2004-06-05 Los Angeles, USA / Whatever they call You / Wie auch immer sie Dich Nennen / O que eles chamam de Você / Como sea que te Llamen

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Ronald Reagan was known to joke frequently during his lifetime, displayed humor throughout his presidency. His numerous jokes and one-liners have been labeled classic and legendary. Among the most notable of his jokes was one regarding the Cold War. As a microphone test in preparation for his weekly radio address in August 1984, he made the following joke: My fellow Americans, ...

You can keep your family Safe / Du kannst Deine Familie in Sicherheit Bringen / Você pode manter sua família Segura / Puedes mantener a tu familia Segura

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The best advice for surviving a nuclear explosion is to be somewhere else when it goes off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mP3bcPvgIG8 Nuclear explosions can cause significant damage and casualties from blast, heat, and radiation but you can keep your family safe (really) by knowing what to do (really) and being prepared if it occurs (really). A nuclear weapon is ...

A smile to Remember / Ein Lächeln zum Erinnern / Um sorriso para Lembrar / Una sonrisa para Recordar

Most people think that we smile because we feel happy, but it can go the other way as well: we feel happy because we smile. Now, it is hard to say which came first, the smile or happiness that it yields. Considering a smile causes happiness, and the feeling of being happy causes us to ...

Cashless society to control You /Bargeldlose Gesellschaft um Dich zu Kontrollieren / Sociedade sem dinheiro para controlar Você / Sociedad sin efectivo para Controlarte

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More and more countries are talking about stopping the production and use of cash in their economies. The message is carried by the most prominent link of the monetary chain: States. Powerful lobbies are pushing ever stronger, in order to achieve total and absolute control of our economies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GADZ46VXmtU All over the western World banks are shutting ...

Desert Water / Wüstenwasser / Água do Deserto / Agua del Desierto

Deserts are some of the most foreboding and mysterious regions found on Earth. The lack of water makes deserts generally inhospitable, but people have been living in and exploring deserts for more than thousands of years nonetheless. Deserts are barren areas of land where it is tricky for plants and animals to survive. They form thanks to ...

1945-05-30 Brno, Czech Republic / Death March / Todesmarsch / Marcha da Morte / Marcha de la Muerte

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War is its own special kind of hell. There is naked reality as filmed by US Army Air Force cameraman Oren Haglund in 1945, just one day after the surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allies. At 3:23 in the video, the lost girl appears. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crpXnuV4OCU No one knows for sure who the girl is but it ...

Peace comes from Within / Frieden kommt von Innen / Paz vem de Dentro / Paz viene de Dentro

Your situation does not determine your happiness. The way you choose to think and feel about life does. You have the power to be at peace right now. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. - Buddha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbBqhVBi1xY Principle 1: It is the nature of the universe that everything changes. Every misery, problem, blessing ...

Set your champion Free / Befreie deinen Champion / Liberte seu Campeão / Libera a tu Campeón

You are familiar with your 'Inner Critic' – you know, that voice inside of you that criticizes or judges you, telling you things like 'You should do this and not this …' 'Why did you not do this …' or 'What is wrong with you'. Your 'Inner Critic' often means well, wanting you to do better. ...

1998-05-26 Sidney, Australia / Sorry Day / Tag der Entschuldigung / Dia de Desculpas / Día de Perdón

At least 100,000 children were separated, were removed from their families, from their parents in the period between approximately 1905 and 1967. Aboriginal children were removed over six decades. Removed children were, in most cases, placed into institutional facilities operated by religious or charitable organisations. Children were trained to be assimilated to Anglo-Australian culture. Policies ...

1954-05-25 Thai Binh, Vietnam / The falling Soldier / Der fallende Soldat / O soldado Caindo / Muerte de un Miliciano

The photo appears to capture a Republican soldier at the very moment of death. The soldier is shown collapsing backward after being fatally shot in the head, with his rifle slipping out of his right hand. I was there in the trench with about twenty milicianos … I just kind of put my camera above my head and ...

One text can change your Life / Eine SMS kann Dein Leben Verändern / Uma mensagem pode mudar sua Vida / Un mensaje puede cambiar tu Vida

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Change can come in many forms into your life. It might come forcefully like a tidal wave, or slowly creep along like a glacier. It might come in the form of devastating tragedy, a difficult choice, a broken relationship, a new opportunity, or as a text message. I stood at the front of the room in my wedding ...

1865-05-23 Washington D.C., USA / Grand Review / Grosse Revision / Grande Revisão / Gran Revisión

Space for mindful reflection and review becomes an increasingly scarce commodity. A cup of tea, ambient music, or a candle can help to generate a calm, contemplative atmosphere; use any external reinforcements you need to boost your internal focus. This is your chance to choose your reality and actively create your memories for yourself. This is an important ...

The epoch of Mankind / Die Epoche des Menschen / A época Humana / La época Humana

The Earth will continue without us, and it will hardly notice we are gone, just as it hardly knew we were here. A cinematic meditation on humanity’s massive reengineering of the planet. The Holocene Epoch gave way to the Anthropocene Epoch in the mid-twentieth century, because of profound and lasting Human changes to the Earth. From ...

2013-05-20 Saint Paul, USA / My last Days / Meine letzten Tage / Meus últimos Dias / Mis ultimos Dias

You think about the future. You do it pretty freely - Where will you be in five years? What will your children look like? What stories will you tell your grandkids? You are confident that you will get to live all of those milestones moments in your life. Your days are limited. There are those in their 30's, 20's, ...

1935-05-19 Dorset, England / Nothing is Written / Nichts ist Bestimmt / Nada está Escrito / Nada esta Escrito

Do you have free will or is everything fate. There is no sense of a middle way, of some other possibility. What if life is lived in constant interaction with a complex of forces, energies, experiences and events that is so multi-dimensional and varied that it is impossible to reduce it to an either/or, a duality ...

Pursuit Of Happiness / Das Streben nach Glück / Busca da Felicidade / Búsqueda de la Felicidad

Happiness has become the core question of your life. But the preoccupation with happiness may actually be making you less happy. The obsession with happiness may lead you to discount both the presence and the value of the challenging and painful events that are inevitable in your life. And not to mention making you feel completely inadequate when you ...

Happiness is a way of Travel / Glück ist eine Art zu Reisen / Felicidade é uma forma de Viajar / La felicidad es una forma de Viajar

Money may or may not bring happiness, depending on who you ask. But travel definitely does. Collecting great experiences is the soul of happiness. Travelling is the best ticket to explore the World. You want to ‘find yourself’ and are tired of the routine you have fallen into in your everyday life. You want to have a blast ...

Children of the Sun / Kinder der Sonne / Filhos do Sol / Hijos del Sol

If the Earth is our true mother, then the sun is our true parent. Together they make life on Earth possible. The sun’s energy enables life forms to exist on our planet. The sun offers light and warmth for plants to grow. Without the sun, there would be no life at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQULUQDYHLk Countless civilizations have paid homage ...

The Truth is Difficult / Die Wahrheit ist Schwierig / A verdade é Difícil / La verdad es Dificil

People are not born liars. It happens over time in all sorts of ways. Maybe telling the truth gets you into trouble. Maybe telling the truth could hurt someone. Maybe telling the truth is too scary. Maybe telling the truth is too difficult to believe. Maybe telling the truth is totally and utterly and completely unacceptable. It ...

1961-05-13 Los Angeles, USA / Do not forsake me oh my Darling / Lass mich nicht im Stich, mein Schatz / Não me abandone, oh meu Amor / No me abandones, oh mi Amor

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Our entertainment-saturated Society helps feed all sorts of illusions about reality. The fantasy of the perfect romantic and sexual relationship, the perfect lifestyle, and the perfect body all prove unattainable because the reality never lives up to the expectation. The worst fallout comes in the marriage relationship. When two people can not live up to each ...

2008-05-12 Warsaw, Poland / Whoever saves one life saves the World / Wer ein Leben rettet, rettet die Welt / Quem salva uma vida salva o Mundo / Quien salva una vida salva el Mundo

The Jewish ghetto was a functioning community and to many Jews seemed the safest available place for themselves and their children. Survival on the outside was plausible only for people with access to financial resources. This calculation lost its validity in July 1942, when the Germans proceeded with the liquidation of the ghetto in Warsaw and ...

Finding a better Way / Einen besseren Weg Finden / Encontrar uma maneira Melhor / Encontrando una mejor Manera

Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. the result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die, ...