1976-08-02 Beverly Hills, USA / Snake Dance / Schlangentanz / Dança Cobra / Danza de la serpiente

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Fritz Lang was approaching blindness during the production of 'The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse' and it was his final project as director. He died from a stroke in on August 2nd, 1976. After emigrating to the US in 1936, the 'Master of Darkness' had returned to Germany in 1959 to make his 'Indian Epic' (consisting of 'The ...

Return to Paradise / Zurück ins Paradies / Regresso ao Paraíso / Regreso al Paraiso

Fiji really is the tropical paradise of your dreams. Endless white sandy beaches lined with coconut palms in the warm waters of the Pacific. Coral reefs with an abundance of sea creatures of every size and shape. The promise of a tropical paradise comes true, but that is not all. It is all about relaxing. Your choice ...

1944-07-31 Île de Riou, France / The little Prince / Der kleine Prinz / Le petit Prince / El Principito

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On 30 December 1935, at 2:45 a.m., after 19 hours and 44 minutes in the air, Saint-Exupéry, along with his mechanic-navigator André Prévot, crashed in the Libyan desert, during an attempt to break the speed record in a Paris-to-Saigon air race and win a prize of 150,000 francs. Both Saint-Exupéry and Prévot miraculously survived the crash, only to ...

We are not designed to be Happy / Wir sind nicht dafür geschaffen glücklich zu Sein / Não somos projetados para ser Felizes / No estamos diseñados para ser Felices

A huge happiness and positive thinking industry has created the fantasy that happiness is a realistic goal. Chasing the happiness dream is a very American concept, exported to the rest of the World. 'The pursuit of happiness' is one of the US’s 'unalienable rights'. Unfortunately, this has helped to create an expectation that real life stubbornly ...

End Of Emotions / Ende der Gefühle / Fim das Emoções / Fin de las Emociones

Relationships are now becoming obsolete since few past years. People are moving towards the no strings attached theme. Relationship without having any emotions at all regarding your partner has gained much popularity as nowadays, no one has so much time to deal with the typical relationship. Emotions are not a mistake. It is the manifestation of hundreds ...

The mystery of Sadness / Das Geheimnis der Traurigkeit / O mistério da Tristeza / Le Mystère de la Tristesse

Mystics speak of a great sorrow in contemplation. It is very common in our modern times to have an intense aversion to any talk of spiritual sadness as a virtue. We have a prevailing feeling that spirituality must always be uplifting and positive. This tendency arises out of a confusion about what Love truly is. We ...

Positive attitude and being Smart / Positive Einstellung und Klug / Atitude positiva e ser Inteligente / Actitud positiva y ser Inteligente

If you walk into a room today filled with 25 women, how many of them do you think find themselves attractive. One. That is right, only One. This is not fiction or an isolated phenomenon either. The large majority of women fail to find themselves beautiful. Only 4% of women find themselves beautiful and that anxiety about looks ...

Other people can’t make you happy / Andere Leute können dich nicht glücklich Machen / Outras pessoas não podem te fazer Feliz / Otras personas no pueden hacerte Feliz

If you hope that other people will make you happy, you have put your happiness into very risky hands. Other people will sooner make you miserable than happy, when you put your happiness in their hands. You may assume that you will be happy when you fall in Love with the right person. Someone who will really ...

The perfect Paradise / Das perfekte Paradies / O paraíso Perfeito / El paraiso Perfecto

Have you spent a lot of time thinking about why you do what you do? It is a simple question. But this simple question is more important than you think. Why you do what you do comes naturally, once you are able to recognize who and what you truly are. Awareness of what makes your heart beat. It ...

The river of Life / Der Fluss des Lebens / O rio da Vida / El rio de la Vida

Rather than enjoying the concert firsthand, the Ego takes pictures and films the concert, so it can talk about it and share the pictures later. The river of life is forever flowing, but for the Ego, whose very existence is dependent upon freezing this stream of change, fluctuation is terrifying, which is why we call it ...

Who owns the Moon / Wem gehört der Mond / Quem é o dono da Lua / Quien posee la Luna

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Claiming new national territories had been very much a European habit, applied to non-European parts of the World. In particular the Portuguese, the Spanish, the Dutch, the French and the English created huge colonial empires. In the 1967 the United States and the Soviet Union agreed that colonization on Earth had been responsible for tremendous Human suffering ...

1969-07-20 Moon, Universe / The first Moonwalk / Der erste Spaziergang auf dem Mond / Primeira caminhada na Lua / Primer paseo en la Luna

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It is 9:30 p.m. Houston time on July 20, 1969. Armstrong and Aldrin put on their moon suits and prepare to take the first steps on the moon. Armstrong is the first to step out of the Eagle. He lowers a small drawbridge that holds a TV camera. Now the World can watch as he backs down ...

The truth about Success / Die Wahrheit über Erfolg / A verdade sobre o Sucesso / La verdad sobre el Exito

There is a part of you that will always believe that you are different. That somehow you will be the one to figure out how to have it all. You believe it is your destiny. Unfortunately, so does everyone else. No one wants to accept that they are not special. No one wants to believe that ...

1976-07-18 Montreal, Canada / Impossible Love / Unmögliche Liebe / Amor Impossível / Amor Imposible

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Impossible Love is the desire for someone that has very little likelihood of fulfillment. Typically, the object of impossible Love is thought of as someone who can appease your desires, but for various reasons is beyond your reach. Since humans are motivated to maximize positive emotions and minimize negative ones, experiencing impossible Love is stressful. The obstacles in ...

1918-07-17 Ekaterinburg, Russia / The Path of Love and Blood / Der Weg der Liebe und des Blutes / O caminho do amor e do Sangue / El camino del amor y la Sangre

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On 14 May 1896, the day of the coronation, in all churches in St. Petersburg, the liturgy was read and prayers of thanksgiving recited. The ceremony began at 10 am; the emperor, his mother, and his wife seated on thrones on a special raised platform installed in the middle of the cathedral. At the end of the ...

2012-07-16 Idaho Falls, USA / Seven Habits / Sieben Gewohnheiten / Sete Hábitos / Siete Hábitos

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The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a book by Stephen Covey. The book is about ethics and philosophy and has sold more than 25 million copies in 40 languages worldwide since its first publication in 1989 and remains one of the best selling nonfiction business books in history. Principles are external natural laws, values ...

Missing Relatives / Vermisste Verwandte / Parentes Desaparecidos / Parientes Desaparecidos

The majority of missing people return fairly quickly, but around 1% do not. Their cases remain open for a year or more, some for much longer. Some may even have to wait a whole generation. Relatives must live with the uncertainty as it remains unclear what has happened to the missing relative. It becomes an obsession ...

1954-07-13 Mexico City, Mexico / The weeping Woman / Die Weinende / Bela da Noite / La Llorona

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Kahlo's paintings are concerned with medical imagery, which is presented in terms of pain and hurt, featuring Kahlo bleeding and displaying her open wounds. Kahlo's medical paintings are especially dealing with childbirth and miscarriage and have a strong sense of guilt, of a sense of living one's life at the expense of another who has died ...

2007-07-12 Bagdad, Iraq / Collateral Murder / Kollateral Mord / Assassinato Colateral / Asesinato Colateral

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'Well it’s their fault for bringing their kids into a battle,' one of the Apache soldiers is heard saying. 'That’s right,' another agrees. Kristinn Hrafnsson, an Icelandic investigative journalist who worked with WikiLeaks to investigate the ‘Collateral Murder’ video described what he saw as 'a testimony of evil.' Hrafnsson was sitting in a Reykjavik cafe with WikiLeaks Editor Julian ...

There are no such Things as Things / Es gibt keine Dinge wie Dinge / Não existem Coisas como Coisas / No hay Cosas como Cosas.

I find it a little difficult to say what the subject matter of this seminar is going to be, because it's too fundamental to give it a title. I'm going to talk about what there is. Now, the first thing, though, that we have to do is to get our perspectives with some background about ...

The adults Power Game / Das Machtspiel der Erwachsenen / O jogo do poder dos Adultos / El juego del poder de los Adultos

Even though you may feel small and powerless, everything you do matters and everyone matters. The experiences you have in childhood of growing up in systems of power and control create a world-view that persists into adulthood. You learn to believe that domination is just the way the World works. You take it for granted that you ...

2014-07-08 Belo Horizonte, Brazil / National Humiliation / Nationale Demütigung / Mineiraço / Mineirazo

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Regrets are about bad choices. Not bad things that happened to me, or the way that life has punched me in the face. Regret is my deep sorrow about something I did, and/or failed to do. It is the anger at myself for having had enough experience/infromation to have made the right decision, but I ...