What makes a meaningful Life / Was macht ein Leben Sinnvoll / O que torna uma vida Significativa / Lo que hace una vida Significativa

There may be nothing more quintessentially Human than the search for meaning. From the dawn of history, Human beings have been creatures that seek meaning, make meaning, and yearn for meaning We all want to know that our lives amount to more than the sum of our experiences - that they have worth and count. When people ...

In the web of a Dream / Im Netz eines Traums / Na teia de um Sonho / En la red de un Sueño

Your life is consumed by a series of dreamlike states: memories, daydreams, fantasies, future plans, emotional states, imagination, fears. Like nighttime dreams, all these mental states are partially based on reality and partially based on our interpretations, projections, and extrapolations. The mind that functions like a magician generating illusions. It is taking place all the time, both ...

The mind and your Reality / Der Verstand und Deine Realität / A mente e sua Realidade / La mente y tu Realidad

Your mind is very powerful. Yet, if you are like most people, you spend very little time reflecting on the way you think. After all, who thinks about thinking. But, the way you think about yourself turns into your reality. What you think directly influences how you feel and how you behave. Whatever dominates your thoughts and imagination becomes ...

Fear of the Unknown / Angst vor dem Unbekannten / Medo do Desconhecido / Miedo a lo Desconocido

Fear of the Unknown. They are afraid of new ideas.They are loaded with prejudices, not based upon anything in reality, but based on if something is new.I reject it immediately because it is frightening to me.What they do instead is just stay with the familiar.You know, to me, the most beautiful things in all the ...

Living in a world of Illusions / In einer Welt der Illusionen Leben / Vivendo em um mundo de Ilusões / Vivir en un mundo de Ilusiones

What you know about the outside World has been conveyed to us by means of your five senses: what your eyes can see, your ears can hear, your nose can smell, and your hands can touch and feel, your tongue can taste. You are limited to these senses. Everything you hold, smell, listen to, and see ...

Catch the moment of the Day / Den Moment des Tages Einfangen / Capte o momento do Dia / Atrapa el momento del Día

The past is gone and the future is yet to be. You can only be where you are in this moment: this breath, this step, this instant. To worry about anything else is to waste energy. With mindfulness, life’s in the moment. Mindfulness teaches you the skill of paying attention to the present by noticing when your ...

Already There / Schon Da / Já esta Lá / Ya está Allí

Based on the simple understanding that unless you reach freedom from being unconscious, you can not evolve in a real way. The awakening of Consciousness is the first logical step on the path to your complete Self. Anyone can use the term ‘Consciousness’, but to grasp its meaning is very difficult. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LtIj0TK4k0 Words like Consciousness, being and absolute are ...

Prison for your Mind / Gefängnis für deinen Verstand / Prisão por sua Mente / Prisión para tu Mente

You interpret life based on events you have experienced in the past. It may not be apparent to you, but at the back of your mind, you are constantly comparing, judging and evaluating everything that comes through your senses with something that took place seconds, days or even years ago. While memories help you to maintain a ...

Thoughts change your Brain / Gedanken ändern dein Gehirn / Pensamentos mudam seu Cérebro / Pensamientos cambian tu Cerebro

Your body is physically reacting, literally changing, in response to your thoughts. Thinking about something causes your brain to release neurotransmitters, chemical messengers that allow it to communicate with parts of itself and your nervous system. Neurotransmitters control virtually all of your functions and emotions, from feeling happy, sad, to stressed. Thoughts alone improve vision, fitness, and strength. ...

Being aware of what Is / Sich bewusst sein was Ist / Estar ciente do que É / Ser consciente de lo que Es

The easiest way to get into the meditative state is to begin by listening. If you simply close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all of the sounds that are going on around you. Just listen to the general Hum and Buzz of the World as if you were listening to music. Don’t try ...

The root of Suffering / Die Wurzel des Leidens / A raiz do Sofrimento / La raíz del Sufrimiento

According to Buddhism, the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor of sadness nor even of meaninglessness. Rather, the real root of suffering is this never-ending and pointless pursuit of ephemeral feelings, which causes us to be in a constant state of tension, restlessness and dissatisfaction.  Due to this pursuit, the mind ...

Higher state of Consciousness / Höherer Bewusstseinszustand / Maior estado de Consciência / Mayor estado de Conciencia

We live most of our life through three states of Consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of Consciousness, you experience the World through the five senses. You seek elevation and joy from these senses. If any one of the senses is missing, the entire dimension of that sense is lost. One who can not hear is ...

The stillness of Time / Die Stille der Zeit / A quietude do Tempo / La quietud del Tiempo

In the midst of your busyness, you secretly long for a simpler life – one that reflects a slower pace, where you are able to relax, breathe and enjoy some peace of mind. You fantasize about getting away from it all or leaving your responsibilities behind. Rather than retreating to a cabin in the woods or moving ...

True happiness lies Within / Wahres Glück liegt in Dir / Verdadeira felicidade está Dentro / Verdadera felicidad se encuentra Dentro

Bliss, they say, is the sweetest nectar of life. Bliss is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual happiness. And you can vibrate with this bliss. And it's this happiness from within. They have a saying, 'True happiness isn't out there. True happiness lies within.' And I always wondered, 'Where is this within?' And they don't say where ...

Reason you feel Alone / Der Grund warum Du Dich allein Fühlst / Razão pela qual você se sente Sozinho / Razón por la que te sientes Solo

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You feel alone because you are alone in your head and in your heart. Your heart is the seat of your emotional being. The place from which not only blood flows but also all your feelings of Love, compassion, tenderness, joy, sorrow, happiness, and pain. See if you can feel it, right now. Take a moment to drop down ...

God is the Universe / Gott ist das Universum / Deus é o Universo / Dios es el Universo

To understand the depth of religion, one needs firsthand experience. It can be done with meditation. It can be done with sensory deprivation. It can be done a number of ways. But I think the psychedelic path is sometimes the easiest way, and it does not require the long time that other approaches usually require. Psychedelic research ...

The sense that time keeps going Faster / Das Gefühl die Zeit geht immer schneller / O sentido de que o tempo continua indo mais Rápido / El sentido de que el tiempo sigue yendo más Rápido

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You can not add more time to the clock, but by understanding how this phenomenon works, you can at least try to make life seem like it is passing by a little slower. There are different theories about why our perception of time changes as we age. For one, we perceive time relatively, and that means an ...

The Self is an Illusion / Das Selbst ist eine Illusion / O Eu é uma Ilusão / El Yo es una Ilusión

Philosophers and mystics have long contemplated the disconcerting notion that the fixed Self is an illusion. Neuroscientists now think they can prove it with some help from psilocybin, the psychoactive substance in magic mushrooms. Researchers around the World are exploring the drug’s transformative power to help people quit smoking; lower violent crime; treat depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder And trigger lasting spiritual ...

Change the way we Think / Die Art wie wir denken Ändern / Mude a maneira que Pensamos / Cambia la forma en que Pensamos

Become a kinder person Practicing mindfulness increases Empathy and lead people to act more altruistically. Meditation learned through live courses with a mindfulness teacher has a strong effect on altruistic behavior. People who undergo a two-week, 10 minute-a-day meditation course using the smartphone app Headspace are also more likely to behave altruistically although the effect is not quite as pronounced. Learn ...

Overcome to Learn / Überwinden um zu Lernen / Superar para Aprender / Vencer para Aprender

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Challenges are something we all deal with. The most important thing we can do when facing challenges is to think positive, move beyond them, learn and grow from them, and be adaptable. Some people have mastered this concept. Others can learn it. Everyone has the power to take control of their lives and move forward. You ...

Rooted in the World / Verwurzelt in der Welt / Enraizado no Mundo / Enraizado en el Mundo

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Capitalism rewards selfishness and greed, and winning by any means, fair or foul. Therefore Society concludes that this behavior is natural for all Human beings and that it is impossible to establish a Society based on anything except a competitive struggle for private profit. Human nature is said to be competitive, aggressive and selfish. It's just the ...

2021-09-04 Natal, Brazil / Climb to the Sun / Zur Sonne steigen / Subir ao Sol / Sube al Sol

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Reminiscence is the behavior of reflecting on your past, and Nostalgia is the emotional response. Nostalgia is a powerful mix of joy and Sadness. It carries within itself the acknowledgement that the passage of time is unalterable. Nostalgia feels bittersweet, happy and comforting. But with a taste of Sadness that whatever we are remembering is lost in some way. For ...