Even when people are physically in the same room as one another, they are updating their status, following someone on twitter, texting, sexting, checking their email, googling something. Someone just said, looking up a video on YouTube, posting a picture they just took – all in between sentences. We are texting when we should be having ...
Too Beautiful / Zu Schön / Linda Demais / Demasiado Hermosa
Social media in general, and Instagram particularly, has a reputation for making its users feel rubbish about themselves. Instagram is the worst platform for mental health, and social media is fuelling a mental health crisis. The more you click your way through Instagram, Facebook and so on, the greater your dissatisfaction with your own appearance becomes. You can hardly escape the ...
A better connected World / Eine besser vernetzte Welt / Um mundo melhor Conectado / Un mundo mejor Conectado
As mankind evolved over many thousands of years, communication with each other has changed beyond recognition. Since the dawn of time, man’s first gestures to each other gradually led to the painting of symbols on cave walls. Then into languages, characters and thought processes, and then on to today’s digital tools, all steps towards greater connection. No matter ...
A Love Story / Eine Liebesgeschichte / Uma história de Amor / Una historia de Amor
We have an intimate relationship with our phones. We sleep with them, eat with them and carry them in our pockets. We check them, on average, 47 times a day and 82 times if you are between 18 and 24 years old. We love them for good reason: They tell the weather and the time of ...
It’s all about Love / Es geht um Liebe / É tudo sobre Amor / Es todo sobre Amor
Life is very simple – Love is all that matters. Love is the most amazing thing in your life. It is what makes you Human, what makes your life worth living. Nothing else truly matters. Love does not make the World go around but it makes the ride worthwhile. The World today is just not working. You need ...
Time to know the Truth / Zeit die Wahrheit zu Erfahren / Na hora de conhecer a Verdade / Hora de conocer la Verdad
If Earth’s history is compared to a calendar year, modern Human life has existed for 23 minutes and we have used one third of Earth’s natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds. The environmental footprint is a measure of Human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It says something about how many planet Earth's we need to ...
Trapped in Time / In der Zeit Gefangen / Preso no Tempo / Atrapado en el Tiempo
We are trapped in time. You are carried in it with no detours from one moment to the next, from today into tomorrow, from this year into next, from summer to winter, from birth to death. And apparently we are stuck at one spot in it: the present. Time has us pinned to the now. Neither ...
Does the Now Exist / Gibt es das Jetzt / Existe o Agora / Existe el Ahora
Now is a non-existing point in space, without space or time. Now can not be comprehended through sensory experience and it does not exist in a physical reality. Now is the point where each moment arrives and passes back into space but Now does not come or go. Who you truly are is not bound by ...
No fear in the Now / Keine Angst im Jetzt / Nenhum medo no Agora / Ningún miedo en el Ahora
Regret and worry are both fear. Regret looks to the past and worry looks to the future. Fear is a function of your Ego. Your Ego is fear-based. That is why fear seeks to control. Fear seeks to control you so that it can use you to control your environment. Of course fear never achieves complete ...
Giving is Living / Geben ist Leben / Doár e Viver / Dar es Vivir
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody. - Chinese saying There are moments in your life when you realize the true meaning of life and ...
How much is Enough / Wieviel ist Genug / Quanto é Suficiente / Cuánto es Suficiente
You often want more than you have now. More money, more gadgets, better furniture, a better house, a better car, more clothes, more shoes, more success. You are not satisfied, because there are new ads for new iPods, for new laptops, for new iPhones, for new cars, for new clothes. You have to have those. It is impossible ...
MindShift is about You / MindShift geht um Dich / MindShift é sobre Você / MindShift se trata de Ti
MindShift is about You engaging in the process of Evolution, seeing parts of a greater whole, valuing diversity as a strength. engaging with conflict not as something to be fought and won, but rather as an opportunity to realize new and creative possibilities. Expanding Your identity as a Human in the web of life and functioning at higher ...
We are One / Wir sind Eins / Nós somos Um / Somos Uno
He was the sixth person to walk on the moon. On the trip home Dr. Mitchell sat in the window seat of the space capsule. As he saw Earth floating freely in the vastness of space, a profound sense of universal connectedness engulfed him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1Kzs9wGlYI The presence of divinity became almost palpable, and I knew that life in ...
Modern Humans / Moderne Mensch / Homen Modernp / Hombre Moderno
Modern humans (Homo sapiens) are the only extant members of the Human tribe, a branch to the family of great apes. Early Humans, whose brains are more similar to ancestral non-human apes used fire, occupied much of Eurasia, and gave rise to Modern humans in Africa about 200,000 years ago. Around 50,000 years ago, in several waves ...
Worthless Chicken / Wertloses Hühnchen / Frango sem Valor / Pollo sin Valor
Male chicken are worthless to the egg industry, so every year, millions of them are suffocated or thrown into high-speed grinders, called macerators, while they are still alive. Industrial meat chicken farming is one of the biggest causes of animal suffering globally. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExP3VGSPzrU Yet most people have no idea about the suffering these intelligent, sensitive animals endure. The welfare ...
Life-cycle of a Product / Lebenszyklus eines Produktes / Ciclo de vida de um Produto / Ciclo de vida de un Producto
The life-cycle of a product begins with design, then proceeds through manufacture, distribution, use and then follows through the waste hierarchy's stages of reduce, reuse and recycle. Each of the above stages of the life-cycle of a product offers opportunities for policy intervention, to rethink the need for the product, to redesign to minimize waste potential, ...
The place where we are Alive / Der Ort an dem wir Leben / O lugar onde estamos Vivos / El lugar donde estamos Vivos
I want to raise Awareness of our wonderful planet Earth which we have the privilege to be part of. That is why we have to take responsibility for it - for the place where we are alive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Z1eMy2FoX4 Environmental Awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its protection. Environmentalism is an ideology ...
If all the People / Wenn alle Leute / Se todas as Pessoas / Si toda la Gente
The World is full of terribly self-centred people, and I am afraid you are probably among them. Emotions such as Love, loyalty, and outrage, like a sense of fairness, have little or no place in most of today’s utility functions; a narrow selfishness is pervasive. Most of us claim to feel solidarity towards the thousands of refugees ...
Escape the Rat Race / Entkomme dem Rattenrennen / Escapa da corrida dos Ratos / Escape de la carrera de Ratas
I met a lot of people with great dreams, dreams to own their own home without a mortgage, dreams to start their own business, to be free from an existing job they are not satisfied with, dreams to simply travel the World or be free to sit under a tree and play a guitar. Most people ...
It depends on You / Es hängt von Dir Ab / Depende de Você / Depende de Ti
We look to George Orwell as a kind of prophet of the ills of corporatism, socialism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism - any powerful -ism, essentially, in which we can find nasty, freedom-destroying implications. George Orwell makes his point by highlighting his 'warning' to what he saw as a fast corporatizing / socializing / authoriatarianizing / totalitarianizing World and ...
Culture is not your Friend / Kultur ist nicht dein Freund / Cultura não é sua Amiga / Cultura no es tu Amiga
What civilization is is 6 billion people trying to make themselves happy by standing on each other’s shoulders and kicking each other’s teeth in. It’s not a pleasant situation.And yet you can stand back and look at this planet and see that we have the money, the power, the medical understanding, the scientific know-how, the ...
Culture is your operating System / Kultur ist Dein Betriebssystem / Cultura é o seu sistema Operacional / Cultura es tu sistema Operativo
Our unhappy, addicted, ego-driven condition has become not simply the source of our own unhappiness - that was bad enough, but now it's the source of great discomfort and dislocation for all life and Human Society on the planet.We are out of control. We are basically severely addicted to things and can not stop ourselves.And we ...
You are Addicted / Du bist Süchtig / Você é Viciado / Eres Adicto
You are addicted to socializing online and it distracts you from being and living. You are addicted to Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook; you have a craving to know everything about everyone, but what benefit does this bring to you as a person. You should stay connected to the real-world and not let it pass you by. ...
Look Up / Schau nach Oben / Olhe para Cima / Ojo hacia Arriba
A spoken word film for an online generation. ‘Look Up’ is a lesson taught to us through a Love story, in a World where we continue to find ways to make it easier for us to connect with one another, but always results in us spending more time alone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7dLU6fk9QY I do not want you to stop using social media or smartphones. It is ...
Nobody cares about what you Post / Niemand interessiert sich dafür, was Du Postest / Ninguem se importa com o que Você Publica / A nadie se importa lo que publicas
There is a very simple reason a like on social media feels so good. It gives you a high - a real, physiological high - and it is fundamentally the reason you keep going back to it. It is a reward cycle, you get a squirt of dopamine every time you get a like or a ...