2015-03-24 Jacuma – Caraubas, Brazil / Black Magic Woman / Schwarze magische Frau / Mulher magia Negra / Mujer magia Negro

She has no time to play games with your mind and your heart. She is straightforward concerning her desires. She is expressive about the feelings she feels. She is herself at all times, no matter what. She embraces and accepts every aspect of herself. She does not hide. You will not face her without facing yourself ...

2015-03-25 Pipa, Brazil / Black Sunrise / Schwarzer Sonnenaufgang / Nascer do sol Preto / Amanecer Negro

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There is a sunrise every day and it is free. Every sunrise gives you a new beginning, a new opportunity to enjoy life, think and reflect and embrace the people you love. Be grateful for this new day. Every new day is another chance to change your life. Every new day is the beginning of a new ...