Depression is the only natural State / Depression ist der einzige natürliche Zustand / Depressão é o único estado Natural / Depresión es el único estado Natural

Depression is the only natural state to be in for an intelligent, empathetic, compassionate, informed, thinking individual to exist in the current state of our World. Existing in a state of depression is the only natural state for someone living in a place where so many things are obviously terrible ... both on a personal ...

Beauty Addiction / Schönheits-Sucht / Vicio ao Beleza / Adicción a la Belleza

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Does having someone massage your feet and polish your nails calm down your anxiety? Do you get nervous when your hair stylist is on vacation? What if you miss your regular waxing appointment? Imagine, or better do not imagine, your legs, your arms, your eyebrows or your pussy. Beauty routines can become addictive. Psychologists typically reserve the word addiction for ...

Dear living Generations / Liebe lebende Generationen / Queridas gerações Vivas / Queridas generaciones Vivas

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How useful is it to speak of the Lost Generation, the Greatest Generation, the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, the Vietnam Generation, the Generation X, or the Millennials. And always attribute to these specific generations certain common characteristics. The precise meaning of the term generation is contested. Is it a culture, a demographic, an outlook, a ...

The World Is Just Awesome / Die Welt ist einfach Großartig / O mundo é simplesmente Impressionante / El mundo es simplemente Asombroso

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Being attracted to negative news is ingrained into the psyche. Biologically speaking, it is a trait that makes you aware of danger, and therefore more likely to avoid it. But in the modern World, the negative headlines do not help you avoid danger. In fact, the depressing news drag you into the biggest danger in the ...

Capturing Magic / Magie Einfangen / Capturando Magia / Capturando Magia

In the midst of city living, it is easy to forget that beyond the tall buildings, the World can be a wild place. Although the concrete jungle has its own ecosystem, there is way more species inhabiting the planet; there are creatures in every corner of the globe. And there are people who spend their lives documenting ...

The fate of a whole Planet / Das Schicksal eines ganzen Planeten / O destino de um planeta Inteiro / El destino de todo un Planeta

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Life exists here only because it teeters in a delicate and truly improbable balance. Our atmosphere, proximity to the sun, and countless other beautiful coincidences not only permit living things to survive and evolve, but also to thrive. And yet, here we are, sitting at desks and in coffee shops and walking down the street like ...

The Divine Self / Das göttliche Selbst / O ser Divino / El ser divino

The Divine Self is always trying to reach you, to send you the power, Love, illumination, and wisdom to draw higher forms, thoughts, feelings, and situations into your life. The Divine Self is wise; it knows all and is always showing you an easier, better, more joyful way to live. You can open to the gifts that ...

God is the Universe / Gott ist das Universum / Deus é o Universo / Dios es el Universo

To understand the depth of religion, one needs firsthand experience. It can be done with meditation. It can be done with sensory deprivation. It can be done a number of ways. But I think the psychedelic path is sometimes the easiest way, and it does not require the long time that other approaches usually require. Psychedelic research ...

Never Mind / Keine Ursache / Deixa pra Lá / No importa

According to Buddhism, life is a combination of mind (nama) and matter (rupa). Mind consists of the combination of the four elements of sensations, perceptions, activities and Consciousness. Matter consists of the combination of the four elements of solidity, fluidity, motion and heat. Life is the co-existence of mind and matter. Decay is the lack of co-ordination of ...

Take care of your Phone / Pass auf Dein Telefon Auf / Cuide do seu Telefone / Cuida tu Telefono

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Buy a case and screen protector. Designate a safe place to keep and store your phone when not in use. Keep your phone dry. Clean your phone regularly. Recharge your cell phone regularly. Turn off the ringer on your phone when you are in a class. And most important do not use while driving. To stay safe ...

An escape from what Is / Eine Flucht vor dem was ist / Uma fuga do que É / Un escape de lo que Es

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Smartphones provide you an escape from reality, an escape from what is. You have become a modern slave, enslaved to smartphones, and addicted. You have become addicted. You are addicted. Your brain on 'smartphone' is the same as your brain on 'cocaine'. You get an instant high every time your screen lights up with a new notification. 'SNS monitoring addiction', in which you ...

Where did we come From / Woher sind wir Gekommen / De onde Viemos / De dónde Vinimos

Some believe that Human beings are the end result of lucky circumstances - that life began as an accident and became more complex through sheer chance. Others believe that Human beings are deliberately made by an all-powerful creator. We exist due to 'chance' or we exist due to 'purpose.' Those who believe in evolution believe that all ...

Stay in the Moment / Im Moment Verweilen / Ficar no Momento / Quédarse en el Momento

There are moments in life where you wish to press the pause button and live that memory forever and ever. But sadly, you can not. Moments when you freeze because of happiness. That happiness can radiate from anyone and anything, anywhere. The World stops when this happens. Moments where your eyes focus to that special something. Moments where ...

The sense that time keeps going Faster / Das Gefühl die Zeit geht immer schneller / O sentido de que o tempo continua indo mais Rápido / El sentido de que el tiempo sigue yendo más Rápido

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You can not add more time to the clock, but by understanding how this phenomenon works, you can at least try to make life seem like it is passing by a little slower. There are different theories about why our perception of time changes as we age. For one, we perceive time relatively, and that means an ...

Lost in Time / In der Zeit Verloren / Perdido no Tempo / Perdido en el Tiempo

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When you can not figure out why you are doing what you are doing, or how you ended up working the job you are working, a sense of 'drift' settles in. It seems that instead of planning out your career, you just drifted along the tides  and eventually found yourself here. Or perhaps you had a plan, but lack ...

Loneliness is a growing Crisis / Einsamkeit ist eine wachsende Krise / Solidão é uma crise Crescente / Soledad es una crisis Creciente

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Often the main problem is not medical, it is loneliness. People need someone to listen to them, and to find purpose in life. Isolation is having a deep impact on physical health and there is a significant link between loneliness and life-span. The most common pathology is not heart disease or diabetes; it is loneliness. Loneliness is a ...

Can one decision change your Life / Kann eine Entscheidung dein Leben verändern / Pode uma decisão mudar sua Vida / Puede una decisión cambiar tu Vida

Your existence comprises of choices that you make. Choices for your life are everywhere. Despite your parents making most of your decisions for your better and brighter future when you were very young, you start learning how to choose between the options placed strategically in front of you and make decisions. The choices you make and the decisions ...

I will Survive / Ich werde Überleben / Eu Sobreviverei / Sobreviviré

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Bullying can occur in nearly any part in or around the school building, although it may occur more frequently during physical education classes and activities such as recess. Bullying also takes place in school hallways, bathrooms, on school buses and while waiting for buses, and in classes that require group work and/or after school activities. Bullying in ...

Good Intentions / Gute Absichten / Boas Intenções / Buenas Intenciones

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Good intentions with bad results on a large scale are found in war, politics, policies, and more. On a small scale, they are found in relationships. They are found in parenting, friendships, and in Love. Unfortunately, whether it is war, government, or people’s relationships, intention does not matter. The outcome is what matters. People want to feel ...

What I really Want / Was ich wirklich Will / O que realmente Quero / Lo que realmente Quiero

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More girls than ever go to school. Despite progress, women and girls continue to face barriers based on gender and its intersections with other factors. Age, ethnicity, poverty, and disability, in the enjoyment of the right to quality education. This includes barriers, at all levels, to access quality education and within education systems, institutions, classrooms. Gender equality is ...

Don’t take life too Seriously / Nimm das Leben nicht zu Ernst / Não tire a vida de forma Séria / No tome la Vida demasiado Serio

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You are way to serious, way too often, turning everyday situations into problems, constantly looking for shit to complain about and worrying about things that simply do not matter. It is good to handle your business and get serious about personal growth, love and being the best person you can be, being too serious will hinder ...

You are alive for a Reason / Du lebst aus einem bestimmten Grund / Você está vivo por uma Razão / Estás vivo por una Razón

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You are here for a reason. Plain and simple. That is why you are alive. That is why you must continue to live, and that is why you must fight for your life. Your reason may not be obvious to you; it may not be something you inherently know already. You may even discover your reason much ...

A World of Distraction / Eine Welt der Ablenkung / Um mundo de Distração / Un mundo de Distracción

Our World is filled with distractions – it always has been. And there is little doubt that those who achieve the greatest significance in life learn to manage them effectively. It is certainly worth the investment to recognize them in your life and make the necessary life adjustments. You only get one shot at life. Our ...