2007-09-11 Salvador, Brazil / Bay / Bucht / Baiá / Bahia

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Na Baixa do Sapateiro is a famous Brazilian song named after a street in Salvador, Bahia, where many cobblers once worked. The song, retitled as 'Bahia', gained international fame when it was featured in the Disney film 'The Three Caballeros'. It is Donald Duck's birthday (namely Friday the 13th), and he receives three presents from friends in ...

Turn off your Television / Schalte Dein Fernseher aus / Desligue sua Televisão / Apague su Televisor

We're in a lot of trouble!! - Because you people and 62 million other Americans are listening to me right now. - Because less than 3% of you people read books. - Because less than 15% of you read newspapers. - Because the only truth you know is what you get over this tube. - Right now, there is a ...

World Travel 10 / Weltreise 10 / Viagens pelo Mundo 10 / Viajes Mundiales 10

DANCING WITH LONELINESS: I'm dancing with my loneliness again...I'm dancing with my loneliness againSlowly to the music from withinI'm dancing with my loneliness againFeeling it can be my only friend And I won't let myself go it's too near -Too near to hear, near to hear... to hear... I'm dancing with my loneliness insideKnowing there's no place where ...

World Travel 1 / Weltreise 1 / Viagens pelo Mundo 1 / Viajes Mundiales 1

DER ANFANG: Guten Abend - Herzlich Willkommen in der Welt von Schiller. In den nächsten Momenten führen wir Sie durch Stimmungen und Klangwelten, die Ihr Leben verändern werden. Schließen Sie die Augen. Entspannen Sie sich, und lassen Sie Ihrer Fantasie und Ihren Gefühlen freien Lauf. Willkommen in der Welt von Schiller. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fzdrLuUg5U 'Weltreise' is the 2nd studio album by German electronical project Schiller. The ...

The little girl who was Forgotten / Das kleine Mädchen, das vergessen Wurde / A Menina que foi Esquecida / La Niña Que Se Olvidó

Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation. Loneliness typically includes anxious feelings about a lack of connection or communication with other beings, both in the present and extending into the future. As such, Loneliness can be felt even when surrounded by other people. The causes of Loneliness are varied and include social, mental, ...

Solitude / Einsamkeit / Solidão / Soledad

Solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation, ie., lack of contact with people. It may stem from bad relationships, loss of loved ones, deliberate choice, infectious disease, mental disorders, neurological disorders, circumstances of situation. A distinction has been made between Solitude and loneliness. In this sense, these two words refer, respectively, to the joy and the ...