The pain of Separation / Der Schmerz der Trennung / A dor de Separação / El dolor de la Separación

Once longing is awakened within the heart it is the most direct way home. Like the magnet it draws us deep within our own heart where we are made whole and transformed. This is why the Sufi mystics have always stressed the importance of longing. Your whole life must be one of longing. Yet our present Western Society ...

A beautiful Playground / Ein schöner Spielplatz / Um belo Parque Infantil / Un hermoso Parque Infantil

The sorrow that I know, I have carried with me from my childhood and I came to understand it. It is deep sadness that can make me cry for no reason at all. I came to understand, that I was capable of great sorrow I was capable of great joy. We can all actually be happy, it's a ...

Pleasure and Pain / Freude und Schmerz / Prazer e Dor / Placer y Dolor

We are the only species that emotionally tear from the experience of sadness as well as joy and gratitude. Some philosophers have hypothesized that the feelings of pleasure and pain are part of one and same continuum. Pleasure has often been compared to a form of alleviation of pain. When pleasure is perceived, one associates it with ...

Lost every single Time / Jedes mal Verloren / Perdeu todas as Vezes / Perdido cada Vez

In school you wanted to score well in mathematics and you studied all the time. Why could not you score well in mathematics? Were you really stupid or something? You loved playing badminton and spend all the time playing with your brother, but your friends from school were great at football. Why could not you play football ...

2013-01-16 Currais Novos, Brazil / Words can’t Describe / Wörter können nicht beschreiben / Palavras não podem Descrever / Palabras no pueden Describir

There is not a word for what you are trying to explain. You feel more than you have the language to articulate and express, which is frustrating. You work through emotions, being able to identify them and use them as signals. A lot of the time, you are left in the dark. A feeling of returning home ...

Emotions and the Brain / Emotionen und das Gehirn / Emoções e Cérebro / Emociones y el Cerebro

Sadness from heartache, happiness at finding a long-lost friend, anxiety before a job interview; you might think you are completely in control of what you feel and that you understand what causes those feelings. Your brain can be sneaky. Emotions include how you feel and how you process and respond to those feelings. Your brain and its ...

2014-12-06 Natal, Brazil / You are my Baby / Du bist mein Baby / Você é o meu Bebe / Eres mi Bebé/

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Matilda, there is nothing I wouldn’t do, to make you happy, while I am with you. When you are crying, I wipe away your tears. When you are scared, I help you face your fears. When you are sick, I take care of you, for you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do. When you are tired, I lie beside you, watching you ...

Living on my Own / Eigenständig Leben / Viver Sozinho / Viviendo por mí Mismo

The experience of feeling lonely, no one around and no one to talk to, make you sink into a state of sadness or anxiety and you fear you will never get over, a feeling that overwhelms you. Such feelings of loneliness does not mean you are alone. Loneliness is one of the most common, unpleasant emotions ...

What it all Means / Was alles Bedeutet / O que tudo Significa / Qué todo Significa

Depression is your body saying, Fuck you, I don't want to be this character anymore. You should think of the word depressed as deep rest. Your body needs to rest. It needs deep rest from the character that you’ve been trying to play. It was more like, you're supposed to say, you know, we're important, you're supposed ...

2017-09-04 Natal, Brazil / Climb to the Sun / Zur Sonne steigen / Subir ao Sol / Sube al Sol

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  Reminiscence is the behavior of reflecting on your past, and Nostalgia is the emotional response.   Nostalgia is a powerful mix of joy and Sadness.   It carries within itself the acknowledgement that the passage of time is unalterable.   Nostalgia feels bittersweet, happy and comforting.   But with a taste of Sadness that whatever we are remembering is lost in some way. For ...

Where is my Mind / Wo ist mein Verstand / Onde está minha Mente / Dónde está mi Mente

Love and hate, happiness and sadness, boredom and fascination – the mind is capable of a wide range of emotions which can influence how we act. Knowing how emotions influence behaviour could help those who suffer from emotional disorders. Our ability to control our own emotions depends on whether we believe that emotional regulation is possible. If you ...

2012-04-09 Parnamirim, Brazil / Pink Panther / Rosarote Panther / Pantera Cor-de-Rosa / Pantera Rosa

Pink Panther is a fictional animated character who appeared in the opening and closing credit sequences of every film in the Pink Panther series. The series began with the release of the film The Pink Panther in 1963. In the storyline of the original film, The Pink Panther was the name of a valuable pink diamond. In the ...

Seven deadly Sins / Sieben Todsünden / Sete pecados Capitais / Siete pecados Capitales

The Seven Deadly Sins is a grouping and classification of vices of Christian origin. Behaviors or habits are classified under this category if they directly give birth to other immoralities. The modern concept of the Seven Deadly Sins is linked to the works of the fourth-century monk Evagrius Ponticus, who listed eight evil thoughts in Greek ...