Wherever there is fishing, there is bycatch. Globally, it is estimated that a quarter of what is caught is wasted – thrown back into the sea dead because it has no commercial value. Fishing quotas mean that fishermen targeting a particular species or size of fish will throw back any ‘non-target’ or ‘too small’ fish that ...
Living the Moment / Für den Moment Leben / Vivendo o Momento / Viviendo el Momento
You only get one shot at this life, so make it a good one. Do it for yourself and no one else. Time is a monster that can not be reasoned with. What if you wake up one day, 10 years from now, and everything has blown right by you as if it were 3 minutes … gone ...
You live on this Rock / Du lebst auf diesem Fels / Você mora nessa Rocha / Vives en esta Roca
The Human mind is simply not capable of understanding the scale of our insignificance. It is magical thinking and delusion to believe that we can. Our minds think linearly, and the only way to come close to conceptualizing the scale of our universe is to use multiple exponential scales. We are not designed to process information ...
The last two people on Earth / Die letzten beiden Menschen auf der Erde / As últimas duas pessoas na Terra / Las últimas dos personas en la Tierra
More than 90% of all species that arose since life began on Earth 3.8 billion years ago are extinct. Modern Humans arose about 200,000 years ago. We are different from all preceding species in that we are self-consciously intelligent but does that mean that our fate is different to that of the 90% already extinct. Our survival depends ...
Crisis in Consciousness / Krise im Bewusstsein / Crise na Consciência / Crisis en la Conciencia
As a Human being in the 21st century, the challenge to remain conscious, to obtain and maintain self-Awareness, is greater than at any other time in history. This challenge arises from the attraction and distraction of illusion, which has increased its intensity, breadth and effectiveness with the massive and rapid growth of technology. The ability to be ...
Transcendental Meditation / Transzendentale Meditation / Meditação Transcendental / Meditación Trascendental
Transcendental Meditation is a form of silent, mantrameditation advocated by the Transcendental Meditation movement. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created the technique in India in the mid-1950's. The technique promotes a state of relaxed awareness, stress relief, and access to higher states of consciousness. The technique offers as well physiological benefits such as reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. The technique has been seen as ...
Becoming Nothing / Nichts Werden / Tornando-se Nada / Convertirse en Nada
It is in breaking the barriers of Ego that you come in direct touch with your infinite source. There you shall know the secret of creation, which is so easy. When you clear your mind and make it simple you will achieve inner silence. Silence is always there, but your disturbances of mind cover up the ...
2015-11-13 Paris, France / Friendly Football Match / Freundschaftsspiel / Jogo Amistoso / Juego Amistoso
Three explosions occurred near the Stade de France in Paris resulting in four deaths, including the three suicide bombers. The explosions happened at 21:16, 21:19, and 21:53. The first explosion near the stadium was about 20 minutes after the start of an international friendly football match between France and Germany, which French President Hollande was attending. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQL97BXOmk0 The first ...
You’ll rise Up / Du wirst Dich Erheben / Você vai se Levantar / Te Levantarás
Now look around you, our financial systems have been hijacked by a generation of thieves. While your working harder and harder for less and less – the game is being rigged against you. They’re turning all of us into virtual slaves. Looters! At the heart of our financial system they are price fixing our most precious resources; ...
The last Days / Die letzten Tage / Os últimos Dias / Los últimos Días
We are living in a World full of people who love themselves. People put themselves first before God and everyone else. We see that today, even in the churches. People are more concerned with how they look on the outside than how they are on the inside. This consumer age we live in is all about 'Me, ...
Case of Naturalism / Fall von Naturalismus / Caso do Naturalismo / Caso del Naturalismo
Something we learned by doing science for 400 years is something called Naturalism, the idea that there is only one reality; that there are not separate planes of the natural and the supernatural; that there is only one material existence; that we are part of the universe and do not stand outside of it in any way. ...
What makes us Human / Was macht uns Menschlich / O que nos torna Humanos / Lo que nos hace Humanos
We have an immense capacity for good. At the same time we risk driving our closest relatives to extinction and destroying the only planet we have ever called home. Humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor more than six million years ago. Fossil evidence points to the way how we have changed. We left the ...
Pleasure Culture / Kultur des Vergnügens / Cultura do Prazer / Cultura de Placer
You can live in a World that is controlled by the spirits, where you try to gain power in the face of fear. Or You can live in a World that is controlled by community expectation, where you try to gain honour and avoid shame. Or You can live in a World that is controlled by individual ...
Loss of the Immeasurable / Verlust des Unermesslichen / Perda do Imensurável / Pérdida de lo Inconmensurable
Our Society has definitely become masters at increasing the amount of things we can measure - more and more money, more and more floor space per capita, more and more GDP, and less and less of the things that we can’t measure - how happy we are, levels of intimacy, the authenticity of our communication, ...
Cynicism masks Pain / Zynismus verkleidet Schmerz / Cinismo mascara a Dor / Cinismo enmascara el Dolor
I was just feeling some grief before you came and found me looking out at the water there - birds diving for fish, seals out there - and I just felt such sadness that there are fewer of them than there used to be and someday there may be none.And I thought, 'How important is ...
I am not like Others / Ich bin nicht wie Andere / Não sou como os Outros / No soy como los Demas
Most people simply do not like me not matter what I do. And no matter how likable I think I am, I am not going to win over every person I meet. It is impossible to please everyone. I have my own unique personality which means very few people love and adore me, while the majority ...
Overcome to Learn / Überwinden um zu Lernen / Superar para Aprender / Vencer para Aprender
Challenges are something we all deal with. The most important thing we can do when facing challenges is to think positive, move beyond them, learn and grow from them, and be adaptable. Some people have mastered this concept. Others can learn it. Everyone has the power to take control of their lives and move forward. You ...
No more Guilt / Keine Schuld Mehr / Não mais Culpa / No mas Culpa
So this goes very deep into us. It goes deep, deep, deep into a problem we have about guilt. I wonder often if there's any relationship between guilt and gold - that the Love of money is the root of evil. Very true saying.Because you see I was saying yesterday that the difference between having ...
Being Stuck on Earth / Gefangen auf der Erde / Ser preso na Terra / Estar atrapado en la Tierra
Scientists get excited about finding water somewhere other than Earth. NASA's recent discovery, which showed signs of briny water on Mars, may have made headlines but there is water on a lot of Worlds in our solar system. Water is vital for life as we know it. But we also need a variety of other elements to ...
It is not over until I Win / Es ist nicht vorbei bis Ich Gewinne / Não acaba até eu Ganhar / No termina hasta que yo Gane
Sometimes it may seem to you like your dream is not possible, like it is too far away and that you will never ever get there. In case you feel that, then remember that every legendary success was once a beginner, that person knew nothing and did not know how it would be accomplished but … ...
A social Life / Ein soziales Leben / Uma vida Social / Una vida Social
A Social Life is a short film about a career driven woman who is living the life she has always dreamed of ... online. She strives to live a balanced life: staying fit, working hard and connecting with her friends; she is creating her 'image' within her broader social media friend base. But she awakes one day ...
Circles / Kreise / Círculos / Círculos
Man is immersed in dreams. He lives in sleep. He is a machine. He can not stop the flow of his thoughts, he can not control his imagination, his emotions, his attention. He does not see the real World. The real World is hidden from him by the wall of imagination. Nothing can be attained in sleep. ...
God in the dance of Life / Gott im Tanz des Lebens / Deus na dança da Vida / Dios en la Danza de la Vida
What you do is what the whole universe is doing at the place you call here and now. You are something the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing. The real you is not a puppet which life pushes around. The real, deep ...
Nothing really Dies / Nichts stirbt Wirklich / Nada realmente Morre / Nada realmente Muere
A wise man once said that nothing really dies.It just comes back in a new form. Then he died.So, next time you see a lowly salamander, think twice before you step on it; it might be you.Stand by for 'Reincarnation'. When a person dies, it is only his physical body that dies, he and his mind ...
We ask for Blessings / Wir bitten um Segen / Pedimos Bênçãos / Pedimos Bendiciones
May all beings everywhere in the World plagued with sufferings of body and mind quickly be freed from their illnesses. May those frightened in the World cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless find power, and may people everywhere in the World think of befriending one another. May those who find themselves lost in fear - the children, the aged, the ...