The World is Beautiful / Die Welt ist Schön / O mundo é Lindo / El mundo es Bello

While we feel intense sadness, profound happiness can be just around the corner. One step away. One thought away. One kiss away. If today is not a good day, wake up tomorrow and start a better day. Close your eyes for a minute and open them looking for the beauty that the World is. Forget the ugliness, the adversity, ...

Self-acceptance / Selbstakzeptanz / Auto Aceitação / Auto Aceptación

Self-acceptance is an individual's satisfaction or happiness with oneself, and is thought to be necessary for good mental health. Self-acceptance involves self-understanding, a realistic, albeit subjective, Awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses. Self-acceptance is considered the prerequisite for change to occur. It can be achieved by stopping criticizing and solving the defects of one's Self, and then accepting ...

Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds4 / Innere Welten-Äußere Welten4 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores4 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores4

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness out there as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving. Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit. This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form. In the Buddhist tradition, ...

Self Compassion / Selbstmitgefühl / Auto Compaixão / Autocompasión

Self-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. Self-compassionate individuals experience greater psychological health than those who lack self-compassion. Self-compassion is positively associated with life satisfaction, wisdom, happiness, optimism, curiosity, learning goals, social connectedness, personal responsibility, and emotional resilience. At the same time, it is associated with a lower tendency ...

Love is not about You / Liebe geht nicht um Dich / O amor não é sobre Você / El amor no es sobre Ti

Life is a series of ever-changing moments of trials and joys, and sometimes Love is grand, and sometimes it is not. Sometimes it is not fun, but that does not make it any less important. In fact, during the most difficult, and trying of times, to love, and to continue to love, is actually the most ...

Be a real Man / Sei ein echter Mann / Seja um homem de Verdade / Ser un verdadero Hombre

A real man knows what he wants in a partner, and once he has found that special someone, he commits himself and his whole life. Your happiness becomes his happiness. He stays loyal to you because he understands that one true Love is enough for a lifetime. A real man is able to make decisions based ...

The three Poisons / Die drei Gifte / Os três Venenos / Los tres Venenos

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Greed, hatred, and delusion are known as the three poisons, the three unwholesome roots, and the three fires. Greed refers to your selfishness, misplaced desire, attachment, and grasping for happiness and satisfaction outside of yourself. Hatred refers to your anger, aversion and repulsion toward unpleasant people, circumstances, and even toward your own uncomfortable feelings. Delusion refers to your ...

Freedom is Mine / Freiheit gehört Mir / A liberdade é Minha / La libertad es Mia

Mind wandering, independent thought, spontaneous thinking, free associating, creative imagining are some of the terms to describe what occurs to your mind when you notice its functioning, or when you allow it the freedom to be in its natural condition: open, aware and spontaneously fluid. Freedom of mind is being increasingly declared as undesirable. Seduced by a ...

Girl goes to Heaven / Mädchen geht in den Himmel / Menina vai para o Céu / Niña va al Cielo

There is no word in the English language for a parent who loses a child. When our parents die we are orphans. When our spouse dies, we are widowed. When a child dies we are speechless. In the natural order of things, parents are not meant to bury their children. You must readapt to a new ...

Well-lived Life / Gut gelebtes Leben / Vida bem Vivida / Vida bien Vivida

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Living life is about examining life through reason, nature’s greatest gift to humanity. The importance of reason in sensing and examining life is evident in all phases of life. Reason lets Human beings participate in life, to be Human is to think, appraise, and explore the World, discovering new sources of material and spiritual pleasure. Yet not ...

The end of Suffering / Das Ende des Leidens / O fim do Sofrimento / El final del Sufrimiento

Buddhism speaks of Nirvana, which is the cessation of suffering. Nirvana means the cessation, the extinction, of all suffering. But our suffering comes from our wrong perceptions. And that is why the practice of meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us. If we are able to remove our wrong ...

Simply be Aware / Sei einfach Bewusst / Apenas esteja Atento / Sólo esté Atento

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Every present moment is the happiest moment. You only have to realize it. Happiness is already at your door, you just have to open the door and our heart to let it enter. It is already within you. The simplest and easiest way to feel the happiness within you, and make yourself instantly calm and happy ...

Experience is the source of Love / Erfahrung ist die Quelle der Liebe / Experiância é a fonte do Amor / Experiencia es la fuente del Amor

The one thing that seems secure is a truth that is hard to hear in the context of a dominator culture with an obsession with the material World. And that truth is that nothing lasts. Nothing lasts. You know, your enemies will fade. Your friends will fade. Your fortune, your poverty, your disappointments, your dreams - ...

Note before I Die / Notizen bevor ich Sterbe / Notas antes de Morrer / Notas antes de Morir

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It is a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It is just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; until the unexpected happens. I always imagined myself growing old, wrinkled and grey - most likely caused by the ...

Regrets of the Dying / Bedauern der Sterbenden / Arrependimentos dos que estão Morrendo / Arrepentimiento de los Moribundos

I wish I had had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. When you realize that your life is almost over and you look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. You have not honored even a half of your ...

Simplifying your Life / Vereinfache Dein Leben / Simplifique Tu Vida / Simplifica Tu Vida

This cycle of consumption never results in peace. It never brings you true happiness. Only stress, anxiety, anger and frustration. Modern life can be overwhelming. You have smartphone, tablet, desktop, computer and TV in your face all day long. This causes mental dispersion, a sort of chaos of the mind. You are now connected to the ...

Freedom from Viewpoints / Freiheit vom Standpunkt / Liberdade de pontos de Vista / Liberdad de puntos de Vista

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You have wrong perception on your self and on the other. And the other has wrong perception on themselves and on you, and that is the cause of fear, of violence, of hatred. That is why trying to remove wrong perceptions is the only way to peace, and that is why Nirvana is, first of all, ...

Problem of Belief / Problem des Glaubens / Problema da Crença / Problema de la Creencia

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What does it mean to believe? We use this word all the time, and I think behind it lurk some really extraordinary taboos and confusions. How we talk about belief, how we fail to criticize or criticize the beliefs of others, has more importance to us personally, more consequence to us personally and to civilization than ...

Culture is not your Friend / Kultur ist nicht dein Freund / Cultura não é sua Amiga / Cultura no es tu Amiga

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What civilization is is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other’s shoulders and kicking each other’s teeth in. It’s not a pleasant situation.And yet you can stand back and look at this planet and see that we have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the ...

Culture is your operating System / Kultur ist Dein Betriebssystem / Cultura é o seu sistema Operacional / Cultura es tu sistema Operativo

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Our unhappy, addicted, ego-driven condition has become not simply the source of our own unhappiness - that was bad enough, but now it's the source of great discomfort and dislocation for all life and Human Society on the planet.We are out of control. We are basically severely addicted to things and can not stop ourselves.And we ...