Devote Yourself / Widme Dich / Devote-Se / Dedicarte

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra) is the central mantra chanted within all forms of Nichiren and Tendai Buddhism is referred to as Daimoku. The practice of prolonged chanting is referred to as Shōdai while the purpose of chanting Daimoku is to reduce sufferings by eradicating negative Karma. Also reducing ...

I am Awake / Ich bin Wach / Estou Acordado / Estoy Despierto

Spiritual awakening, a realization that all there is what is. More people are starting to see beyond the illusions of separateness, fear mongering, constructed perceptions of who we are as a species and why we came into this World. It is not about judging what is currently in place, being angry at it and changing it to ...

Amazing Transformation / Erstaunliche Verwandlung / Transformação Incrível / Increíble Transformación

Spiritual Transformation is simply a shift from unconsciousness into a more conscious state. You are more aware of yourself and what the real World is rather than what you were taught to believe it is. These Transformations can be simple or profound. They can include spiritual awakening, becoming a parent, changing your diet to come into alignment with ...

Highway Dharma Letters / Autobahn Dharma Briefe / Cartas de Dharma da Estrada / Cartas del Dharma de la Carretera

Dharma is a key concept with multiple meanings in the Indian religions -Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. In Hinduism, Dharma signifies behaviours that are considered to be in accordance with the order that makes life and universe possible. These behaviours includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and 'right way of living'. In Buddhism Dharma means 'cosmic law and ...

Why am I so Poor / Warum bin Ich so Arm / Por que Eu sou tão Pobre / Por qué Soy tan Pobre

Dāna and Cāga (giving, liberality, generosity) were practices that Buddha strongly promoted. Buddha saw Dāna and Cāga as absolutely foundational to spiritual practice. Buddha primarily talked of giving not only in terms of material things, but also in non-material ways. Householders were typically expected to give material things in order to support the monastics. Whereas monastics were expected to ...

Emotions and the Brain / Emotionen und das Gehirn / Emoções e Cérebro / Emociones y el Cerebro

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The emotional brain responds to an event more quickly than the thinking brain - Emotions do not live in the heart; the heart is just a pump, a pretty important one, of course. Emotions invariably are formed in the mind, in certain parts of the brain. From the mind these emotions - fear, anger, stress, elation, anxiety, ...

Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds4 / Innere Welten-Äußere Welten4 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores4 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores4

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We live our lives pursuing happiness out there as if it is a commodity. We have become slaves to our own desires and craving. Happiness isn't something that can be pursued or purchased like a cheap suit. This is Maya, illusion, the endless play of form. In the Buddhist tradition, ...

Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds3 / Innere Welten-Äußere Welten3 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores3 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores3

The primordial spiral is the manifested World, while Akasha is the unmanifested, or emptiness itself. All of reality is an interplay between these two things; Yang and Yin, or Consciousness and matter. The spiral has often been represented by the snake, the downward current, while the bird or blooming lotus flower has represented the upward current ...

Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds2 / Innere Welten-Äußere Welten2 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores2 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores2

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The Pythagorian philosopher Plato hinted enigmatically that there was a golden key that unified all of the mysteries of the universe. The golden key is the intelligence of the logos, the source of the primordial om. One could say that it is the mind of God. The source of this divine symmetry is the greatest mystery of ...

Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds1 / Innere Welten-Äußere Welten1 / Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores1/ Mundos Internos-Mundos Exteriores1

There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, primordial OM, music of the spheres, Higgs field, dark energy, and thousand other names in history. The ancient teachers taught Nada Brahma, the universe is vibration. The vibratory field is at the root of all true spiritual experience and scientific investigation. It is ...

The inner Universe / Das innere Universum / O Universo Interior / El Universo Interno

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There is a more beautyful universe than that which you know as the outer World. It is the inner universe. It is the World within your own soul. You may call it Human life, or personal being, or humanity. It is the universe of Human existence. Why is Human existence what it is? Is there some great ...

Self Compassion / Selbstmitgefühl / Auto Compaixão / Autocompasión

Self-compassion is extending compassion to one's self in instances of perceived inadequacy, failure, or general suffering. Self-compassionate individuals experience greater psychological health than those who lack self-compassion. Self-compassion is positively associated with life satisfaction, wisdom, happiness, optimism, curiosity, learning goals, social connectedness, personal responsibility, and emotional resilience. At the same time, it is associated with a lower tendency ...

The truth of the Friend / Die Wahrheit des Freundes / A verdade do Amigo / La verdad del Amigo

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty - and frightened. Don't open the door to the study - and begin reading. Take down the dulcimer. - Let the beauty we love be what we do. - There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Would you like to have revealed to you - the truth ...

I built a Friend / Ich habe einen Freund gebaut / Eu criei um Amigo / Construí un Amigo

The older you get, the harder it is to make new friends. That is the lie people often tell themselves. The truth is most do not take the time to create new friendships, they barely give enough time to the ones they have. You need others to dialogue with, to provide an opinion and criticism to help ...

Choose Love over Like / Wähle Liebe statt Mögen / Escolha Amar ao invés de Curtir / Elige Amor sobre Me Gusta

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When you look at others the way you do it yourself, Love is inevitable. If you feel separate from others, there will always be a choice whether or not to love them. But, releasing these barriers from your mind will change your perspective of looking at people. Looking at the universe as a whole and believing ...

Love is a choice not a Feeling / Liebe ist eine Wahl, kein Gefühl / Amor é uma escolha e não um Sentimento / Amor es una elección y no un Sentimiento

You love me you say. Why do you love me? If you can not come up with at least five or so reasons from that question easily, you do not love me. You love the idea of me. Maybe you like how I look or how I make you feel. The attention I am giving you. ...

Love is not about You / Liebe geht nicht um Dich / O amor não é sobre Você / El amor no es sobre Ti

Life is a series of ever-changing moments of trials and joys, and sometimes Love is grand, and sometimes it is not. Sometimes it is not fun, but that does not make it any less important. In fact, during the most difficult, and trying of times, to love, and to continue to love, is actually the most ...

Be a real Man / Sei ein echter Mann / Seja um homem de Verdade / Ser un verdadero Hombre

A real man knows what he wants in a partner, and once he has found that special someone, he commits himself and his whole life. Your happiness becomes his happiness. He stays loyal to you because he understands that one true Love is enough for a lifetime. A real man is able to make decisions based ...

The Scent of Nothingness / Der Duft des Nichts / O cheiro do Nada / El aroma de la nada

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Nothingness is the fragrance of the beyond. It is the opening of the heart to the transcendental. It is the unfoldment of the one thousand petalled lotus. It is man's destiny. Man is complete only when he has come to this fragrance, when he has come to this absolute nothingness inside his being. When this nothingness has spread ...

Just like a white cloud Disappearing / Wie eine weisse Wolke die Verschwindet / Assim como uma nuvem branca Desaparecendo / Al igual que una nube blanca Desaparciendo

Just before Buddha died somebody asked him: 'When a buddha dies where does he go? Does he survive or simply disappear into nothingness?' Buddha has been reported to have said: 'Just like a white cloud disappearing ...' A white cloud is a mystery, the coming, the going, the very being of it. A white cloud exists without any ...

Star Stuff / Sternestaub / Poeira das Estrelas / Polvo de las Estrellas

The Human body is created from elements which are created from quantum particles, which are fused into elements in stars. This is true without exception. All proteins, cells, etc. are composed of elements. Elements are made in stars. Chemistry, biology, and physics confirm we are made of star stuff. We are star stuff. If everything is star ...

Science is Interesting / Wissenschaft ist Interessant / Ciência é Interessante / Ciencia es Interesante

From classical antiquity through the 19th century, science as a type of knowledge was more closely linked to philosophy than it is now. In fact, in the West the term natural philosophy encompassed fields of study that are today associated with science such as physics, astronomy, medicine, among many others. As a slow process over centuries, the word science ...