You spend an inordinate amount of time, and a tremendous amount of energy, making choices between equally attractive options in everyday situations. The problem is, that while they may be equally attractive, they are also differently attractive, with tradeoffs that require compromise. Compromise can be vital to success. While agreeing to a compromise can take some time and effort and ...
Born into This / In dies Hineingeboren / Nascido em Isso / Nacido en Esto
You have been born into a World where fear is the only lasting emotion The reign of terror has become so open and clear that most people find it hard to deny the World is devolving into a totalitarian dictatorship. Citizens are asked to make a choice between an incompetent war-hawk and another incompetent wark-hawk. Terrorist attacks ...
2007-08-24 New York, USA / New World Order / Neue Weltordnung / Nova ordem Mundial / Nuevo orden Mundial
The New World Order is an emerging totalitarian World government. A secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the World through an authoritarian government which will replace sovereign nation-states. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have been purported to be part of a group that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate political and financial events. Ranging from causing systemic crisis to pushing through controversial policies at international and ...
A message of Feeling / Eine Botschaft des Gefühls / Uma mensagem de Sentimento / Un mensaje de Sentimiento
We have to have a vision. I don’t mean a plan. I don’t mean an agenda. I mean a vision and you don’t - the vision comes from above. It comes from - call it the unconscious, call it the Gaian mind, call it the Great Spirit.It doesn’t come out of committee meetings and the ...
Fear of Missing out / Angst außen vor zu Bleiben / Medo de ficar de Fora / Miedo de quedarse Afuera
Fear of Missing out - is the acute and often unjustified belief that everyone is having more fun than you, and that you are somehow being left out of all the fun. But this affliction, caused by social media where you see endless status updates and photos of your friends showing off their (supposedly) happier, more ...
Drugs are so Enjoyable / Drogen sind so Angenehm / Drogas são tão Agradáveis / Drogas son tan Agradables
Let's face it: Humans are totally crazy for sex, for getting wasted, and for enjoying all kinds of entertainment. Massive industries and crime organizations already exploit these most basic Human needs and desires. After arms and oil, drugs is the biggest money-spinning market on the planet, pulling in 200 billion every year. Porn is a 97 ...
Global Inequality / Globale Ungleichheit / Desigualdade Global / Desigualdad Global
The last 40 years have been great to poverty reduction across the World. More people on the globe have exited poverty and gained access to goods and food than in any historical perio . However, while millions are leaving misery, especially in Asia, the rich are becoming richer. The middle class, the 40% in the the middle, ...
Human Transcendence / Menschliche Transzendenz / Transcendência Humana / Trascendencia Humana
We use technology to transcend our limits, to move exponentially and transcend our World. There is an entire movement, called transhumanism, dedicated to promoting the use of technological advancements to enhance our physical, intellectual and psychological capabilities, transcending the limitations of the Human condition. Transhumanism had been the the terrain of science fiction authors and fringe philosophers ...
Young at Heart / Jung Geblieben / Jovem no Coração / Jóven de Corazón
You will carry the accumulation of years in your body and on your face, but you can stay young at heart and in your mind and not let the years weigh on your spirit. When you stop having dreams and stop trying to achieve them you start aging. If you act old, you will feel old. So many ...
The formula for Happiness / Die Formel für Glück / A fórmula para a Felicidade / La fórmula de la Felicidad
Money can not make you happy, but a lack of it can definitely make your life miserable. If you can not afford a thing and you are constantly scared of how you will go through the next month, you do not have time to be happy. Money can contribute to happiness to a certain point. It is ...
I am a Model / Ich bin ein Model / Eu sou um Modelo / Soy un Modelo
We have come a long way and today everybody is a model on social media. Instagram is making anyone and everyone a model. While models of the past were confined to pixels on television and polished pages in magazines, models today all come in palm-sized screens with a tap and a quick refresh. It is a numbers ...
The attributes of God / Die Attribute Gottes / Os atributos de Deus / Los atributos de Dios
Religion has been a constant element of Human existence over time and space. While religions may offer considerable social, philosophical and ethical wisdom, their explicit beliefs are quite clearly a bunch of fairy tales. This is true for the primitive tribal religions and for the so-called higher religions The believers of the higher religions can recognize ...
1988-08-14 Maranello, Italy / The Commander / Der Kommandant / O Comendador / Il Commendatore
Do you feel the need, the need for speed. Driving a Ferrari is for thrill seekers and car racing lovers. For some, owning a Ferrari is only a dream, a sweet dream, but that is all. All young boys, at one point or another, have a fascination with supercars. For some it was all about the chance ...
Do not strive for Happiness / Strebe nicht nach Glück / Não se esforce para a Felicidade / No luches por la Felicidad
Life is tragic. You are tiny and ignorant and weak and everything else is huge, complex and overwhelming. The pursuit of happiness is pointless. Happiness is a pointless goal. It is not something to aim at – because it is not an aim. There are many circumstances in life where happiness is not only the wrong ...
Mathematics is the language of Nature / Mathematik ist die Sprache der Natur / Matemática é a linguagem da Natureza / Matemática es el lenguaje de la Naturaleza
Mathematics does not have a clearly defined, universally accepted definition. However it is safe to say that anything that studies the interaction between quantities, variables, structure, and change, is mathematics. Mathematics is not a tangible thing, but actually an abstract concept. There are many ways of expressing mathematics; the one you are probably most familiar ...
Eternal Annihilation / Ewige vollständige Vernichtung / Aniquilação Eterna / Aniquilación Eterna
If hell was a place where you were destroyed and then ceased to exist (ie. you are annihilated - totally destroyed), then that means you would suffer no eternal consequences for your crimes. It means that you may as well eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die and ceas to exist. Non-existence can not be ...
Nationalism vs Globalism / Nationalismus vs Globalismus / Nacionalismo vs Globalismo / Nacionalismo vs Globalismo
Globalization, nationalism, and the relations between them have been the subjects of debate for many years. The World has become very different from what it was, because of globalization. It is the struggle of nationalism against globalism, and it will be fought out, not only among nations, but within nations. As the World becomes interdependent, the fate of ...
1975-08-09 Moscow, Russia / Eyes Wide Shut / Augen weit Geschlossen / De olhos bem Fechados / Ojos bien Cerrados
Eyes wide shut for ladies is the only way they can affectively tune in with their partner. Lean in, close your eyes, and kis . No matter how kisses differ in partners, in levels of passion, it seems as if ladies have all been trained to never (repeat: never) open their eyes during a kiss. Humans are not ...
Creative Chaos / Kreatives Chaos / Caos Criativo / Caos Creativo
Creative thinking involves dual and often opposing qualities such as convergence and divergence, control and abandon, order and disorder, certainty and uncertainty. Consider what you are doing when you plan your day, your week, your year: you are trying to exert control over life, and predict with your plans the course your life will take today, ...
Everybody is the ultimate Reality / Jeder selbst ist die ultimative Realität / Todo mundo é a realidade Final / Todos son la realidad Final
The ultimate reality is the absolute nature of all things, a personal being (a personal and loving God), an impersonal being (all personal beings), or an eternal truth or principal that governs the universe. All three are just different manifestations of the same ultimate reality. No matter how much you know about ultimate reality and how much you ...
The invisible Power / Die unsichtbare Macht / O poder Invisível / El poder Invisible
Consumerism is the invisible power which makes the World go round and money is its fuel. All moral codes and ethical values are being obliterated. The formula for success is money and material possessions. Kindness, loyalty, honesty are useless traits. Love, intimacy, beauty, the most sacred virtues are denied and replaced by the mere lust for ...
Awakening The Mind / Den Geist Erwecken / Despertar a Mente / Despertar la Mente
To awaken is to step out of your identification with thinking by becoming present. It is a shift in Consciousness where thinking and Awareness separate. There is no more worthy goal in Human life than awakening your mind. Awakening changes the way you live and relate to the people and the world around you. Awakening changes how we think ...
1875-08-04 Copenhagen, Denmark / The Nightingale / Die Nachtigall / O Rouxinol / El Ruiseñor
Hans Christian Andersen is best remembered for his fairy tales, who have been translated into more than 125 languages, and have become culturally embedded in the West's collective Consciousness. Accessible to children, but presenting lessons of virtue and resilience in the face of adversity for mature readers as well. His stories have inspired ballets, plays, and animated and ...
Do not forget Nature / Vergiss die Natur Nicht / Não se esqueça da Natureza / No te olvides de la Naturaleza
The debate about climate change is no longer occurring in the scientific community. Qualified climate scientists have long since unanimously agreed that the evidence of climate change is overwhelming, and that Human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, is its main cause. Carbon dioxide has reached record high atmospheric levels. This has led to shrinking polar ...
The gap is Widening / Die Kluft vergrößert Sich / A lacuna está se Ampliando / La brecha se está Ampliando
The combined fortunes of the World's 26 richest individuals reached $1.4 trillion last year - the same amount as the total wealth of the 3.8 billion poorest people. The year before, it was the top 43 people and the year before that, it was the top 62 people. Billionaires, who now number a record 2,208, have ...