To alleviate suffering and cultivate compassion in your life, one of the first things you need to do is expand your Awareness of what is happening around you. Most of the time, you rush around oblivious of what challenges others are facing in their lives. Too often you stay enclosed within a relatively limited perspective of life ...
The reason we have Poverty / Der Grund warum wir Armut Haben / A razão pela qual nós temos Pobreza / La razón por la que tenemos Pobreza.
Poverty is the state for the majority of the World’s population and nations. Behind the increasing interconnectedness promised by globalization are global decisions, policies, and practices. These are influenced, driven, or formulated by the rich and powerful. These can be leaders of rich countries or other global actors such as multinational corporations, institutions, and influential people. In ...
I have nothing left to Give / Ich habe nichts mehr zu Geben / Não tenho mais nada para Dar / No tengo nada más para Dar
Human greed and the thirst for power. The basic problem is greed and the monetary system that is based on fundamentally flawed and unsustainable principles. It is a complex, messy World you find yourself in. Obsession with perpetual growth and the cracks that are finally appearing in the prevailing economic system is at the root of the ...
Take responsibility for your Life / Übernimm Verantwortung für dein Leben / Assumir a responsabilidade por sua Vida / Assumir a responsabilidade por tu Vida
You are responsible for your life, for your feelings, for you actions, and for every results you get. You are in control of your thoughts. You have the ability to stop thinking about something and to start thinking about something else. Once you take responsibility for your life and actions, you will begin to improve your ability ...
Bless the Water / Segne das Wasser / Abençoe a Agua / Bendiga el Agua
Water came to unify us, not to separate us, but to reconcile us. God gave enough water for everyone and all nations should understand that the water is for everyone, the Humans, the animals, the Earth, the birds. Water is the one thing that ties us together.Ihab Bhala, Sufi Mystic To most cultures water is our ...
The world is running out of Water / Der Welt geht das Wasser Aus / O mundo está ficando sem Agua / El mundo se está quedando sin Agua
Even people who believe in climate change are climate change deniers: you might know, intellectually, that our World is coming to an end. But it is hard to truly register this fact, the same way you both do and do not believe that you will one day die. Most of us are asleep, no matter how ...
Our greatest Delusion / Unsere größte Delusion / Nosso maior Delírio / Nuestro mayor Delusion
In Budhism impermanence is an undeniable and inescapable fact of Human existence from which nothing that belongs to this Earth is ever free. There are five processes on which no Human being has control and which none can ever change. These five processes are namely, the process of growing old, of not falling sick, of dying, of ...
You’ve lived an ordinary Life / Du hast ein gewöhnliches Leben Gelebt / Você viveu uma vida Comum / Has vivido una vida Ordinaria
You have this fear you will find out near the end of your life that you have just had an ordinary life. What you would have thought was an exciting life, one that you would have never traded for anyone else's life. But it turned out, it has been just plain boring. While you're in it, life seems ...
Network Earth / Netzwerk Erde / Terra da Rede / Red Tierra
Things tend to get only a little bit bad before suddenly the whole system collapses. Network relationships connect all species on Earth. Remove one or two species, and the network compensates as if nothing has happened. Remove enough, and an entire ecosystem dies. Managing the interconnected Earth requires joint efforts across an extraordinary breadth of expertise. Scientists are ...
Novelty / Neuheit / Novidade / Novedad
Novelty is the quality of being new, or following from that, of being striking, original or unusual. The brain is built to ignore the old and focus on the new. Novelty is probably one of the most powerful signals to determine what we pay attention to in the World. Novelty causes a number of brain systems to ...
We are who we Become / Wir sind wer wir Werden / Nós somos quem nos Tornamos / Somos quienes nos Convertimos
What you become can transcend the limitations of what you have been, but you must change your thinking in order for that to happen. - I am not as interested in who you are as I am in who you can become because that is where you have the opportunity to be the kind of 'I ...
Afterlife Oblivion / Vergessenheit im Nachleben / Oblivion após a Morte / Oblivion después de la Muerte
Each year, as many as 1 out of 5 people whose hearts stop will be revived. The stories that some of them share are often called near-death experiences (NDE). These incidents often feature tunnels leading to a bright light, spiritual encounters, meetings with deceased loved ones, and other things that seem mystical. In some cases, people whose ...
Struggle makes you Stronger / Kampf macht Dich Stärker / Luta faz você mais Forte / La lucha te hace más Fuerte
A good life is a life of struggle. This is because struggle makes you stronger, and strength is the source of freedom. You read about freedom, dream about freedom, rejoice in the notion of freedom, teach, advocate, and hope for freedom. It is interesting that you seek freedom as an end in itself, as a final goal to be ...
Life Is Magic / Leben ist Magie / Vida é Mágica / Vida es Mágica
As a child there was no doubt in your mind that magic and miracles exist. You immersed yourself in a World of wonder and amazing possibilities where you knew you could be, have, or do anything your heart desires. Everything feels like a miracle, from the way planes fly in the sky to going on an ...
The unspeakable World / Die unaussprechliche Welt / O mundo Indizível / El mundo Indescriptible
Everything in the World - knives and forks, tables and chairs, trees and stones - are indescibable. The physical World is the ‘Unspeakable World'. From the standpoint of logic we can not say anything about everything, because in order to say something about something, and state it logically, you have to be able to put it ...
A Dream like This / Ein Traum wie Dieser / Um Sonho como Este / Un Sueño como Este
During lucid dreaming, the dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment. Awareness of the dream state. Awareness of the capacity to make decisions. Awareness of memory functions. Awareness of Self, Awareness of the dream environment, Awareness of the meaning of the dream, Awareness of concentration and focus. The ...
The last One / Der Letzte / O Ultimo / El Ultimo
When animals die out, the last survivor is called an endling. It is a word of soft beauty, heartbreaking solitude, and chilling finality. Endlings are avatars of loss. In the midst of Earth’s sixth mass extinction, these singular creatures embody the crisis facing our dwindling fauna and our failure to avert it. By the time a species is down to ...
Ein endlicher Planet / Um Planeta Finito / Un Planeta Finito / A Finite Planet /
We have reached a moment where the Earth is full. This is not a philosophical statement; this is just science based in physics, chemistry and biology. There are many science based analyses and they all draw the same conclusion, we are living beyond our means. Scientists calculate that we need about 1.5 Earth's to sustain this economy. In other ...
1997-09-05 Calcutta, India / Eat the Bread / Iss das Brot / Come o Pão / Come el Pan
I personally am most unworthy. But I brought a girl child from the street and I could see in the face of the child that the child was hungry. God knows how many days that she had not eaten. So I gave her a piece of bread and the little one started eating the bread ...
1972-09-05 Munich, Germany / They are all Gone / Sie sind alle Weg / Eles estão todos Idos / Todos se han Ido
The Munich massacre was an attack during the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, at which eleven Israeli Olympic team members were taken hostage and eventually killed, along with a German police officer, by the Palestinian terrorist group Black September. Issa turned on the hostages in the eastern helicopter and fired at them with a Kalashnikov assault rifle ...
2021-09-04 Natal, Brazil / Climb to the Sun / Zur Sonne steigen / Subir ao Sol / Sube al Sol
Reminiscence is the behavior of reflecting on your past, and Nostalgia is the emotional response. Nostalgia is a powerful mix of joy and Sadness. It carries within itself the acknowledgement that the passage of time is unalterable. Nostalgia feels bittersweet, happy and comforting. But with a taste of Sadness that whatever we are remembering is lost in some way. For ...
How to stop Time / Wie man Zeit Stoppt / Como parar o Tempo / Cómo detener Tiempo
Psychological time is the time perceived by a person, while physical time is time as measured by a scientific instrument. Time as measured by an instrument is often different from time perceived by a person. Factors such as boredom, impatience, or simple psychological changes affected psychological perceptions of time. Human beings are the only creatures who hoard their ...
1939-09-01 Gdańsk-Danzig, Poland / Since 5 o’clock 45 / Seit 5 Uhr 45 / Desde as 5 horas 45 / Desde las 5 en punto 45
The Invasion of Poland was the invasion by Nazi Germany into Poland that marked the beginning of World War II. The Luftwaffe started bombing Wieluń at 04:40, five minutes before the shelling of Westerplatte, which has traditionally been considered the beginning of World War II. The Bombing of Wieluń by the German Luftwaffe was the first bombings ...
Why don’t you change / Warum änderst Du Dich nicht / Por que Você não Muda / Por que no Cambias
Why don’t you change? What prevents you?If each one of us asks that question … not verbally or merely intellectually as a mere entertainment. But ask that question most seriously and deeply. What’s your answer?What’s your answer to this problem that Human beings have lived this way for millennia upon millennia? Why haven’t they changed? ...
Really Smartphone / Ja Wirklich Smartphone / Smartphone Mesmo / Smartphone De Verdad
Smartphone addiction is a dependence syndrome seen among most Smartphone users. Your behavior include preoccupation with mobile communication, excessive money or time spent on your mobile phone. Your behavior includes use of your Smartphone in socially or physically inappropriate situations such as driving an automobile. There are about 1.6 million crashes in the US every year involving cell phone use, of ...