Pleasure Culture / Kultur des Vergnügens / Cultura do Prazer / Cultura de Placer

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You can live in a World that is controlled by the spirits, where you try to gain power in the face of fear. Or

You can live in a World that is controlled by community expectation, where you try to gain honour and avoid shame. Or

You can live in a World that is controlled by individual conscience, where you try to maintain innocence and avoid guilt.

The animistic cultures are controlled by fear and power; the Arab and Asian cultures are governed by shame and honour; the Western cultures are guilt-innocence cultures.

Guilt-innocence cultures make their decisions based on whether things are right or wrong.

Right and wrong are defined by an external code or set of rules. At one level, right and wrong are defined by the rule of law whether secular or religious.

At another level, right and wrong are defined by social norms and expectations.

We are seeing the demise of guilt-innocence as the dominant worldview in Western cultures. The guilt-innocence is a fading paradigm.

We are moving from being a guilt-innocence culture to becoming a pleasure culture.

In a pain-pleasure worldview, you make decisions based on what feels good to you and what makes you happy. Your identity is as a pleasure seeker and a pain avoider.