Key moment of your Life / Schlüsselmoment Deines Lebens / Momento chave da sua Vida / Momento clave de tu Vida

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Throughout your life, there are moments that fundamentally change you and your perspective. This could involve finding a new viewpoint for World events, your relationship with another Human being, or discovering some hidden truth that unlocks new wisdom. The idea that important events define the meaning, direction, and quality of life is central to the accepted idea of personal development. But ...

2017-10-16 Bidnija, Malta / Journalism was her Life / Journalismus war ihr Leben / Jornalismo era sua Vida / El periodismo era su Vida

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Fairness, objectivity and honesty matter. Good journalists push themselves to dig deeper and ask tough questions. They put personal feelings aside to unearth the truth. Courage is vital. They are not satisfied making phone calls from a comfortable desk. Their assignments carry considerable risks. In recent years, journalists have suffered injuries from land mines, car bombs ...

1959-10-14 Vancouver, Canada / Pursuit of Happiness / Das Streben nach Glück / Busca da Felicidade / Búsqueda de la Felicidad

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Flynn developed a reputation for womanizing, hard drinking, chain smoking and narcotics abuse. He was linked romantically with Lupe Vélez, Marlene Dietrich and Dolores del Río, among many others. He was a regular of William Randolph Hearst's equally lavish affairs at Hearst Castle, though he was once asked to leave after becoming excessively intoxicated. Flynn was married three times: to actress Lili Damita 1935 to 1942 (one ...

Why you are the way you Are / Warum Du bist so wie Du Bist / Por que você é do jeito que É / Por qué eres como Eres

While knowing who you are is important, knowing why you are the way you are can provide a higher level of understanding about yourself and deserve further exploration. You act and behave in ways that may seem irrational and inexplicable, even to yourself. Personal philosophy is a personal experience, a way of life. It is an overall ...

Through Dark and Light / Durch Dunkel und Licht / Através da escuridão e da Luz / A través de la oscuridad y la Luz

You may think, incorrectly, that it is the dark and light sides of a person or situation that are set and immutable. That a bad person will always be bad and a good person will always be good. That we can manage to be only bad or good … that once you choose a side there ...

1999-10-12 Los Angeles, USA / A great part of my Life / Ein großer Teil meines Lebens / Uma grande parte da minha Vida / Una gran parte de mi Vida

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Chamberlain was an American basketball player who played as a center and is considered one of the greatest players in history. Chamberlain holds numerous NBA records in scoring, rebounding, and durability categories. He is the only player to score 100 points in a single NBA game or average more than 40 and 50 points in a season. Although Chamberlain was shy and insecure as a ...

Places left Behind / Zurückgelassene Orte / Lugares deixados para Trás / Lugares dejados Atrás

Isolation or the lack of Human interference. Whatever had been the reason, places left behind are a poet’s definition of solitude. The fact that beauty can be found in the most arbitrary places is why mother nature holds supreme, formidable power over everything. There are places in this World that never stop changing, and then there are ...

1985-10-10 Los Angeles / War of the Worlds / Krieg der Welten / Guerra dos Mundos / Guerra de los Mundos

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Orson Welles was an American actor, director, writer and producer who is remembered for his innovative work in radio, theatre and film. He is one of the greatest film directors of all time. In 1938, his radio series 'The Mercury Theatre on the Air' gave Welles the platform to find international fame as the director and narrator of H. ...

It is a Trap / Das ist eine Falle / É uma Armadilha / Es una Trampa

We don’t have to have fast food workers. We don’t have to have people who work shit jobs. We don’t have to. We just need to figure out how to restructure Society, so everybody somehow or another plays a part, has something to contribute, has something to share. I mean, that’s what a real Society ...

Does money make you truly Rich / Macht dich Geld wirklich Reich / O dinheiro faz você realmente Rico / Dinero te hace verdaderamente Rico

St Paul said that the labourer is worthy of their hire. And I, as a mere philosopher, dealing in higher things, always insist that I be paid for my work, and I get the highest fee I can get.People say 'You're just out for money', and I tell them it's none of their business, because I ...

2004-10-05 Los Angeles, USA / I get no Respect / Ich bekomme keinen Respekt / Eu não recebo Respeito / No recibo Respeto

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Some will recall comic Rodney Dangerfield's catch phrase. Others may remember Aretha Franklin’s iconic spelling. When you respect someone, it is a verb. When you get respect, it is a noun. Either way, it has positive connotations. If I respect you, it does not necessarily or obligatory follow that you will respect me. Many cultures show respect for elders; it ...

Everything will Collapse / Alles wird Zusammenbrechen / Tudo entrará em Colapso / Todo Colapsará

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Our collective actions seem to have pushed the World toward collapse. Natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. The sources of drinking water are being poisoned. Pollution in many forms is increasing to dangerous levels. The environment and farmlands are being critically degraded. Commercial fishing stocks are collapsing. Populations are still rising. When you ...

Do not settle for Less / Begnüge Dich nicht mit Weniger / Nao aceite Menos / No te conformes con Menos

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You are not meant to play small. You recognise your potential, but something stops you from achieving it. You become an accomplice in your own dissatisfaction when you constantly settle for less than what you want. Make decisions that reflect what you desire from life and your relationships and you will start to feel better about yourself. You will ...

2018-10-01 Mouriès, France / The Bohemian / Der Bohème / O Boémia / La Bohème

Aznavour sang frequently about Love. He was married three times: to Megan Rugel (1946), Evelyn Plessis (1956) and his widow Ulla Thorsell (1967). Five children were produced by these marriages: Séda, Patrick, Katia, Mischa, and Nicolas. During the German occupation of France during World War II, Aznavour and his family hid a number of people who were persecuted by the ...

Toxic people create Stress / Schlechte Menschen erzeugen Stress / Pessoas tóxicas criam Estresse / Personas tóxicas crean Estrés

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Toxic people defy logic. Some are blissfully unaware of the negative impact that they have on those around them, and others seem to derive satisfaction from creating chaos and pushing other people’s buttons. They create unnecessary complexity, strife, and worst of all stress. Whether it is negativity, cruelty, the victim syndrome or just plain craziness, toxic people drive ...

The game of good and Evil / Das Spiel von Gut und Böse / O jogo do bem e do Mal / El juego del bien y del Mal

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You become awakened when you treat life as a game and dance rather than a conquest. There is a necessity to everything negative, painful and evil. It is necessary for the good and light to exist. Disorder is necessary for the manifestation of order. When you understands this, a deep and profound transformation happens. Life does not ...

The spectrum of Love / Das Spektrum der Liebe / O espectro do Amor / El espectro del Amor

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We know that from time to time there arise among human beings people who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.These people, usually of enormous creative power, are the envy of us all, and, by and large, man’s religions are attempts to cultivate that same power in ordinary people.One of the peculiar things we notice about people who ...

Nature’s Emergency / Notfall der Natur / Emergência da Natureza / Emergencia de la Naturaleza

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Almost 100,000 species have been assessed so far for this inventory of endangered species. Of these, more than a quarter are threatened with extinction. The Earth is being driven towards a mass extinction event - only the sixth in the last half-billion years. The last time we had a similar situation was about 66 million years ago, ...

2019-09-26 Natal, Brazil / Marriage is like Alcatraz / Ehe ist wie Alcatraz / Casamento é como Alcatraz / Matrimonio es como Alcatraz

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Marriage is a strange phenomenon. Marriage brings out the worst in you. It is not surprising. In fact, it is already been proven – the people you know and love the most are the same people you are most awful to. Which is why people relate marriage to prison. Once you get married, you are pretty much locked down ...

What love Is / Was Liebe Ist / O que o amor É / Que el amor Es

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Love is a strange and beautiful thing. But we often put provisions on Love - we attach it to how others are acting, to circumstances and emotions. But what would the World be like if we stopped looking to get something in return, and just loved unconditionally, for the happiness it brings us all. The most important ...

Look and Listen / Schau und Höre Zu / Olhe e Escute / Mira y Escucha

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Look, and it can’t be seen. Listen, and it can’t be heard. Reach, and it can’t be grasped. Above, it isn’t bright. Below, it isn’t dark. Seamless, unnamable, it returns to the realm of nothing. Form that includes all forms, image without an image, subtle, beyond all conception. Approach it and there is no beginning;follow ...

Lost and Found / Verloren und Gefunden / Perdido e Achado / Perdido e Encontrado

It is one thing to lose people you love. It is another to lose yourself. That is a greater loss.  Whether it is just a part of you, or you want to completely reinvent yourself, you need to start anew. It is scary and unfamiliar but that is where you find answers. Wherever you are, wherever ...

2014-09-23 New York, USA / Climate change is here Now / Klimawandel ist da und zwar Jetzt / Mudança climática está aqui Agora / El cambio climático ya está Aquí

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Climate change is no longer a distant threat. The evidence of climate change is all around us. Every day, new stories and scientific studies pour in documenting impacts of climate change we are already experiencing. The message is clear: Climate change is not an abstract problem for the future. Climate change is happening now and we are causing ...

2019-09-21 World Gratitude Day / A grateful Day / Ein dankbarer Tag / Um dia Agradecido / Un día Agradecido

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Every new day brings you more opportunities to love, smile, laugh, enjoy, have fun, discover something new, enjoy time with people, family, friends, enjoy yourself, be yourself ... feel gratitude not only for the chance to enjoy another day of life, but also for your senses which will allow you to do that: smell, touch, sight ...

2005-09-20 Vienna, Austria / I have never forgotten You / Ich habe Euch nie Vergessen / Eu nunca esqueci Voçê / Nunca os Olvide

Every new generation must be educated about the past. We must remember the horrors of the Holocaust, and the hatred that gave birth to such incomprehensible destruction and death, so we can learn from our history. We must listen to the survivors, and share their stories. Above all, we must never forget the horrors they experienced. To someone ...