I do not value money because I never worked hard to earn it. I always take my situtiona and my position in life for granted. I do not know the concept of earning your keeps. I live as a worry-free, happy-go-lucky guy throughout my life. I do not care what the future holds for me, ...
Love is a Lie / Liebe ist eine Lüge / Amor é uma Mentira / Amor es una Mentira
Do you not know you can fool some people all the time and do you not know you can fool all the people some times but even so you can not fool all the people all the time. On Facebook, about 83 million users are 'Fake'. Of course many of those fake accounts belong to our pets, but ...
The politics of Belonging / Politik der Zugehörigkeit / A política de Pertencer / La politica de pertenencia
Research in psychology, anthropology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology points to the same conclusion: Human beings are spectacularly unusual when compared to other animals. We possess an unparalleled sensitivity to the needs of others, a unique level of concern about their welfare, and a peerless ability to create moral norms that generalise and enforce these tendencies. We are also the ...
Lost but Won / Verloren aber Gewonnen / Perdido mas Ganhou / Perdido pero Ganado
Your mind is a battlefield where you are constantly fighting battles. You are constantly fighting your worries, anxious thoughts, problems, mistakes, and failures instead of letting them go. Battles may be lost - but you must win the war! Win with the wisdom your superior alliance gives rather than lose with your personal logic. You are fighting ...
Life from Birth to Death / Leben von der Geburt bis zum Tod / Vida desde o nascimento até a Morte / Vida desde el nacimiento hasta la Muerte
Your life does not begin only at the moment of birth; and death too, does not imply the end of everything. Actually, you existed before you were born, and you will have another life after death. You will be reborn in another place and the cycle of life and death will continue endlessly. Birth Is not ...
Expectations / Erwartungen / Expectativas / Expectativas
Your expectations determine your reality. Your expectations have an enormous amount of power. Like your thoughts, they influence your reality. With everything you experience in life you hold some expectation and so the good or bad feelings you feel afterwards are a direct result of what you were expecting. You always have certain expectations about relationships, careers, events ...
Path to the authentic You / Weg zum authentischen Selbst / Caminho para o autêntico Você / Camino hacia el auténtico Tú
Being you is one thing only you can forsake. It is easy to lose yourself in a World that bothers you with ceaseless messages on who you should be. But your authentic Self is what guides you to your passion and your purpose, happiness, self-empowerment, and to one of the fundamental aspirations of the Human experience: Receive and ...
Conspiracy Theories / Verschwörungstheorien / Teorias de Conspiração / Teorias de Conspiracion
Most people are consumers rather than producers of conspiracy theories. They do not come up with their own conspiracy theories but endorse those that are already in circulation and the public endorsement of the most popular conspiracy theories is growing. When it comes to shaping the online conversation around climate change, deniers and conspiracy theorists hold an ...
1995-11-04 Tel Aviv, Israel / Goodbye Friend / Auf Wiedersehen Freund / Adeus Amigo / Shalom Haver
Life does not always give you an explanation. Sometimes things happen that do not make any sense at the time. When your friends are leaving your life, you feel like something important is taken away from you. You do not know how to say goodbye to a friend. There are no words able to express how much they ...
Capitalism will starve Humanity / Der Kapitalismus wird die Menschheit verhungern Lassen / Capitalismo deixa morrer a humanidade de Fome / Capitalismo matará de hambre a la Humanidad
Capitalism has generated massive wealth for some, but it has devastated the planet and has failed to improve Human well-being at scale. Capitalism has failed people and the planet through overproduction, over-consumption, waste, greed, and inequality. Corporations are responding to consumer demand and pressure from Wall Street. Corporations are able to continue engaging in increasingly environmentally exploitative behaviour ...
Like Me Button / Gefällt Mir Butyon / Curta-Me Botão / Botón de Me Gusta
It is hard to exaggerate how much the 'Like' button changed the psychology of Facebook use. What had begun as a passive way to track your friends’ lives has become now deeply interactive. Users are gambling every time they share a photo, web link, or status update. You might dismiss it as a guilty pleasure that we ...
Behind the Scars / Hinter den Narben / Atrás das Cicatrizes / Detrás de las Cicatrices
In a World where everyone is running after perfection, it becomes difficult for many people to have a scar on their body. With high demands for perfection these days, having scars can lead to an inferiority complex, making you feel worthless and want to hide your scars. You avoid the crowd and feel insecure in public. ...
Change is Coming / Änderung Kommt / A mudança está Chegando / A mudança está Chegando
Change is coming to America. Change is coming to Europe. Change is coming to the Middle East. Change is coming to Asia. Change is coming to the islands of the sea. Change is coming to you. Change is coming to your family. Change is coming to your congregation. Change is coming to your city. Are you ...
The two most powerful Words / Die zwei mächtigsten Wörter / As duas palavras mais Poderosas / Las dos palabras más Poderosas
Whatever comes after 'I am' starts the creation process. If you truly believe in what follows these two powerful words, then you are shaping your life to follow. When they are negative words, it is going to hurt your morale. If they are positive words, they are going to give you strength and confidence. The thing about ...
What people think about You / Was die Leute über dich Denken / O que as pessoas pensam de Você / Lo que la gente piensa de Ti
It can be really hard not to worry what other people think about you. Wanting to be liked, and approved of, and smiled at, and applauded is a fairly basic need among modern Humans, especially those who have their actual basic needs already met. When you are getting all of those much-wanted things, it is fabulous. You should most ...
1964-10-27 Los Angeles, USA / A time for Choosing / Zeit für die Wahl / Tempo para Escolher / Tiempo para Elegir
At any given moment you never fully understand the impact of the choices that you make. On some level you can sometimes feel powerless when you are given a choice versus understanding the true power that lies in your abilities to choose. Every action you take on some level involves you making a choice. How is it ...
1967-10-26 Philadelphia, USA / What is your life’s Blueprint / Was ist der Plan deines Lebens / Qual é o plano da sua Vida / Cuál es el plan de tu Vida
Whenever a new structure is being constructed, the first step involves an architect who designs a blueprint, which ensures that the building is successfully created and established. Visualizing and designing plans allow for a deeper understanding and interpretation of each project. Moreover, a World without blueprints would likely result in serious consequences such as operational errors, ...
First thing in the Morning / Das erste am Morgen / Primeira coisa de Manhã / La primera cosa en la Mañana
When you wake up in the morning and turn over to your phone to see the list of notifications - it frames the experience of ‘waking up in the morning’ around a menu of all the things you have missed since yesterday. Your mind and your morning are hijacked. You are immediately in catch-up mode. So much ...
Freedom to Change / Freiheit Dich zu Verändern / Liberdade para mudar a Si Mesmo / Libertad para Cambiarte
You have three drives deeply embedded in you - the will to survive, the will to reproduce, and the will to make your life easier and more pleasurable. These drives help form your beliefs, control your habits, and lead to your destiny. You have a desire to organize things so that you can better control the chaotic ...
Have fun in Life / Divirta-se na Vida / Diviértete en la Vida
Seriousness is a kind of disease; it is a cancer of the soul. It is only through Love and laughter and a tremendous fun in life that you start feeling the presence of something that is beyond.When life becomes an adventure, a dance of ecstasy, then only do you move beyond the confinement of the ...
Capitalism exploits Humans / Kapitalismus nutzt Menschen Aus / Capitalismo explora os Seres Humanos / Capitalismo explota a los Humanos
The World today sees the most widespread questioning and rejection of the capitalist system. The crisis of the World economy is making itself felt in all spheres of life, causing immense instability in politics and World relations. A social crisis has found its reflection in mass Consciousness, particularly amongst young people. In many parts of the World ...
2016-10-21 New York, USA / You want it Darker / Du willst es Dunkler / Você quer mais Escuro / Lo quieres más Oscuro
The act of surrendering is very difficult for those who realize that the battle is lost. Surrender does not mean you have to understand everything. In fact, the less you understand and the more frustrated you are about something the more meaningful it is to turn it over in an act of surrender. Sometimes when ...
Morning Mindset / Morgen Mentalität / Mentalidade de Manhã / Mentalidad de la Mañana
Starting with the morning mindset prepares you to be calmer, more joyful, more connected to yourself, and better be able to voice your needs. By prioritizing self-care and putting it at the top of your to-do list, you are telling yourself that your needs matter. Sit quietly for three to five minutes just noticing your breath. Choose ...
Not a sane way to Live / Keine gesunde Art zu Leben / Não é uma maneira saudável de Viver / No es una forma sana de Vivir
You force yourself to wake up in the morning, dress up, drive straight to work, drive back home about 8 hours later, watch TV and sleep, only to repeat the same routine next day for almost the entire of your life. You consider this kind of living as normal and even healthy, but if you stop and ...
They are inside my Brain / Sie sind in meinem Gehirn / Eles estão dentro do meu Cérebro / Estan dentro de mi Cerebro
There is a terrible battle going inside your mind right now. There are two wolves inside you battling to see who will take over. One is negative - full of anger, envy, resentment, greed, sorrow, judgment, inferiority, criticism, and doubt. The other wolf is good - full of joy, appreciation, Love, kindness, empathy, understanding, confidence, compassion, ...