Time waits for No One / Die Zeit wartet auf Niemanden / O tempo não espera por Ninguém / El tiempo no espera a Nadie

Time is flying. Always live life to the fullest, enjoy, be happy, keep smiling and remember to always be grateful, love, and appreciate the moments you spend with your family and friends. One day the moments you spend with your loved ones will become a memory. Always say I love you,Always say Thank you,Always be who you ...

You have been Hacked / Du bist gehackt Worden / Você foi Hackeado / Has sido Hackeado

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Just as having a stranger stare at you for an extended period of time can be uncomfortable and hostile. It is no different from being under constant surveillance, except that surveillance is often done secretely and at the order of some authority. In our modern Society, where so many of our actions are observable, recorded, searchable, and ...

You can not Win / Du kannst nicht Gewinnen / Você não pode Vencer / Tú no puedes Ganar

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Black people are nothing more than servants. They are basically shadows. They are invisible, living in absolute poverty, nothing but shadows existing in the white - controlled environment where the old rules – written some time ago, officially gone, but still around – remain the order of the day. The historical inequalities and structural barriers, rooted in ...

Living Mindfully / Bewusst Leben / Viver Atentamente / Viviendo con Atención

A mindful life is worth the effort. It is a life where you awaken from the dream state - the state of having your mind anywhere but in the present moment, locked in thoughts about what you are going to do later, about something someone else said, about something you are stressing about or angry about. The ...

People Are not good to each Other / Menschen sind nicht gut Zueinander / As pessoas não são boas um para Outro / Las personas no son buenas entre Sí

On the social media stage, looking right seems the only thing that matters. Rather than using our emotions and intellect to do whats best, we focus on proving others wrong - those who think differently become our enemies. People are not using their voices to make things better. They express their opinions simply to hurt others; to silence ...

Mass Surveillance System / Massenüberwachungssystem / Sistema de vigilância em Massa / Sistema de vigilancia Masiva

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You can be identified by your heartbeat and your gait. You can be identified by your fingerprints and iris patterns. And you can always be identified by your smartphone broadcast unique number called MAC addresse. And more things that identify you as well: your phone number, your credit card number, the license plates on your car. Once you are identified, the data about who ...

We think too much and feel too Little / Wir denken zu viel und fühlen zu wenig / Pensamos demais e sentimos muito Pouco / Pensamos demasiado y nos sentimos muy Poco

You live in a World where the visual dominates, physicality is the only definition of reality, and the suffering that plagues you most is only that of your own internal thoughts. The World has gone mad as we have all become entrapped within our heads. The tools you use for your own liberation acting against ...

2012-01-13 Isola del Giglio, Italy / Get on board for fuck’s Sake / Geh an Bord verdammt noch Mal / Suba a bordo pelo amor de Deus / Vada a bordo Cazzo

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The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground and overturned after striking an underwater rock off Isola del Giglio, Italy, resulting in 32 deaths. About 300 passengers were left on board, most of whom were rescued by helicopter or motorboats in the area. An investigation focused on shortcomings in the procedures followed by Costa Concordia's crew and the actions of her captain, Francesco Schettino, who left ...

All the World’s a Stage / Die ganze Welt ist eine Bühne / O mundo é um Palco / Todo el mundo es un Escenario

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You are living in an narcissistic World. You are living in an narcissistic Society. You are a narcissist. You use Facebook and other social media because you believe others are interested in what you are doing. And you want others to know what you are doing. You tag yourself in photos, and update your status frequently. You present an unrealistic portrait of ...

You have become the Selfie Generation / Du bist die Selfie-Generation Geworden / Você se tornou a Geração Selfie / Te has convertido en la generación Selfie

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There is a new bright trend in modern Society. People value experiences over products. People are more willing to share than to own. People are shifting away from Western capitalism to Zen-Buddhist communalism. What a heart-warming vision of humanity. Is it really happening? Of course not. It is only a fantasy. We are as selfish and shallow as ...

1980-12-08 New York, USA / Give Peace a Chance / Gib Frieden eine Chance / Dê paz uma Chance / Dale a paz una Oportunidad

John Lennon will be known for many things that he did with the Beatles but something that he will also be remembered for is his ideas about peace. He took a very active role in trying to persuade people to protest against the Vietnam War, by doing many different things. John Lennon taught us to stand up for ...

Is everything in life worth Sharing / Ist alles im Leben wert geteilt zu Werden / Vale a pena compartilhar tudo na Vida / Vale la pena compartir todo en la Vida

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You have not been on holiday if you did not post a picture every 30 seconds online. You have not been to a concert if you do not start a Facebook live event. You have not been to a restaurant if you have not checked into it. Peace. Peace is beautiful. Chilling under the sun in Ibiza. ...

We don’t talk anymore / Wir reden nicht Mehr / Não falamos Mais / No hablamos Mas

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Why do we not talk to each other anymore, really talk to each other. What ever happened to the art of conversation. You know, When you talked and someone really listened. In todays age of technological advancement, this might all sound like a glorious inconvenience but the build up required to take a phone call whether in ...

Like Me Button / Gefällt Mir Butyon / Curta-Me Botão / Botón de Me Gusta

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It is hard to exaggerate how much the 'Like' button changed the psychology of Facebook use. What had begun as a passive way to track your friends’ lives has become now deeply interactive. Users are gambling every time they share a photo, web link, or status update.  You might dismiss it as a guilty pleasure that we ...

First thing in the Morning / Das erste am Morgen / Primeira coisa de Manhã / La primera cosa en la Mañana

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When you wake up in the morning and turn over to your phone to see the list of notifications - it frames the experience of ‘waking up in the morning’ around a menu of all the things you have missed since yesterday. Your mind and your morning are hijacked. You are immediately in catch-up mode. So much ...

2017-10-16 Bidnija, Malta / Journalism was her Life / Journalismus war ihr Leben / Jornalismo era sua Vida / El periodismo era su Vida

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Fairness, objectivity and honesty matter. Good journalists push themselves to dig deeper and ask tough questions. They put personal feelings aside to unearth the truth. Courage is vital. They are not satisfied making phone calls from a comfortable desk. Their assignments carry considerable risks. In recent years, journalists have suffered injuries from land mines, car bombs ...

1997-09-02 Vienna, Austria / Human search for Meaning / Suche des Menschen nach Bedeutung / Pesquisa humana por Significado / Búsqueda humana de Significado

I know some people who probably would not survive more than a day without their iPhone let alone having everything in their life that could possibly be taken ripped away. Frankl lived through the horrors of the Holocaust, a prisoner in Auschwitz and Dachau. The loss of his family clarified for him that his purpose in this world was ...

Drugs are so Enjoyable / Drogen sind so Angenehm / Drogas são tão Agradáveis / Drogas son tan Agradables

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Let's face it: Humans are totally crazy for sex, for getting wasted, and for enjoying all kinds of entertainment. Massive industries and crime organizations already exploit these most basic Human needs and desires. After arms and oil, drugs is the biggest money-spinning market on the planet, pulling in 200 billion every year. Porn is a 97 ...

One photo can change your Life / Ein Foto kann dein Leben Ändern / Uma foto pode mudar sua Vida / Una foto puede cambiar tu Vida

A photograph can change your life. It can connect you with yourself and it can connect you with other people. It can be a way to help yourself and it can be a way to help others. A photograph can help you to become more aware of the moment, the concept of presence and paying full attention to ...

2004-06-05 Los Angeles, USA / Whatever they call You / Wie auch immer sie Dich Nennen / O que eles chamam de Você / Como sea que te Llamen

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Ronald Reagan was known to joke frequently during his lifetime, displayed humor throughout his presidency. His numerous jokes and one-liners have been labeled classic and legendary. Among the most notable of his jokes was one regarding the Cold War. As a microphone test in preparation for his weekly radio address in August 1984, he made the following joke: My fellow Americans, ...

Cashless society to control You /Bargeldlose Gesellschaft um Dich zu Kontrollieren / Sociedade sem dinheiro para controlar Você / Sociedad sin efectivo para Controlarte

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More and more countries are talking about stopping the production and use of cash in their economies. The message is carried by the most prominent link of the monetary chain: States. Powerful lobbies are pushing ever stronger, in order to achieve total and absolute control of our economies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GADZ46VXmtU All over the western World banks are shutting ...

One text can change your Life / Eine SMS kann Dein Leben Verändern / Uma mensagem pode mudar sua Vida / Un mensaje puede cambiar tu Vida

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Change can come in many forms into your life. It might come forcefully like a tidal wave, or slowly creep along like a glacier. It might come in the form of devastating tragedy, a difficult choice, a broken relationship, a new opportunity, or as a text message. I stood at the front of the room in my wedding ...