As the Earth’s ecological systems upon which we depend accelerate in their slouch towards catastrophe, our Society faces an existential crisis. The effects of climate change are far direr than we initially expected. The two degrees of warming that is the final major threshold before permanent, large-scale climatic shifts leading to ecological collapse, is no longer some far-off possibility, ...
2000-07-06 Warsaw, Poland / The Pianist / Der Pianist / O Pianista / El Pianista
Władysław Szpilman and his family were forced to move into a 'Jewish quarter' – the Warsaw Ghetto – on 31 October 1940. Szpilman managed to find work as a musician to support his family, which included his mother, father, brother Henryk, and two sisters, Regina and Halina. He first worked at the Nowoczesna Cafe, where the patrons sometimes ignored his playing in ...
Dream for Sale / Traum zum Verkauf / Sonho à Venda / Sueño en Venta
To sell a dream takes a lot of practice. To sell a dream someone has to fall in Love. But everyone wants to fall in Love. Falling in Love is a beautiful thing. It is exciting. It is consuming. It is a fresh opportunity. Falling in Love takes time. It takes lots of dates, unforgettable ...
1971-07-03 Paris, France / This is the End / Das ist das Ende / Este é o Fim / Esto es el Fin
His poetic lyrics, distinctive voice, wild personality, performances, and the dramatic circumstances surrounded his life and early death. Morrison is regarded by music critics and fans as one of the most iconic and influential frontmen in rock music history. To this day Morrison is widely regarded as the prototypical rock star: surly, sexy, scandalous, mysterious. Morrison was particularly inspired by ...
1961-07-02 Ketchum, USA / For whom the bell Tolls / Wem die Stunde Schlägt / Por quem os sinos Dobram / Por quién doblan las Campanas
Hemingway arrived home in Ketchum on June 30, and he deliberately shot himself with his favorite shotgun in the early morning hours of July 2, 1961. He had unlocked the basement storeroom where his guns were kept, gone upstairs to the front entrance foyer, and shot himself with the double-barreled shotgun that he had used so ...
2004-07-01 Los Angeles, USA / Bad Boy / Böser Junge / Menino Mau / Chico Malo
Brando earned a reputation as a 'Bad Boy' for his public outbursts and antics. Brando had no code, only his instincts. He was the gangster leader and the outla . He was antisocial because he knew Society was crap; he was a hero to youth because he was strong enough not to take the crap. At the 1973 Academy ...
2015-07-01 Slough, England / Children’s Transport / Kindertransport / Transporte de Crianças / Transporte de Niños
On 15 November 1938, five days after the devastation of 'Kristallnacht' in Germany, a delegation of British, Jewish, and Quaker leaders appealed, in person, to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Neville Chamberlain. Among other measures, they requested that the British government permit the temporary admission of unaccompanied Jewish children, without their parents. The Cabinet debated the issue the ...
The new story of Self / Die neue Geschichte vom Selbst / A nova história do Eu / La nueva historia del Yo
What really matters in life? While you are asking the big questions, who are you and where are you going? Every culture has stories about the people and answers to these questions. And the way we answer them has profound effects on the health of both the people and the planet as a whole. There are ...
2003-06-29 Fenwick, USA / My own single Self / Mein eigenes Ich / Meu próprio Eu / Mi propio Yo
As a child, Hepburn joined her mother on several 'Votes For Women' demonstrations. The Hepburn children were raised to exercise freedom of speech and encouraged to think and debate on any topic. Hepburn said she realized from a young age that she was the product of two very remarkable parents, and credited her enormously lucky upbringing with ...
Life is Motion / Das Leben ist Bewegung / A vida é Movimento / La vida es Movimiento
Life is a journey that never stops, filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead you to your destination, your purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout your travels, you will encounter many challenges. Some of these challenges will test your courage, strengths, weaknesses, and ...
A moment for its own Sake / Ein Moment um seiner selbst Willen / Um momento para o seu próprio Bem / Un momento por su propio Bien
Ambedo, a kind of melancholic trance in which you become completely absorbed in vivid sensory details. Raindrops skittering down a window, tall trees leaning in the wind, clouds of cream swirling in your coffee. Ambedo, briefly soaking in the experience of being alive, an act that is done purely for its own sake. It is a moment, or ...
Because I am Crazy / Weil ich verrückt Bin / Porque eu sou Louco / Porque estoy Loco
I am still inspired quite often by old and shitty ideas that I used to have about life when I was a little boy. Ideas that I never thought would be within my grasp as well, because I was either high or drunk. It is eye-opening when you realize that your mental illness is something that ...
2008-06-22 Santa Monica, USA / Shit is a powerful Word / Scheiße ist ein starkes Wort / Merda é uma palavra Poderosa / Mierda es una palabra Poderosa
Shit is a powerful word. Just think of all theconcepts and ideas you can communicate with it. Shitmay just be the most powerful word in the English language.Consider: You can be shit faced, be shit out of luck,or have shit for brains. With a little effort youcan get your shit together, find a place for ...
One photo can change your Life / Ein Foto kann dein Leben Ändern / Uma foto pode mudar sua Vida / Una foto puede cambiar tu Vida
A photograph can change your life. It can connect you with yourself and it can connect you with other people. It can be a way to help yourself and it can be a way to help others. A photograph can help you to become more aware of the moment, the concept of presence and paying full attention to ...
A beautiful Day / Ein schöner Tag / Um dia Lindo / Un día Hermoso
You need to remind yourself daily how precious life is – that each day you wake up is one more day you did not have before. It is too easy to let life’s stress take away your joy and cloud what has the potential to be an amazing day. Take in every moment, instead of letting them ...
2018-06-19 Woodside, USA / Last message to Humanity / Letzte Botschaft an die Menschheit / Ultima mensagem para a Humanidade / Ultimo mensaje a la Humanidad
Climate change is going to end Human civilization for good, and so soon that you may as well not bother saving for retirement. You have put the World in this emergency and you must be the one to solve the problem. You are not preparing a future for your children and grandchildren. You must address this global ...
I am your Man / Ich bin dein Mann / Eu sou seu Homem / Soy tu Hombre
Men want commitment but will only commit to a woman who is not out to control him with man-management. The minute men feel you are trying to change him or tell him what to do you have lost his attraction. Men do not need someone to control and mother them. Men do not want a woman who is ...
Connection to the human Brain / Verbindung zum menschlichen Gehirn / Conexão ao cérebro Humano / Conexión con el cerebro Humano
Humans could eventually become immortal, not with their bodies, but by merging their brains with androids. You connect to an android to use as your body from now on, attend your funeral, and then carry on as before, still you, just with a younger, highly upgraded body. Technological developments mean that humanity is on a path to ...
Disconnected from Yourself / Von dir selbst Getrennt / Desconectado de Você / Desconectado de ti Mismo
Trauma represents an event which disconnects you with yourself. These blocks often layer up over the years from your childhood, major events, and from your environment. From well-meaning parents, clueless authority figures, disappointing experiences, embarrassing situations, influential communities or media programming - there are many influences. The blocks could be limiting beliefs, unproductive thought patterns or behaviors. For ...
A force that Flows / Eine Kraft die Fließt / Uma força que Flui / Una fuerza que Fluye
It is not a religion, nor a philosophy. It is a way of life. It is a river. It is the natural order of things. It is a force that flows through every living and sentient object, as well as through the entire universe. When it is in balance it is possible to find perfect ...
1982-06-10 Munich, Germany / Love is colder than Death / Liebe ist kälter als der Tod / O amor é mais frio que a Morte / El amor es más frío que la Muerte
Love is challenging, draining, and destructive. Love is confusing. Love is addictive. Love is consuming. Love is disappointing. Love is arguing, fighting, disagreeing. Love is frustration. Love is rebuilding. Love is debilitating. Love is distracting. Love is looking at your defects. Love is denying feelings. Love is being left in the dark. Love is unmet expectations. Love ...
1997-06-09 Düsseldorf, Germany / Beachball / Strandball / Bola de Praia / Pelota de Playa
Andry Nalin was born May 14th of 1969 in the beginning of the seventies in Düsseldorf, Germany. After living in a smaller village he returned to the city in 1991. Still known for their leading electronic pioneers Kraftwerk the local scene discovered the early beginnings of Techno music. Andry Nalin started working in a record-store ...
Sail to Nirvana / Nach Nirvana Segeln / Velejar para o Nirvana / Navegar a Nirvana
I move about this World searching for everything and nothing in particular. I have nowhere I have to be except for right here. I long to be exactly right here. Everywhere and nowhere. An adventurer, constantly on the move. Trying to find a part of myself that I feel I need to discover. Inner peace, purpose or fulfilment. I ...
We become weaker as a Species / Wir werden als Spezies schwächer / Nós nos tornamos mais fracos como Espécie / Nos hacemos más débiles como Especie
Technology will be making us slower and weaker. Our bodies were not meant for this World we have built. That is why your back hurts. So much of the World that we take for granted and think is normal, it is not normal. That does not mean it is bad, but it is not normal from ...
Letting go of the Day / Lass den Tag Los / Deixando ir do Dia / Dejar ir del Dia
You hold onto what you want everyone else to be, what you want yourself to be, what you would like your work and families and life to be. You want things to be comfortable, nice, pretty and ordered. Unfortunately, work is hectic, people demand your attention, you are not as disciplined as you would like, people ...