Lose yourself to find Yourself / Verliere dich um dich zu Finden / Perca-se para se Encontrar / Piérdete para Encontrarte

The Self that is being lost is the self image that your mind has made. Any false identification with thoughts, emotions, forms, or anything you can perceive.

The Self that is being gained is the deeper Awareness that can perceive the self image. The true Self beneath the illusions of the mind.

Pure Consciousness, free from false identity. Lose yourself to find yourself. Let go of what is not real about you, so only the real can remain.

Do not identify with any self image that your mind has created. You are the Awareness of the self image, unattached.

All actions that your body takes and all thoughts your mind produces occur within your own eternal Awareness, the untouched presence.

Losing your false sense of Self can seem scary, but it is only scary to the Ego. You can only lose what is not real about you. The thing that does not want to disappear is the Ego itself.

If you are identified with Ego, you may believe you are afraid to let go of a part of your self image, or any thoughts or emotions you previously identified with.

The fear is of the Ego, not of yourself.

All it does is cover the truth and temporarily prevent you from realising it. When you stop identifying with thoughts, emotions and self image, you remain as Awareness.

Lose yourself to find yourself.

Whatever contributions you make to the World, you do not have to identify with. You actually serve and act more effectively when you are no longer acting to strengthen or maintain a false self-image.

What you do then becomes selfless and takes on a far greater power, you will still be at peace and happy.

Stellar was made by a team of 3rd year Character Animation & CG Art students at The Animation Workshop University College in Viborg, Denmark.

In an anonymous city, people are as numb and square as the surrounding buildings.

Monotonous routines are carried out just like yesterday and the day before when all of a sudden organic, orange spheres emerge from dark corners, soaring towards the skies.

As the spheres merge, getting bigger and bigger, the citizens finally pay attention and some curious souls accept the invitation to approach.

At once, we are thrown into a baffling and beautiful World where you must lose yourself before you can find yourself.