Safe Water / Sicheres Wasser / Água Segura / Agua Segura

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400 million children struggling to survive without safe water. Children pay the highest price for an unhygienic World where over 1 billion people struggle without safe water and a staggering one in three lacks even a basic toilet. Ordinary diarrhoea sickens more children under five than any other illness, killing 4,500 children every day. (the second highest ...

Environmental Conservation / Umweltschutz / Conservação Ambiental / Conservación del medio Ambiente

When wildfire, insects or disease impact forests it can have a number of far reaching negative effects. Fortunately, reforestation helps. The timely establishment of seedlings helps jumpstart forest recovery. Reforestation helps halt soil erosion, and ensure that forests can filter and supply the water that we all depend on. Reforestation improves forest health. Planting the right species, ...

Consumerism and the Environment / Konsum und die Umwelt / Consumismo e Meio Ambiente / Consumismo y el medio ambiente

Americans and Western Europeans have had a lock on unsustainable over- consumption for decades. But now developing countries are catching up rapidly, to the disadvantage of the environment, health, and happiness. Approximately 1.7 billion people worldwide now belong to the consumer class. Yhe group of people characterized by diets of highly processed food, desire for bigger houses, more ...

Overpopulation and Democracy / Überbevölkerung und Demokratie / Superpopulação e Democracia / Sobrepoblación y Democracia

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Overpopulation is what's driving us crazy. All other problems, toxic waste disposal, epidemic disease, resource extraction, degradation of the environment, collapse of the atmosphere, inability to satisfy third-world aspirations. All of these problems are population problems. And capitalism doesn't want to talk about it because capitalism is not a human being. Capitalism is a Moloch, ...

Chaos provides Opportunity / Chaos bietet Gelegenheit / Caos oferece Oportunidade / Chaos ofrece Oportunidad

This is what we are doing, this is what we as a Society are guilty of, a crime that previous generations couldn't even conceive of. You can not trust the dominator style not to go psychotic here at the end, I mean they may have to surround the place and lay seize to it. This is ...

Espiritual Experience / Spirituelle Erfahrung / Experiência Espiritual / Experiencia Espiritual

In order to become enlightened you have to be willing to lose your mind because enlightenment is something that transcends the mind. The mind can not comprehend enlightenment experiences. In order to get there you have to let go of the mind. Enlightened people are kind of loopy, and their experiences are outside normal mental function. ...

Technique of Consciousness Change / Technik der Bewusstseinsänderung / Técnica de mudança de Consciência / Técnica de cambio de Conciencia

The possibility of changing Consciousness was discovered in the orient 2,500 years ago at least, probably it is older than that but techniques were discovered to quiet the mind, pacify the mind, remove emotional compulsions, and these were organised into the science of yoga. Yoga is the science of the East, as science is the ...

Dream within a Dream / Traum in einem Traum / Sonho dentro de um Sonho / Sueño dentro de un Sueño

'A Dream Within a Dream' is a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1849. The poem is 24 lines, divided into 2 stanzas. The poem questions the way one can distinguish between reality and fantasy, asking, 'Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?' - Take this kiss upon the brow! And, ...

Fuck Society / Scheiss Gesellschaft / Foda-se a Sociedade / Sociedad de Mierda

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Society is a group of people involved in persistent social interaction. Society may be illustrated as an economic, social, industrial or cultural infrastructure, made up of, yet distinct from, a varied collection of individuals. In this regard Society can mean the objective relationships people have with the material world and with other people, rather than 'other people' beyond the ...

The root of Suffering / Die Wurzel des Leidens / A raiz do Sofrimento / La raíz del Sufrimiento

According to Buddhism, the root of suffering is neither the feeling of pain nor of sadness nor even of meaninglessness. Rather, the real root of suffering is this never-ending and pointless pursuit of ephemeral feelings, which causes us to be in a constant state of tension, restlessness and dissatisfaction.  Due to this pursuit, the mind ...

Life is Suffering / Leben bedeutet Leiden / Vida e Sofrendo / Vida es Sufrimiento

First, one understands that he causes much of his own suffering needlessly. -Second, one looks for the reasons for this in his own life. -To look is to have confidence in one’s own ability to end the suffering. -Finally, a wish arises to find a path to peace. For all beings desire happiness, all wish ...

Erase those barriers Of Indifference / Beseitige die Barrieren der Gleichgültigkeit / Apague as barreiras da Indiferença / Borrar esas barreras de la Indiferencia

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I am afraid of living in a World filled with violence. But mostly I am afraid of allowing my fear to turn me away from knowing the needs of others. The culture of comfort makes us insensitive to the cries of other people, makes us live in bubbles which, however lovely, are insubstantial; they offer an ...

Higher state of Consciousness / Höherer Bewusstseinszustand / Maior estado de Consciência / Mayor estado de Conciencia

We live most of our life through three states of Consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping. In the waking state of Consciousness, you experience the World through the five senses. You seek elevation and joy from these senses. If any one of the senses is missing, the entire dimension of that sense is lost. One who can not hear is ...

Meditation in Action / Meditation in Aktion / Meditação em Ação / Meditación en Acción

The final step in integrating meditation into your Awareness is to use the stuff of daily life as part of your meditation. There are ways of perceiving the World and the way you live in it such that each experience brings you more deeply into the meditative space. At the same time, this kind of meditation requires ...

We must change our Minds / Wir müssen unsere Einstellung Ändern / Nós devemos mudar nossas Mentes / Debemos cambiar nuestras Mente

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You know that you should purchase environment-friendly products and choose environment-friendly packaging when you go shopping. However, agreeing that this is a good idea does not necessarily mean that you do it. You base your consumer choices on the prices or packaging of products, unaware or unmindful of their environmental impact. If you want to change your ...

The Lie we Live / Die Lüge die wir Leben / A mentira que Vivemos / La mentira que Vivimos

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The Lie is a political and social criticism poem probably written by Sir Walter Raleigh circa 1592. Speaking in the imperative mood throughout, he commands his soul to tell various people and organizations of their misdeeds and wrongdoings. And if they object, Raleigh commands, publicly accuse them to be lying, or 'give them the lie.'- Go, Soul, the ...

The stillness of Time / Die Stille der Zeit / A quietude do Tempo / La quietud del Tiempo

In the midst of your busyness, you secretly long for a simpler life – one that reflects a slower pace, where you are able to relax, breathe and enjoy some peace of mind. You fantasize about getting away from it all or leaving your responsibilities behind. Rather than retreating to a cabin in the woods or moving ...

Reexamination of our common Sense / Überprüfung unseres Menschenverstandes / Reexame do nosso Sentido Comum / Reexamen de nuestro Sentido Común

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What I think an awakening really involves is a re-examination of our common sense. We've got all sorts of ideas built into us which seem unquestioned, obvious. And our speech reflects them; its commonest phrases. Face the facts. As if they were outside you. As if life were something they simply encountered as a foreigner. Face ...

Illusion of Time / Illusion der Zeit / Ilusão de Tempo / Ilusión de Tiempo

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Time feels real, always there, uncompromisingly moving forward. Time has flow, runs like a river. Time has direction, always advances. Time has order, one thing after another. Time has duration, a quantifiable period between events. Time has a privileged present, only now is real. Time seems to be the universal background through which all events proceed, such ...

Be here Now / Sei hier Jetzt / Esteja aqui Agora / Estar aquí Ahora

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Be here now.Don’t anticipate, don’t yearn for things of the past.Let the past go with forgivenessand let the future go with no anticipation. Each of us contains a being that doesn’t die and abeing that does die. Everything must change except the soul. Your preparation for dying is done by identifying withyour soul, not your ego. Identify with ...

The eternal Being / Das ewige Sein / O ser Eterno / El ser Eterno

I want to ask you scanning inwardly, who is inside here? Scan inwardly with the light of introspection, who is dwelling inside here? Some entity? Can you find you? Are there some coordinates we can follow to reach where you are? Is there a you? If there is space, is there some worry that it's not responsible to be like this? Who ...

I call it Insanity / Ich nenne es Wahnsinn / Eu chamo isso de Insanidade / Lo llamo esto de Locura

Fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind. Your fear is always about what is going to happen next. That means your fear is always about that which does not exist. Your fear is never about what has happened. It is always about what may happen. It is ...

Belief System / Glaubenssystem / Sistema de Crença / Sistema de Creencias

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Do not believe what you have heard. Do not believe in tradition because it is handed down many generations. Do not believe in anything that has been spoken of many times. Do not believe because the written statements come from some old sage. Do not believe in conjecture. Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders. ...

On Children / Über Kinder / Sobre Crianças / Sobre Niños

Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.They come through you but not from you,And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts,For they have their own thoughts.You may house their bodies but not their ...