2013-03-10 Natal, Brazil / Sound of Silence / Geräusch der Stille / Som do Silêncio / Sonido de Silencio

The sound of silence is an infinite source of Love that transcended my life. The sound of silence is a sound that reflects the ever present connection of Love across space and time. I did not seek the sound of silence, it just arose in the quiet of my mind. The sound of silence never leaves. The ...

2013-03-09 Jacuma – Caraubas, Brazil / We got the Love / Wir haben die Liebe / Nós temos o Amor / Tenemos el Amor

We, we don't have to worry about nothing - Cause we got the fire, and we're burning one hell of a something - They, they gonna see us from outer space, outer space - Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race, human race - When the lights turned down, they don't know what they heard Strike ...

2013-03-07 Natal, Brazil / I miss You / Ich vermisse Dich / Eu sinto sua Falta / Te echo de Menos

Saudade is a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or someone that one loves. It means missingness. It often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never return. A stronger form of saudade might be felt towards people and things whose whereabouts are unknown, such as a ...

2015-02-25 Natal, Brazil / Unconditional Love / Bedingungslose Liebe / Amor Incondicional / Amor Incondicional

Padre - que bonita palabra se escucha - suena a un hombre que duro por su familia lucha - por que padre no es el que embaraza y se va con la cara tuca, - Padre es el que cría el que enseña y el que educa - Padre no es el que paga el juicio de alimento - es el ...

The pain of Separation / Der Schmerz der Trennung / A dor de Separação / El dolor de la Separación

Once longing is awakened within the heart it is the most direct way home. Like the magnet it draws us deep within our own heart where we are made whole and transformed. This is why the Sufi mystics have always stressed the importance of longing. Your whole life must be one of longing. Yet our present Western Society ...

2015-02-11 Natal, Brazil / Okay / Einverstanden / Está Bem / Está Bien

Okay (Ok) is an English word denoting approval, acceptance, agreement, assent, or acknowledgment. Ok, I had an agreement, a secret agreement with my baby Matilda. Love yourself before you ever think about loving someone else. Fall in Love with every single piece of yourself. The good, the terrible, the beautiful, the stupid. Everything! Your happiness will come from ...

2015-02-10 Natal, Brazil / Sail / Segelboot / Veleiro / Velero

I am getting a divorce and I want to do something great with my life, so I gather my strength and give myself a boost to go and simply do it. I just sell everything I have, get a boat and start sailing. Sailing the World will demonstrate my baby Matilda that one can overcome any situation, just ...

2013-02-08 Natal, Brazil / Secret Smile / Geheimes Lächeln / Sorriso Secreto / Sonrisa Secreta

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She has a contagious secret smile. No matter what the day has planned for me, my daughter's secret smile will always make the World right again. It is powerful, magical and spiritual. She is mine. This little girl is mine. This precious source of joy is all mine. She is my little baby Matilda, my light, my life. ...

2015-02-04 Natal, Brazil / Over the Rainbow / Über dem Regenbogen / Além do Arco-Iris / Sobre el Arcoiris

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My little baby Matilda, I try to envision the day with you here in my arms. That day will come and I will have to remember what life was like before you entered my World. Looking ahead, or looking back, my vision shifts but I focus my eyes on you. Your presence will be felt more and more ...

2013-01-16 Currais Novos, Brazil / Words can’t Describe / Wörter können nicht beschreiben / Palavras não podem Descrever / Palabras no pueden Describir

There is not a word for what you are trying to explain. You feel more than you have the language to articulate and express, which is frustrating. You work through emotions, being able to identify them and use them as signals. A lot of the time, you are left in the dark. A feeling of returning home ...

2011-12-31 Natal, Brazil / Isn’t She Lovely / Ist Sie nicht Schön / Ela não é Adorável / Ella no es Adorable

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Isn't she lovely? - Isn't she wonderfull? - Isn't she precious? - Less than one minute old - I never thought through love we'd be - Making one as lovely as she - But isn't she lovely made from love - Isn't she pretty? - Truly the angel's best - Boy, I'm so happy - We have been heaven blessed - I can't believe what God ...

2015-12-16 Natal, Brazil / Cruising / Blauwassersegeln / Cruzeiro / Crucero

Blue Water Cruising is a lifestyle that involves living for extended time on a boat while traveling from place to place for pleasure. Blue Water Cruising generally refers to trips of a few days or more, and can extend to round-the-World voyages. A boat is a highly complex, rich and stimulating environment for a child of any ...

2015-12-15 Natal, Brazil / Sail with me into the Dark / Segel mit mir in die Dunkelheit / Navegue comigo no Escuro / Navega conmigo en la Oscuridad

This is how I show my love - I made it in my mind because - I blame it on my A.D.D., baby - This is how an angel dies - I blame it on my own sick pride - Blame it on my A.D.D., baby - Sail! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoV6RGwlwkk Maybe I should cry for help - Maybe I should kill myself - Blame it on ...

2015-12-13 Natal, Brazil / Home / Heimat / Terra Natal / Tierra Natal

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Ich bin hinauf, hinab gezogen - Und suchte Glück und sucht' es weit, - Es hat mein Suchen mich betrogen, - Und was ich fand, war Einsamkeit. - Ich hörte, wie das Leben lärmte, - Ich sah sein tausendfarbig Licht, - Es war kein Licht, das mich erwärmte, - Und echtes Leben war es nicht. - Und endlich bin ich heimgegangen - Zu alter ...

2015-12-12 Natal, Brazil / Tranquillity / Friedlichkeit / Tranqüilidade / Tranquilidad

Tranquillity is the quality or state of being tranquil; that is, calm, serene, and worry-free. The word tranquillity in the religious writings of Buddhism refers to tranquillity of the body, thoughts and Consciousness on the path to enlightenment. The Visuddhimagga identifies seven things from which bodily and mental tranquillity arise: Using superior food Living in a good ...

What angels Want / Was Engel Wollen / O que os anjos Querem / Lo que los angeles Quieren

Something you want, something you need, - Something to wear, and something to read. - For many children and their parents, Christmas time may be depressing, stressful or simply go by unnoticed due to more pressing problems. There are ways to donate a Christmas present to a child who might not otherwise get one. You can provide a moment ...

2014-12-06 Natal, Brazil / You are my Baby / Du bist mein Baby / Você é o meu Bebe / Eres mi Bebé/

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Matilda, there is nothing I wouldn’t do, to make you happy, while I am with you. When you are crying, I wipe away your tears. When you are scared, I help you face your fears. When you are sick, I take care of you, for you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do. When you are tired, I lie beside you, watching you ...

2012-12-02 Natal, Brazil / Mermaid Tales / Meerjungfrau Geschichten / Contos da Sereia / Cuentas de la Sirena

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The Little Mermaid is a fairy tale written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen about a young mermaid who is willing to give up her life in the sea and her identity as a mermaid to gain a Human soul. The mermaid's grandmother explains that Humans have a much shorter lifespan than a mermaid's 300 years. But that when mermaids die, ...

2017-11-24 Natal, Brazil / This is from Matilda / Das ist von Matilda / Isso é de Matilda / Esto es de Matilda

Matilda You are strong cause you are mine. You are my little girl, we will be fine. You did not cry today, I did. Forgive me, I am just a kid. You understood, you are smart, You felt it, in your heart. You are bigger than we are, You are brighter than a star, You are clean like the air, You are my sweetest Love ...

Heartsick / Sehnsucht / Saudade / Añoranza

Sehnsucht is a German noun translated as Yearning or in a wider sense a type of intensely missing. However, Sehnsucht is difficult to translate adequately and describes a deep emotional state. Its meaning is similar to the Portuguese word Saudade, a deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for an absent something or Someone that one loves. Sehnsucht was once described as the love that remains ...

I miss Daddy / Ich vermisse Daddy / Sinto falta do Papai / Extraño a Papá

Listen to your child's feelings and take them into consideration. There are three basic sources of hurt for children when their parents separate. The loss of the family configuration, the Awareness of their parents’ raw, unhappy feelings about each other and the loss of innocence, that the World is a safe and welcoming place for them. Face the ...

2014-10-25 Natal, Brazil / Lot of Love / Viel Liebe / Muito Amor / Mucho Amor

We live this life with no money but a lot of Love. Love rarely knows it’s own depth until it is taken away. If you appreciate someone today, tell them. If you love someone today, show them. Hearts are often confused and broken by thoughtful words left unspoken, and loving deeds left undone. There might not be ...

2012-10-20 Natal, Brazil / Little Budda / Kleiner Buddha / Pequeno Buda / Pequeño Buda

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama, Shakyamuni Buddha, or simply the Buddha, was an ascetic on whose teachings Buddhism was founded. He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in the eastern part of ancient India sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries before Christ. Gautama is the primary figure in Buddhism. He is recognized by Buddhists ...

2014-10-11 Natal, Brazil / Girl Power / Mädchen Macht / Poder Feminino / Poder Femenino

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Matilda Wormwood is a genius, but her parents, Harry and Zinnia, and her brother Michael ignore and mistreat her. Since babyhood, Matilda has displayed incredible learning ability and develops a strong sense of independence due to her often being left alone at home every weekday when her father is at work, her mother is playing bingo, and ...