Trees are a great part in our planet. We can not live without trees. Trees play a major role in survival of life in many different ways. Trees absorb many pollutants; trees provide us food that is necessary for living and oxygen that we breathe. Without trees life is not possible at all. Trees are a shelter ...
Tree of Life / Baum des Lebens / Arvore da Vida / Árbol de la vida
The tree of life is a widespread myth in the World's mythologies. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation, are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, and are portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree. Various trees of life are recounted in folklore, culture ...
If humans Disappeared / Wenn die Menschheit Verschwindet / Se seres humanos Desapareceram / Si humanos Desaparecieron
Humans tend to think of Earth as ours. But the planet was here long before we came on the scene, and it will probably be here long after we leave. Our existence is a mere blip on Earth's time scale: the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and modern Humans have only been on it for ...
Man in his Arrogance / Mensch in seiner Arroganz / Homem com sua Arrogância / Hombre en su Arrogancia
'See that star?' 'You mean that bright red one?' his daughter asks in return 'Yes, it might not be there anymore. It might be gone by now, exploded or something. Its light is still crossing space, just reaching our eyes now. But we don't see it as it is, we see it as it was.' Many people experience ...
Apple Tree / Apfelbaum / Árvore de Maçã / Árbol de Manzana
Look, here is a tree in the garden and every summer it produces apples, and we call it an apple tree because the tree 'apples.' That’s what it does. All right, now here is a solar system inside a galaxy, and one of the peculiarities of this solar system is that at least on the ...
What Is Thinking / Was ist Denken / O que é Pensar / Qué está pensando
So, one has to enquire, if you're not too tired - what is thinking? - Probably nobody has asked this question. - Very few people do. - Don't wait for me to answer it. - look at it, observe it. - Thinking is part of memory, isn't it? Investigate it with the speaker, please, don't sit there comfortably, or uncomfortably. Thinking is ...
Steadfast in Meditation / Standhaft in der meditation / Firme na Meditaçao / Firme en la Meditacion
Shiva is the god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate, while at the same time a remarkable lover of his spouse. He is the destroyer, following Brahma the creator and Vishnu the preserver. Shiva is responsible for change both in the form of death and destruction and in the positive sense of destroying the ego, the ...
The poison of Hatred / Das Gift des Hasses / O veneno do Ódio / El veneno del Odio
Symptoms of hatred show up as anger, hostility, dislike, aversion, or ill-will; wishing harm or suffering upon another person. With aversion, you habitually resist, deny, and avoid unpleasant feelings, circumstances, and people you do not like. You want everything to be pleasant, comfortable, and satisfying all the time. This behavior simply reinforces your perception of duality and ...
Daily Virtues / Tägliche Tugenden / Virtudes Diárias / Virtudes Diarias
The key to character growth in life is simply the humble willingness to change The ancient Greeks considered wisdom to be the master virtue, the one that directs all the others. Wisdom is good judgment. It enables us to make reasoned decisions that are both good for us and good for others. Wisdom tells us how to put the ...
Well-lived Life / Gut gelebtes Leben / Vida bem Vivida / Vida bien Vivida
Living life is about examining life through reason, nature’s greatest gift to humanity. The importance of reason in sensing and examining life is evident in all phases of life. Reason lets Human beings participate in life, to be Human is to think, appraise, and explore the World, discovering new sources of material and spiritual pleasure. Yet not ...
Full embrace of Life / Volle Umarmung des Lebens / Abraço total da Vida / Abrazo completo de la Vida
Life is beautiful, even if you can not see it all the time. This life is yours. Own your life because it is the only one you have. Do all the things you want to do and more. Love every second of it. Just let go and go with the flow. Adapt to what life throws at ...
The Death Problem / Das Problem Tod / O Problema da Morte / El Problema de la Muerte
Then, one gets to an extreme where you realize there is nothing you can do about life. Nothing you can not do about life. Then, you are the mosquito biting the iron bull. So, if you heard a bomb coming at you, hear it whistle, you saw it right above you and headed straight toward you ...
The three Brothers / Die drei Brüder / Os três Irmãos / Los tres Hermanos
Three brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous river where anyone who attempted to swim or wade would drown. Learned in the magical arts, the brothers conjured a bridge with their wands and proceed to cross. Halfway though the bridge, a hooded figure stood before them. The figure was the ...
Silence / Schweigen / Silêncio / Silencio / Mauna
In Hindu philosophy, Mauna means silence, taciturnity, silence of the mind, inner quietude, Samadhi and the Absolute Reality. The Hindu texts insist upon proper understanding of silence by experiencing it through control of speech and practice. the Dictionary gives the meaning of the word, Silence, as absence of sound; abstention from sounding, speech, mention, or communication; a time of such ...
Understand Silence / Verstehe die Stille / Compreenda o Silêncio / Entender el Silencio
Recording artist whisperer and all-around wizened sage Rick Rubin contemplates life and art on the stunning cliffs outside his Malibu residence. Rick Rubin ruminates on living in harmony with nature, the importance of recreating its perfection in art, and the transcendental power of sound before leading us into a guided meditation, a practice he has followed ...
The idea of a Self does not Exist / Die Idee eines Selbst existiert Nicht / A ides de um Mesmo não Existe / La idea de un Yo no Existe
The Ego or Self is nothing but a construct of the mind, to give you a sense of a unity, of a Self, of being different from others, something that makes you feel separate from others. It does not even exist, it is an idea, a concept, a label in which you believe. The most you ...
Higher Self / Höheres Selbst / Eu Maior / Yo Mas Grande
Quem não quer ser feliz? Vivemos em uma era em que o autoconhecimento começa a fazer parte do cotidiano das pessoas. Nessa era de despertar, as pessoas começam a enfrentar seus medos, seus fantasmas, seus demônios, questionam todas as suas dúvidas e suas escolhas. Isso é conhecer-se. Embora não seja sempre uma trajetória prazerosa, a trajetória do ...
Walk On / Geh Weiter / Caminhe / Camina
Kundalini is a Sanscrit term from ancient India that identifies the energy and Consciousness which has been at the base of the spine since birth, and is the source of the life force that everybody knows. The awakening involves various physical, psychological and spiritual experiences. Kundalini may ravel and arise from the base of the spine due ...
The end of Suffering / Das Ende des Leidens / O fim do Sofrimento / El final del Sufrimiento
Buddhism speaks of Nirvana, which is the cessation of suffering. Nirvana means the cessation, the extinction, of all suffering. But our suffering comes from our wrong perceptions. And that is why the practice of meditation, the practice of looking deeply, has the purpose of removing wrong perceptions from us. If we are able to remove our wrong ...
The absence of the Ego / Die Abwesenheit des Egos / A ausência do Ego / La ausencia del Ego
The key to an advanced state of Consciousness is the Ego – or rather, the absence of the Ego. Our sense of time passing is a function of the Ego. Young babies have no sense of Ego, and therefore no sense of time passing. Young children only have a weak Ego structure and so only have a ...
Simply be Aware / Sei einfach Bewusst / Apenas esteja Atento / Sólo esté Atento
Every present moment is the happiest moment. You only have to realize it. Happiness is already at your door, you just have to open the door and our heart to let it enter. It is already within you. The simplest and easiest way to feel the happiness within you, and make yourself instantly calm and happy ...
What really Matters / Was wirklich Zählt / O que realmente Importa / Lo que realmente Importa
When you realize that what is important is already here and not in the next moment, what really matters, that means you have already shifted to a different state of Consciousness. It is very simple - just that realization. But, it is so deeply ingrained, the illusion, the belief, the unconscious assumption that the next moment matters ...
How Love Works / Wie Liebe Funktioniert / Como o Amor Funciona / Cómo funciona el Amor
The same chemical process that takes place with addiction takes place when you fall in Love. Addiction is a facet of Love. Not all Love is addiction, but all addiction stems from Love. Love is a chemical state of mind that is part of your genes and influenced by your childhood upbringing You are looking to find your soulmate; ...
Falling in Love / Sich Verlieben / Apaixone-Se / Enamorarse
Falling in Love is like falling into something that has no floor. It is great and exhilarating and a bit scary, but mostly great, and when you feel it, you should allow yourself to enjoy it. You bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, increased energy, trembling, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, a racing heart and accelerated breathing, as well ...
Optimism loves the Future / Optimismus liebt die Zukunft / Otimismo ama o Futuro / Optimismo ama el Futuro
The enemy of change loves the past and fears the future. You must fear the past and love the future. Love the unknown, believe in its wonder, and fill your heart with the possibilities for the future. Change is the law of life, change is your natural state of being and if you only look to ...