sharing / In der Sharing Economy geht es nicht ums Teilen / Sharing economy economia não é sobre Compartilhar / Sharing economy no se trata de Compartir

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Airbnb has become the largest hotel chain in the World, Uber expanded against large protests from the taxi industry and the Lending Club got listed on Wall Street. The sharing economy will generate revenues up to $335 billion by 2025, and Uber alone is valued at $ 41 billion. The millennial generation has expressed a lack of trust in incumbents and is ...

You are the captain of your Ship / Du bist der Kapitän Deines Schiffes / Você é o capitão do seu Navio / Eres el capitan de tu Barco

The future you get depends on the choices you make. No one is going to force you to go to the gym, invest in your personal growth, or save for your retirement. Additionally, you can choose to be an honest person, surround yourself with positive people, and live a healthy lifestyle. Or you can choose an alternate path. The ...

Everlasting Moments / Ewig währende Momente / Momentos Eternos / Momentos Eternos

Life is short and you only live once. Make a collection of memories you can be proud of. Live life the way you want to. Do the things you have always wanted to do. The things you love. Nothing lasts forever, except memories. Your life is made up of moments. And whether you know it ...

1910-11-20 Astapovo, Russia / War and Peace / Krieg und Frieden / Guerra e Paz / Guerra y Paz

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Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, usually referred to as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received multiple nominations for Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906, and nominations for Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902 and 1910, and his miss of the prize is a major Nobel prize ...

Sorrow from Transformation / Trauer der Transformation / Tristeza da Transformação / Dolor de la transformación

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Death, divorce, illness, disaster, personal loss and financial disappointment. Crisis, tragedy, and suffering are the most universal Human experiences - and they can also be your most powerful catalysts for positive change. The true meaning of grief, how it breaks and remakes you, and finally brings you closer to your strongest sense of Self. Identif the ...

Pretend we are Okay / Tu so als ob es uns gut Geht / Finja que estamos Bem / Finge que estamos Bien

No, everything in life does not have a solution. We also cannot try to explain everything. Some things have no good explanation We also can not pretend to keep a big smile on our faces day in and day out. However, we greatly prefer to pretend that we are okay over admitting that we are not. But ...

2010-11-16 New York, USA / The reincarnation of Flamenco / Reinkarnation des Flamenco / Reencarnação do Flamenco / Reencarnación del Flamenco

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Flamenco, in its strictest sense, is a professionalized art-form based on the various folkloric music traditions of southern Spain in the autonomous community of Andalusia. In a wider sense, the term refers to a variety of Spanish musical styles developed as early as the 19th century. The oldest record of flamenco dates to 1774. Flamenco has been influenced by and ...

Being there and Being / Dasein und Sein / Estar lá e Estar / Estar allí y Estar

Not everything is possible for every Human being. Every person’s options are limited in one way or another and ‘concern’ is a way that Humans can decide what decision could be the correct one in order to move from one condition to another. Choices are made in the World in which Humans exist surrounded by other Humans. Humans ...

The energy of Vibration / Die Energie der Vibration / A energia da Vibração / La energía de la Vibración

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The entire material World is nothing but vibration. When you experience the ocean of infinite waves surging within, the river of inner sensations flowing within, the eternal dance of the countless vibrations within every atom of the body, you witness your continuously changing nature. All of this is happening at an extremely subtle level ... As you ...

A lost Humanity / Eine verlorene Menschheit / Uma humanidade Perdida / Una humanidad Perdida

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We are so insignificant that you can not believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. This belief derives from a worldview that presupposes such insignificance, with even the further implication, that humanity is the meaningless product of evolutionary processes. It took intelligent life roughly 4 billion years to develop on Earth. We do not know the range ...