Love is like the air. It may be hard to see - but it is in you and all around you and it is always available for you. It is easy to lose sight of Love, and feel you can not place your faith in it. But in fact, daily life is saturated with moments of Love. ...
Experience is the source of Love / Erfahrung ist die Quelle der Liebe / Experiância é a fonte do Amor / Experiencia es la fuente del Amor
The one thing that seems secure is a truth that is hard to hear in the context of a dominator culture with an obsession with the material World. And that truth is that nothing lasts. Nothing lasts. You know, your enemies will fade. Your friends will fade. Your fortune, your poverty, your disappointments, your dreams - ...
2005-10-31 Marbella, Spain / Shot me Down / Niedergeschossen / Me Atirou / Me Disparó
In 2005 Marbella became the centre of the biggest corruption scandal in Spain when the operation 'Malaya'exposed a network of money laundering amounting to over 2.4 billion Euros. The financial crisis hit Marbella’s property market like a ton of bricks bringing the construction industry down to its knees. Marbella became the target of negative publicity particularly from ...
Electronic Feelings / Elektronische Gefühle / Sentimentos Eletrônicos / Sentimientos Electrónicos
Web sites and applications have become a home for many people, because they eliminate the need to talk directly to the person. Many people find it convenient not to visit someone else. Most of the relationships that have been established through electronic communication sites are people who do not actually know each other but only in ...
Everything is a Simulation / Alles ist eine Simulation / Tudo é uma Simulaçao / Todo es una Simulacion
God, or at least the universe, might be the ultimate large-scale computer. From this perspective, Computation seems almost a theological process. After stripping away all externalities, all material manifestations, what remains is the purest state of existence: Here or not here, am or not am, yes or no, the fundamental state of 1 or 0. In the Old ...
Wonder is the beginning of the Philosophy / Wunder ist der Beginn der Philosophie / A maravilha é o inicio da filosofia / La maravila es el comienzo de la Filosofia
It has become extremely plausible that this trip between the maternity ward and the crematorium is what there is to life. But, when you consider this attitude, you know, what is the poetic counterpart of it …Man is a little germ, that lives on an unimportant rock ball, that revolves about an insignificant star on ...
What Exist / Was existiert / O que Existe / Que Existe
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, existence or reality in general, as well as of the basic categories of being and their relations. Recognized as a part the of philosophy known as metaphysics, Ontology deals with questions concerning what exist or can be said to exist. Materialism holds that the only things that exist ...
Freedom and Action / Freiheit und Aktion / Liberdade e Ação / Libertad y Acción
You do not need a new job or a new passport, a new partner or a new home, a miracle or a winning lottery ticket. All you have to do is decide: I want more freedom in my life. I want to change my life and take action. Stop spending on credit card, make it a debit card. ...
You can Choose / Du kannst Wählen / Você pode Escolher / Tu puedes Elegir
You can choose to love yourself, to be confident, to be less critical with yourself. You can choose what affects you. You can choose to not be damaged. You can choose to not be afraid. You can choose to not let the break-up depress you. You can choose to look at mistakes as learning experiences. You ...
The last freedom of humanity is Attitude / Die letzte Freiheit der Menschheit ist Ihre Einstellung / Á ultima liberdade da humanidade é a Atitude / Laúltima libertad de la humanidad es la Actidud
The impact of Attitude on your life is more important than education, money, circumstances, failures and successes. Neither your appearance, gifts or skills have an impact on your lives as much as your Attitude. Your Attitude unlike other facts of your life is something you can control and if necessary change each and every day of ...
Transformation of Duality / Umwandlung der Dualität / Transformação da Dualidade / Transformación de la Dualidad
Every Human being was invited to re-vision; Those who could not hear their heart chose systems of predation, While symbiotic souls found their way to co-creation. Predation pulled the mind; Symbiosis pulled the heart: Predation favoured power; Symbiosis favoured art. And thus the worlds began to split as Humans made their choice: To hear the voice of fear ...
Ending of Self / Ende des Selbst / Fim de Si Mesmo / Fin del Yo
Man has throughout the ages been seeking something beyond himself, beyond material welfare. Something we call truth or God or reality, a timeless state - something that can not be disturbed by circumstances, by thought or by Human corruption. Man has always asked the question: What is it all about? Has life any meaning at all? He sees ...
Shape the World / Gestalten die Welt / Formar o Mundo / Forma el Mundo
Only three steps to awaken your divine universal knowledge that is already within you, your unique gifts, talents and experiences. Follow the source of truth, which will enable you to have the right thought, the right action at the right time. True transformation is never easy. True transformation will stretch you, expand your potential, deepen your gifts to ...
Human Behaviour / Menschliches Verhalten / Comportamento Humano / Comportamiento Humano
You do not have a clue about the underlying forces that drive your behavior. These underlying forces that drive your behavior are actually your values. Your values are some of the most important things in your life if you want to live it with purpose. Otherwise, you will regularly feel stressed, frustrated, and purposeless. You have allowed ...
Remember to say I love you / Vergiss nicht Ich liebe Dich zu Sagen / Lembre-se de dizer Te Amo / Recuerda de decir Te Amo
The paradox of our (life) time(s) is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more ...
The last Wish / Der letzte Wunsch / O último Desejo / El ultimo Deseo
When someone wishes for something on his deathbed, there is a certain moral obligation on the person to whom the wish is expressed, to fulfill it regardless of how hard it is to do so. A dying wish resembles what the person wanted the most in his life; a desire he held very strongly in his ...
Note before I Die / Notizen bevor ich Sterbe / Notas antes de Morrer / Notas antes de Morir
It is a strange thing to realise and accept your mortality at 26 years young. It is just one of those things you ignore. The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming; until the unexpected happens. I always imagined myself growing old, wrinkled and grey - most likely caused by the ...
Regrets of the Dying / Bedauern der Sterbenden / Arrependimentos dos que estão Morrendo / Arrepentimiento de los Moribundos
I wish I had had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. When you realize that your life is almost over and you look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. You have not honored even a half of your ...
What is important in your Life / Was wichtig ist in Deinem Leben / O que é importante na Sua Vida / Que es importante en Tu Vida
The pain of loss is important. Pain is really an instructor about caring. It tells you, you are vulnerable. We care where we hurt - and we hurt where we care. The gift of pain is a message about what is important in life. It not only tells you how to love; it also provides you ...
Sowing the seeds of Hope / Samen der Hoffnung Säen / Semeando as sementes da Esperança / Sembrando las semillas de la Esperanza
If you could accomplish anything in the World – anything – what would it be. When was the last time you allowed yourself a moment to dream big about your life or your future. As a child you had dreams that were larger than life. Your imagination could turn cardboard boxes into rocket ships on the moon ...
Self-sacrifice is a moral Duty / Selbstopferung ist eine moralische Pflicht / Auto-sacrificio é um dever Moral / Autosacrificio es un deber Moral
The greater the motivation to move into action, the greater strength a person can access, and there is no greater incentive than saving your life or the life of someone you love. Self-sacrifice and altruism are some of the most highly prized qualities. The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his ...
Your choice of Truth / Deine Wahl der Wahrheit / Tu escolha de Verdade / Tu elección de la Verdad
The truth is not as straightforward as it seems. There are many truths, some of them more honest than others. On most issues there are multiple truths you can choose. Your choice of truth will influence how those around you perceive an issue and react to it. Your choice of truth and what you share with ...
Nothing lasts Forever / Nichts hält Ewig / Nada dura para Sempre / Nada dura para Siempre
If you look at the size of you compared to the size of planet Earth, compared to our solar system, compared to the entire universe, you can only come to one conclusion: You are insignificant. In the grand scheme of things, you do not matter at all. Yet, at the very same time, you need to ...
Turning point in Life / Wendepunkt im Leben / Ponto de virada da Vida / Punto de inflexion en la Vida
The World economy has already crossed or is about of crossing a whole set of planetary boundaries, each one of which represents a planetary emergency in its own right. Including ocean acidification, loss of biological diversity, the disruption of nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, disappearance of fresh water, land cover change (deforestation), and growing pollution from synthetic ...
A thing about Life / Eine Sache über das Leben / Uma coisa sobre a Vida / Una cosa sobre la Vida
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.I did not wish to live what was not life, living is ...